Older Guys and Younger Women Question


Master Don Juan
Jun 29, 2005
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Yeah so I'm curious:
How many younger women did you have?
What was the age gap between you two?

I'm sorta of wondering if you get alot of stares from people when your out in public with her. I sorta felt odd and unsomfortable when I went out with this much younger women. Our age differences was about 16 yrs (Yes she was a legal age. Damn perverts! :p ) .

I had alot of difficulties trying to realte to her. I did relate to her with certain things like certain TV shows that we both watch but the rest of it just felt awkward. My conversational skills sucked.


Master Don Juan
May 28, 2002
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There are three Age Rules

The first is the Age Rule which goes all the way back to early civilization times and is:

- Take your Age divide by 2 and add 7.

That is as young a woman as you should be with and you should try to come as close to that amount as you can.

- 30 / 2 +7 = 22

The second is that women do not reach full maturity until they are 24. Before that age, you don't know what you are getting into and if you are dating a woman under 24, you should only be thinking "have a good time while it lasts and this is only short-term."

The third is the 'clock is ticking" Age Rule. When women reach their early 30s, their sex drive quadruples as the drive to have a child or have their last children skyrockets. When they reach mid-30s, their looks go downhill exponentially fast and by the time they are 40, Mother Nature says they shouldn't be having children anymore and they become ugly grandmothers.


Master Don Juan
Nov 18, 2006
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Gold Coast. Aust.
I always date and marry women 10 years younger than I am.
I lke it -it never works out but I like the difference in age. somehow ??

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
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Galt's Gulch
JustDoItAlways said:
...The second is that women do not reach full maturity until they are 24. Before that age, you don't know what you are getting into and if you are dating a woman under 24, you should only be thinking "have a good time while it lasts and this is only short-term."....
I'm with 'ya about only thinking about having a good time if they're under 24 but as for that being the age that they reach full maturity is a bit optimistic in my opinion. I think that between the ages of 25 and 29 a woman "essence" is set. At this time she gets a grip on herself and defines who she is by her actions. She either hooks up with the wrong guy(s) and becomes bitter and/or has children (if she hasn't already) or she works on herself and her career. There's a few "in betweens" too but this is the time she either screws up her life or comes out somewhat normal.

Once she hits 29 or 30, what you see is pretty much what you get. This rolls pretty well into what she does in her 30s. And "no" it's not always a downhill spiral. It depends on what happens in those the span of time between 25 and 29. Usually the ones with lower mileage are still fun to drive. :p


Apr 27, 2006
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JustDoItAlways said:
There are three Age Rules

The first is the Age Rule which goes all the way back to early civilization times and is:

- Take your Age divide by 2 and add 7.

That is as young a woman as you should be with and you should try to come as close to that amount as you can.

- 30 / 2 +7 = 22

The second is that women do not reach full maturity until they are 24. Before that age, you don't know what you are getting into and if you are dating a woman under 24, you should only be thinking "have a good time while it lasts and this is only short-term."

The third is the 'clock is ticking" Age Rule. When women reach their early 30s, their sex drive quadruples as the drive to have a child or have their last children skyrockets. When they reach mid-30s, their looks go downhill exponentially fast and by the time they are 40, Mother Nature says they shouldn't be having children anymore and they become ugly grandmothers.
According to this, I shouldn't even be alive then. Daddy was a real man and didn't use formulas. He also would have laughed at how wimpish most American guys are these days. Fact of the matter is that most of you guys are scared of your own shadows. That is the reason that you are so concerned with what others in your little peer group think of you.


Master Don Juan
Jun 29, 2005
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sparky0000 said:
Fact of the matter is that most of you guys are scared of your own shadows. That is the reason that you are so concerned with what others in your little peer group think of you.
No its about being labeled as a pervert and being lumped together with "pedophiles". Its not what other peer groups think its how society ostracizes and treats you.

Not getting that promotion at work? Last hired first fired? Getting second hand service at a restaurant?


Master Don Juan
Jun 29, 2005
Reaction score
sparky0000 said:
... Daddy was a real man and didn't use formulas. He also would have laughed at how wimpish most American guys are these days.
If your not an American then you dont deal with the same problems. You dont have to deal with Opra, Dr Phil show and Cosmopolitan & Vogue magazine etc. putting nonsense into women's head. You dont have to deal with femine nazis and watch Tv commercials constantly putting men down since your childhood. You dont have to deal with some psycho loud mouthy b*tches who act like childish princess spoiled brats. And you dont have to worry about getting shot by some jealous boyfriend or some over protective father with a shot gun.

Its unfortunatly that North Ameircan media and society has made it feel ashame to be a Man.
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Master Don Juan
May 28, 2002
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It is natural to want to rebel against rules. Rules are limiting; who wants to be limited by artificial boundaries.

But these are not "rules". The DJ rules are not rules.

It is better to think of them as "Experience"; the collective experience of thousands of DJs before you.

They are more like odds. When a chick shows no interest in you whatsoever and says No when you ask her out on a date, what are the odds that you are wasting your time - pretty darn high - move on.

What are the odds that a chick under 24 is a mature enough for you to think long-term about her - pretty low - keep your expectations low.

The age rule? Well that is just the experience of millions of people throughout history. 20 year old guys shouldn't be with 15 year old girls, but 18 is okay. 50 year old guys shouldn't be with 25 year olds, 32 is okay.


Don Juan
Dec 2, 2006
Reaction score
Freddy1, you hit the nail on the head.

It's hard to find any show these days that doesn't have a "stupid male" figure in it.

Everywhere you look on American TV, there's a stupid male on a tv show, or a commercial, or some talk show telling the world how we are all predators.

I'm a male, so whatever it is, it's probably my fault. :)
Mar 18, 2006
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A woman's beauty is closely tied to her age - their prime years are 16 to 21 - generally speaking.

There is no age rule - a 70 year old billionaire gets teenage hors -

it depends on what the woman wants and seeks!!!