"Online Dating Sucks For Men Because Of Women Like Me"


Master Don Juan
Mar 30, 2016
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All she's really saying is that feminism is BS and that gender roles are innate. She has all the knowledge and freedom required to act less feminine and yet her biological drive is strong enough to ignore it.

So OLD is like any other dating. The masculine, confident man will win. Don't be a passive nice guy and you'll do fine.

It did annoy me that women would ignore me at first but honestly, after a while it just didn't bother me. Focus on the women who reciprocate and try, then start filtering through the low quality. I actually started to have fun with OLD as soon as I stopped caring. I'd basically do what I wanted to do. Make jokes, be sexist, ask them out when I felt like it. Went on a bunch of dates with moderate to high quality women. It was fine.

Now, with all that said, since I'm now in an LTR and off OLD, I have been focusing on keeping my skills sharp in person at social events and I do have to say, I really enjoy that more. If I end up single, I think I will probably make that my focus and keep OLD as a boredom killer. Also, that aura you have when you're already in a relationship makes flirting so much easier. I swear other women can smell it.


Master Don Juan
Jan 4, 2012
Reaction score
Personally, I killed it on OLD. Its simply figuring out through trial and error what works for you. I went through a lot of pics/profiles until i found what worked for me...both from a profile standpoint and from initial messaging standpoint.

When you REALLY get dialed in with OLD you'll find that new pvssy becomes a waterfall and things become so easy its almost like shooting fish in a barrel.

Most guys fragile egos cant handle that amount of rejection to get to that place tho. Or they are too lazy to put in the work to figure it out.


Master Don Juan
Jan 24, 2012
Reaction score
Amsterdam, Netherlands
Most men are not emotionally stable.
They let external things control their internal world too much. They are euphoric like a toddler when they get a new toy, and cry like a toddler when the toy is taken away. All symptoms of fragile egos, which is to blame of social media, social conditioning, tv, and a lack of spiritual awareness.
A stable man, doesnt go up and down on an egoic rollercoaster of highs and lows in life. He stays in the stable middle ground.


Master Don Juan
Jan 4, 2012
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Sure keep blaming the average guy for being lazy...the environment setting has nothing do with it.

Its like anything else in life. People who want to make excuses will and people who want to succeed will. Does this come into play? Sure. Work harder and overcome it. People are so afraid to work these days and want everything handed to them.

Young people's idea of hard work these days is to take a 20 minute break from their phones each hour to do some work.


Master Don Juan
Sep 20, 2007
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OLD is like taking candy from a baby.

I provided everyone with a solid outline in how to be an OLD king, and have your inbox flooded with hot women. But most of you are too lazy to execute and rather "point fingers" at the injustices of dating online.

Don't blame OLD politics, blame yourself.


Master Don Juan
Jan 4, 2012
Reaction score
OLD is like taking candy from a baby.

I provided everyone with a solid outline in how to be an OLD king, and have your inbox flooded with hot women. But most of you are too lazy to execute and rather "point fingers" at the injustices of dating online.

Don't blame OLD politics, blame yourself.
Pretty much my point and I have done the same several times

Who Dares Win

Master Don Juan
Jan 16, 2012
Reaction score
Guys I understand your point of view yet I dont believe bashing a good salesman is right when all around him he has 2 buyers for his stuff and 100 other salesman.

Would you work in a market where your labour force is so common and cheap that your work to return ratio is so unfavourable.

Personally I would rather change market and be paid a fair amount for my effort rather than taking part in a rat race and be rewarded with a cube of cheese after nonstop work.

While what you say its right (if u are the best out of 100 and there is only 1 target you get it despite the market), but totally disagree about bashing the average man to fail when even those right below the top do, Im for moving to a better market rather that persist to work hard for a disproportional return.

I apply to the dating market the same dynamics of the work market, if I'm a decent professional but my work is unappreciated or badly paid, I move where I could get better standards.

Are you gonna call loser a decent engineer that moves abroad cause all he gets in his country its a low salary due to oversupply of engineers compared to the demand?

Would you expect him to do even more work than he already did and work twice the time for a +5% increase in salary?


Apr 9, 2018
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OLD is like taking candy from a baby.

I provided everyone with a solid outline in how to be an OLD king, and have your inbox flooded with hot women. But most of you are too lazy to execute and rather "point fingers" at the injustices of dating online.

Don't blame OLD politics, blame yourself.
Post the link to that thread here my man.

Help these guys out.


Master Don Juan
Feb 15, 2018
Reaction score
OLD is like taking candy from a baby.

I provided everyone with a solid outline in how to be an OLD king, and have your inbox flooded with hot women. But most of you are too lazy to execute and rather "point fingers" at the injustices of dating online.

Don't blame OLD politics, blame yourself.
Do share the online. Always looking to better my game.

Dash Riprock

Master Don Juan
Sep 16, 2005
Reaction score
Mile High City, USA
If the dating world is a s*hit show right now, OLD is the sewage plant.

First, I've been in the game long enough to know that there's no "fool proof" OLD "system nor is it like shooting fish in a barrel, so I'm calling BS on all that. I have had success in OLD but, I only date women 10-20 years younger than me and considering age is the number one sort/filter option women use, I face an uphill battle. Still, last year I did date and have s*ex with three hot 30-somethings and casually dated a few more from OLD (mainly Match.com), BUT it took A LOT of messages to get to that point.

The author of the blog sums it up. I don't care who you are or what "OLD system" you have, for the hot women, you're competing against 100's of other suitors. They're inboxes are filled constantly. Most don't even read your message, they don't have to. They're dating 5-6 guys off OLD now.

My reasons for posting the link are two-fold: First, it validated that OLD is heavily weighted towards females. Second, as Cory Wayne states, even if 3% of all men actually "get" dating and attraction, the odds of you being the 3% Man (by her assessment) in her inbox simply by way of an OLD message are quite minimal. So, said hot OLD girl is sorting through messages from predominantly weak betas and a few DJs, but anyone (DJ or beta) can write a decent message and post a few good pics.

I much rather prefer meeting in-person. I've also had great success with SeekingArrangement.com too, and I don't "pay" for se*x or dates. I'm quite upfront what I do and don't do. I use it as a dating site with a lot of success. The girls on that site are looking for men (not weak, snowflake "boys") and are far more accepting of an age difference of 10+ years than your average Match or OK Cupid s*lut. It's a fricking goldmine for me.

However, other than SA (because the "rules" are different on that site), OLD has solidly contributed to the bad behavior we consistently see in women these days by overtly validating (in their mind) they're special, scarce, in demand, all that BS because of way the OLD game is rigged. When your inbox is stuffed with messages from men fawning all over you and any decent looking girl can have a date every night of the week, even on a subconscious level, how can it NOT facilitate and precipitate bratty, bad, self-centered behavior?? Plain and simple.

Who Dares Win

Master Don Juan
Jan 16, 2012
Reaction score
If the dating world is a s*hit show right now, OLD is the sewage plant.

First, I've been in the game long enough to know that there's no "fool proof" OLD "system nor is it like shooting fish in a barrel, so I'm calling BS on all that. I have had success in OLD but, I only date women 10-20 years younger than me and considering age is the number one sort/filter option women use, I face an uphill battle. Still, last year I did date and have s*ex with three hot 30-somethings and casually dated a few more from OLD (mainly Match.com), BUT it took A LOT of messages to get to that point.

The author of the blog sums it up. I don't care who you are or what "OLD system" you have, for the hot women, you're competing against 100's of other suitors. They're inboxes are filled constantly. Most don't even read your message, they don't have to. They're dating 5-6 guys off OLD now.

My reasons for posting the link are two-fold: First, it validated that OLD is heavily weighted towards females. Second, as Cory Wayne states, even if 3% of all men actually "get" dating and attraction, the odds of you being the 3% Man (by her assessment) in her inbox simply by way of an OLD message are quite minimal. So, said hot OLD girl is sorting through messages from predominantly weak betas and a few DJs, but anyone (DJ or beta) can write a decent message and post a few good pics.

I much rather prefer meeting in-person. I've also had great success with SeekingArrangement.com too, and I don't "pay" for se*x or dates. I'm quite upfront what I do and don't do. I use it as a dating site with a lot of success. The girls on that site are looking for men (not weak, snowflake "boys") and are far more accepting of an age difference of 10+ years than your average Match or OK Cupid s*lut. It's a fricking goldmine for me.

However, other than SA (because the "rules" are different on that site), OLD has solidly contributed to the bad behavior we consistently see in women these days by overtly validating (in their mind) they're special, scarce, in demand, all that BS because of way the OLD game is rigged. When your inbox is stuffed with messages from men fawning all over you and any decent looking girl can have a date every night of the week, even on a subconscious level, how can it NOT facilitate and precipitate bratty, bad, self-centered behavior?? Plain and simple.
Agree on every single line, very well said.


Master Don Juan
Feb 15, 2018
Reaction score
If the dating world is a s*hit show right now, OLD is the sewage plant.

First, I've been in the game long enough to know that there's no "fool proof" OLD "system nor is it like shooting fish in a barrel, so I'm calling BS on all that. I have had success in OLD but, I only date women 10-20 years younger than me and considering age is the number one sort/filter option women use, I face an uphill battle. Still, last year I did date and have s*ex with three hot 30-somethings and casually dated a few more from OLD (mainly Match.com), BUT it took A LOT of messages to get to that point.

The author of the blog sums it up. I don't care who you are or what "OLD system" you have, for the hot women, you're competing against 100's of other suitors. They're inboxes are filled constantly. Most don't even read your message, they don't have to. They're dating 5-6 guys off OLD now.

My reasons for posting the link are two-fold: First, it validated that OLD is heavily weighted towards females. Second, as Cory Wayne states, even if 3% of all men actually "get" dating and attraction, the odds of you being the 3% Man (by her assessment) in her inbox simply by way of an OLD message are quite minimal. So, said hot OLD girl is sorting through messages from predominantly weak betas and a few DJs, but anyone (DJ or beta) can write a decent message and post a few good pics.

I much rather prefer meeting in-person. I've also had great success with SeekingArrangement.com too, and I don't "pay" for se*x or dates. I'm quite upfront what I do and don't do. I use it as a dating site with a lot of success. The girls on that site are looking for men (not weak, snowflake "boys") and are far more accepting of an age difference of 10+ years than your average Match or OK Cupid s*lut. It's a fricking goldmine for me.

However, other than SA (because the "rules" are different on that site), OLD has solidly contributed to the bad behavior we consistently see in women these days by overtly validating (in their mind) they're special, scarce, in demand, all that BS because of way the OLD game is rigged. When your inbox is stuffed with messages from men fawning all over you and any decent looking girl can have a date every night of the week, even on a subconscious level, how can it NOT facilitate and precipitate bratty, bad, self-centered behavior?? Plain and simple.

I was on OLD prior to 2010, it was much better. I had women contacting me left and right. Now, there's just too much competition and women, even they average or below have an obscene advantage over above average men. I'm a pretty good looking guy with status and money, and decent game, and it's been a tough go for me as well; just being honest. I'm taking off for the summer and going to git some of the better bars in the hotels. Women come up to me left and right. It's crazy that it's the complete opposite in OLD.

Dash Riprock

Master Don Juan
Sep 16, 2005
Reaction score
Mile High City, USA
I was on OLD prior to 2010, it was much better. I had women contacting me left and right. Now, there's just too much competition and women, even they average or below have an obscene advantage over above average men. I'm a pretty good looking guy with status and money, and decent game, and it's been a tough go for me as well; just being honest. I'm taking off for the summer and going to git some of the better bars in the hotels. Women come up to me left and right. It's crazy that it's the complete opposite in OLD.
Agreed RUG Man.

I was on OLD even in the late 90's and early 2000's and it was exponentially better back then. I also was looking for women around my age so I'm sure that contributed. BUT, I can say the behavior of ALL women back then was better too. Now, all the dating apps have created legions of spoiled women with men fawning all over them. It's really f*ucked up their psyche because women are pre-programmed to settle down, nest, and take care of young--in all species including ours. Anything to the contrary is BS. Nature has spoken. But, technology has so far tilted the advantage towards females that its screwed with their DNA programming. It's like being at a buffet with all your favorite foods and you can eat and never feel full. How fun! Are you going to keep eating the same thing? Of course not. Once you get sick of the lobster, you'll go for the steak, then salmon, then dessert, then more crab, etc., etc. That's why women have become so much more flighty and flaky. Too many choices generated by dating apps and sites---period.

Moral of story, stay off OLD or use it as a very light augment to your overall strategy. When meeting a woman, I would casually ask what she thinks of OLD and if she's on a few different sites, you probably have a super-flake and "professional dater" as I call them, so I would eject.

Good luck.


Master Don Juan
Apr 18, 2018
Reaction score
So Cal
I believe the most annoying thing that OLD has created is that even in the real world, most women believe they are all HB 8+. OLD has made them self deceptive and delusional; as the below average women are even getting matches or messages from every guy. I have some women friends who are 5’s, and they want that perfect male. They demand it and won’t even settle for second, let alone fourth best. It’s hypergamy intensified.

Now you take in to account what @Dash Riprock said and the actual hot chicks have guys coming at them from every direction. In every situation. So perfect OLD profile or not, your odds are absolutely terrible of even getting a message back.

And for the average male who doesn’t have amazing looks or wads of cash, or his dream career YET, how the hell is he getting messages back? One can’t compare a male model looking man with an average specimen male with a weak jawline and a height of 5’9”.

Since women are being inundated with messages every second, of every day, they will only get their head turned by that top 1% of male.
Ever watch a woman play on tinder? Only right swipes for that perfect looking male. And even if they match with someone, that first message hasn’t to be perfect. Every single message is under a ton of scrutiny from the woman.


Master Don Juan
Jan 10, 2008
Reaction score
Personally, I killed it on OLD. Its simply figuring out through trial and error what works for you. I went through a lot of pics/profiles until i found what worked for me...both from a profile standpoint and from initial messaging standpoint.

When you REALLY get dialed in with OLD you'll find that new pvssy becomes a waterfall and things become so easy its almost like shooting fish in a barrel.

Most guys fragile egos cant handle that amount of rejection to get to that place tho. Or they are too lazy to put in the work to figure it out.
This is pretty much the story of human life on Earth.

Few things are easy from the get go, most give up.

But with enough persistence, most anything can be learned by simply applying trial and error learning, getting a little bit better after each iteration.

Essentially, few people or organizations succeed from the get go, and rather succeed after a sh*ton of trial and error experimentation, learning etc.

Fortunately (or unfortunately depending on how you look at it) most guys have very little "game" (social skills, personality, etc) so it doesn't take much to develop a competitive advantage.

Poonani Maker

Master Don Juan
Apr 29, 2007
Reaction score
At my age, I can't pursue at all really. I'm so flippant with females now, and I experience their insipid attitudes no.matter.how.fat.or.grotesque Usually the fatter or less appealing the more sour attitude I experience (today for instance, EVERYDAY for instance). I stay upbeat and cheery and generally easy-going and happy, inserting/slipping in funny (at least to me) little one-liners whether she likes it or not, and much of it is about PACE of your voice (you know, you've heard Neuro-Linguistic-Programming for years). I've yet to have "other dudes" confront me when I'm being flirtatious with (apparently his wife/girlfriend cause I didn't know or he wasn't around) her. My problem is the hooking-on I get from females MY AGE or OLDER that Really do think I'd want or they have a chance with me (when it is an absolutely flat-out NO and the more my body and eyes scream NO they grow more and more infatuated JUST BECAUSE I linger and still talk to them so as not to appear rude for cutting the convo short and skipping of there (when I should). People that I should not give my time over to ABUSE it and keep me present there Talk, Talk, Talking for several minutes - an hour would be absurd for me to allow happen and it never happens usually just 10-20 minutes, but that's too long too. I don't know why I go on wasting my time with women who I have Absolutely NO INTEREST in EVER fvcking. It's a real Drain. The ones I would fvck are very well occupied with several swingin d!cks so they can just smile and Me and cut me off easily and quickly with No cares of being "rude" whatsoever. There are sad, depressed younger females though that want to have me around and to talk with me for a very long time, some of them married. And why, oh why, would I want that dead-feeling soul?? who wants to fvck a dead-inside person? It's quite a life we gentlemen have, that there most Certainly ISN'T a female for every male (as they used to tell us growing up). I guess that the best a man can do is to Always be putting himself out there in public, doing things ALWAYS and he'll be bound to eventually run into a match. Of course, the things you do must be things a female would show up to do herself, so a lot of times going to the range and shooting weaponry is not the best idea, but females do on occasion show up there to, albeit with another guy or 2 or 3 or 10 (just her and maybe her girlfriend both runnin trains potentially). But just go and do go and do and not stay at home, maybe you'll find your match, though much of us guys I know having worked our mfin as5es off week in and week out bustin our tails for the almighty dollar, a lot of times us guys want to just plop our as5es AT HOME during our time off and REST. It's only natural. You can only strive so much, but habits make the man. Develope new habits of venturing out at least moderately. It's tough. I met a guy in church today (one I'd never been to) and he'd been a janitor, short guy, non-white kinda ugly, but he sat next to me and told me how he was only there cause his wife wasn't (she had a restraining order on him and was in the process of divorcing him - his 4th!!!!!). I told him how sorry I was, he said that he was kicked out of the choir, and the church seemed to give me the cold shoulder for just having sat next to him (actually he came and sat next to me - How am I supposed to combat that??). Superficial idiotic people everywhere man.

Who Dares Win

Master Don Juan
Jan 16, 2012
Reaction score
Dash how old are you btw? and how old are the girls u manage to get old?


Apr 9, 2018
Reaction score
Women play by different rules. Stupid betas play by women's rules. Alphas treat women like shyt and women treat betas like shyt.

Guys want to cry over women acting the fool, but when its time to check these bitches most guys pussie out and go white knight. Women have no reason to act right because they're surround by soft ass bitched men who won't check them. All this weak turn the other cheek feminine bullshyt you betas tell each other is the problem.