OMG I’m An AFC!!!


Don Juan
Feb 4, 2007
Reaction score
I decided to wait until about mid morning to leave for the gym, a nice workout would suite me well. As I pulled into the parking lot I realized that the lot was packed with grocery getters and overpriced gas-guzzlers. “Oh no!” I thought out loud, startling myself half to death. I just couldn’t help but think that I have a hard time focusing on my workout when a large amount of people are around. “Well, I’ll just do my thing and have a great work out anyway.”

Yeah right.

It’s hard to build confidence when I’m a scrawny man trying to bulk up and I am constantly staring in awe of all the guys whose arms are as big as my head! I quickly realized that my discomfort was debilitating and any sort of a great workout was out of the window. So I quickly went about my business and got the hell out of there as quick as I could. (Couple this with an HB8 and an HB7 working behind the desk and my total lack of ability to skillfully approach seemed to help determine my downfall).

On my way home I couldn’t help but feel as though estrogen was pumping through my veins – like a damn pvssy. The needy, clingy ego that just gives up when the going gets tough was drawn out into the daylight. I was able to see it for what it is, an AFC. Perhaps in the past I would have said to myself, “that’s alright, I don’t need to work out, if I feel this uncomfortable then this must not be for me.” PAHHHSH HOG WASH! I have finally realized that this attitude is the attitude of an AFC and I REFUSE to give in. I will not give up. Giving up is for pvssies!

Tomorrow I plan on getting in there around 5am while everyone else is still rubbing sleep from their eyes. The AFC will be drawn out again when I can crush it!


Master Don Juan
Aug 8, 2006
Reaction score
Why do you envy the meatheads so much? A lot of guys in the gym are big, too big if you ask me, but often they're not that handsome.

Are you tall? If so, then you have something those big ,stocky, and often short guys will never have.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 9, 2006
Reaction score
G-Theory said:
I decided to wait until about mid morning to leave for the gym, a nice workout would suite me well. As I pulled into the parking lot I realized that the lot was packed with grocery getters and overpriced gas-guzzlers. “Oh no!” I thought out loud, startling myself half to death. I just couldn’t help but think that I have a hard time focusing on my workout when a large amount of people are around. “Well, I’ll just do my thing and have a great work out anyway.”

Yeah right.

It’s hard to build confidence when I’m a scrawny man trying to bulk up and I am constantly staring in awe of all the guys whose arms are as big as my head! I quickly realized that my discomfort was debilitating and any sort of a great workout was out of the window. So I quickly went about my business and got the hell out of there as quick as I could. (Couple this with an HB8 and an HB7 working behind the desk and my total lack of ability to skillfully approach seemed to help determine my downfall).

On my way home I couldn’t help but feel as though estrogen was pumping through my veins – like a damn pvssy. The needy, clingy ego that just gives up when the going gets tough was drawn out into the daylight. I was able to see it for what it is, an AFC. Perhaps in the past I would have said to myself, “that’s alright, I don’t need to work out, if I feel this uncomfortable then this must not be for me.” PAHHHSH HOG WASH! I have finally realized that this attitude is the attitude of an AFC and I REFUSE to give in. I will not give up. Giving up is for pvssies!

Tomorrow I plan on getting in there around 5am while everyone else is still rubbing sleep from their eyes. The AFC will be drawn out again when I can crush it!
lol. what are you? a gym owner? some musclehead seeking validation? you're a lame @ss

Aaron B

Master Don Juan
Sep 8, 2005
Reaction score
Why do you care what other people think?

The only power someone has over you, is the power you give them.

If you go in and follow an actual program, no one is going to pay you any attention. But if you just do a couple of exercises, then leave (like a skinny kid did at my gym today), then people will notice.

Its so worth it. Forget about short-term gains. Lift and eat for a year then see what you look like. You only need to improve in very small increments over a long period of time to see results.


Master Don Juan
Mar 11, 2004
Reaction score
OMG, I used to be EXACTLY like you. I used to HATE working out if anyone else was at the gym.

Here's how you overcome it: Go to the gym at peak hours. Force yourself to go when there are lots of people there. If possible, make friends with the more experienced guys, most of them are pretty cool and will be happy to help you out with a spot or something like that.

I used to hate going because I felt weak and that everyone was staring at me, but now I realize that NO ONE CARES. No one notices you, they're busy doing their own thing.