ONS wants something?


Senior Don Juan
Jan 28, 2013
Reaction score
Out there
She’s an ONS from a few months ago, 7.5-8 huge attention where, 23, divorced. The night I fvcked her (our first “date”) she gave some AFC her phone number in the toilet. Decided to fvck her anyway, she is hot. However sex was good, she rode my c0ck with enthusiasm so I decided to keep her around, see if she can be upgraded to a FWB. That was until she showed up very drunk to my birthday in a bar, a week later. Dumped her callously the next morning, then NC.

Since then her interest in me skyrocketed. Wanted to meet 2 weeks later, I assumed she wanted an ego boost or wanted to get back with me. Told her I don't want to get back together with her. She ended up making a scene and screaming in a bar. I left in dsgust.

6 weeks after the breakup we go out on a crazy date I suggested (wanted to road test some stuff), she at some point asked me if I’m seeing anybody. I told her yes, as I started seeing the BPD chick (sigh).

Eventually she found some dude and she wants to take is slow with him. I told her I’m skeptical about it if she wants to take it slow. Anyway, I was in the honeymoon period with the BPD so I warmly congratulated her. She drops from the face of the earth. Until a few days ago.

Current situation:
ONS knows I have a GF (and that I’m bored with her). She came around again 2 days ago, sat by my side (uninvited and out of the blue) as I was in a bar working on my laptop. Conversation is good and witty as ususal. A lot of taunting on both sides. I told her I had a very busy week and look forward to get wasted this weekend. She said “You’re too late, I already have plans.” I replied smirking with “Aren’t you a bit presumptuous?”. She laughed it off, and we kept taunting each other.
A female friend of mine arrives and sits down and the ONS snaps saying “You could’ve told me your waiting for somebody” and storms off quite p1ssed.
Yesterday she pops up again with some orbiters, sat on my couch. After a few taunts exchanged she blurted out of nowhere “Despite you being skeptical, I still have a BF”. I gave her a blank stare and asked “So?” She kept pushing for that, so eventually I suggested, as a joke that she should have a t-shirt saying “I have a boyfriend” and changed the subject.

I’m not sure if this is just a way to boost her ego. Fact is I don’t want her as a GF but I woudn’t mind having her as a fvck buddy. What do you DJs make of it?


Master Don Juan
Jan 5, 2008
Reaction score
A ONS doesn't merit this much text.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 28, 2013
Reaction score
Out there
I’m not into her. Just stating the facts accurately, learning curve here.


Master Don Juan
Sep 21, 2008
Reaction score
You are too into the drama. There is no positive benefit to dealing with these kinds of garbage girls.

captain A

Don Juan
Jan 5, 2013
Reaction score
she obviously wants your nuts but that AW crap just isn't cool.
You have to show that you have standards and stick to them. Ditch that girl.