Oneitis feelings come backing --- after 8 years

The Unforgiven III

New Member
Sep 23, 2008
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Hey guys. I read the DJ bible - about 5 years ago. I've studied it, applied it, lived it, etc. I've hooked up with HB 7s, 8s, 9s, etc. I've had a tremendous single life. More than I could have ever dreamed of -- thanks to this site. For some reason or another, deep, penetrating thoughts about my oneitis keep sprouting up, after 8 years. It's really starting to freak me out. I mean, I could understand it would still be there if I hadn't hooked up with any chicks, but I have. Tons of women. Bars/clubs/parties/online. There is absolutely no reason I should still be harboring feelings about my oneitis, but I still do. It has has been EIGHT YEARS. I haven't spoken to this girl, or had any form of contact whatsoever. I have these deep, intrusive, resonating thoughts that I can't shake, nor have I ever been able to. Is there something pathologically wrong with me? I mean, just last week I was having sex with a HB 9 and I was envisioning it was my oneitis. It feels like I'm either psycho, or there's something seriously deranged with me.

My oneitis led me to this site, many many years ago. I wonder if subconsciously this place reminds me of her and that's the reason for these negative, emotionally draining thoughts. Spinning plates isn't fixing this, having hobbies isn't working, etc.

Can someone shed some light as to what is going on inside my head? Because I can't figure it out.

Thanks guys.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 15, 2009
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Its not as complex a phenomena as you might think, having meaningless sex with many women won't make up for having a real emotional connection with your ex/one-itis, the only way to get over your obsession of her is to find a woman who you connect with or fall for, in other words dating and screwing multiple women is a strategy for finding better women in order to forget the previous one you were hung up over cause the realization that there are so many women who can fill her role and have better and varied qualities should be enough to help you forget and move on

The fact that you're having these thoughts could be a revelation that you really haven't had any significant relationships since or that you should consider that route


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2012
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The Viagra Pill you wish you had...- United Kingdo
Human behavior dictates that the grass can look greener on the other side of the fence until you get there and realize you want to go back where you came from. This can be especially true if you were dumped by a woman instead of being the dumper.

It could be that your personality is such that you always want what you can't have, something you need to look deep inwardly and be conscious of those trends.

Perhaps you have just been hump & dumping women, and instead, need to develop some deep connection and intimacy instead. Every woman is different from another - and it takes time to say 'no' to many before you come to the right one. However, you must also let them into your life as well - we all risk getting hurt in this process, but that's life isn't it.

With respect,
