Old,but look really young. Not good.


Master Don Juan
Jul 25, 2002
Reaction score
So I don't know if anyone else has this problem, but here is the deal. I'm 26, and I look about 18. Good for when i'm 50, but not good for picking up women.

I seem to only attract 17-19yr old girls. Maybe 20 if i'm lucky. If I had a penny for everytime a girl or even guy said I looked 18, i'd be filthy rich.

So what the hell is one supposed to do when only 18yr old girls are attracted to you for the most part? Some may say... That's a plus and your lucky, cause some older guys look REALLY old, and gross. A guy at work is 32 and this girl said he looked 40. She told me I looked 18.

One goes, so your 26, but you don't look it. Again, she was young, and to her, that would be cool to date an older guy, but for him to not really look it.

Not to mention my age radar is off as well. I swear, trying to tell the difference in 18-21yr olds and 21yr olds to 26 is impossible. Girls need an age stamped on their heads so it can save us the hassle.

So what the hell am I supposed to do? Any thoughts or ideas? I guess too, sometimes I am attracted to the ones that are 18, but it could be in part that their appearance resembles mine, and not my age. Don't get me wrong, a 26yr old smokin hot girl would rock, but then when they get 30 or so, they look to old for me when age wise they aren't. Get my drift?

Even in college its tough. Even though its a non-traditional school, and average age is 32 or so, there are so many in that 18-22 age.

For me it really sucks, and I have had this problem for a long time. Seriously, can we see your ID? I got carded once at blockbuster by some 16yr old kid. I almost said son.... I was renting R movies before you even got out of elementary school. I'd prefer to settle down sometime, but not with a young one.


Don Juan
Dec 11, 2004
Reaction score
Well as someone who is 38 yet still gets carded or mistaken for being in HS I can provide some tips ... if you want to " look older" you will need to dress older, also do not use vernacular common to the younger set. Those would be my suggestions.


Master Don Juan
Jan 18, 2006
Reaction score
The Castle Fox
Some facial hair works for age, but ladies don't always dig it. I just shaved my crazy "Englishe + Royale" moustache/goatee set off and was like: Dang, I'm 16 again!


Master Don Juan
Jul 25, 2002
Reaction score
Vulpine said:
Some facial hair works for age, but ladies don't always dig it. I just shaved my crazy "Englishe + Royale" moustache/goatee set off and was like: Dang, I'm 16 again!

That works for making me look about 19 instead of 12. LMAO.

And dakota, the dressing I have down, when I can wear it. I work in a fitness related field, so I am always in fitness attire. People are shocked when they see me in anything other. That's at school too. I don't think I wore a pair of jeans to college once this sememster cause I don't have use for them.

Week-ends though are when I do, and then I can dress in a nice tie and slacks when needed, and even coat and tie.

Oh well, I guess I want my wife to out-live me someday, so its not all that bad, especially when I get older and my wife is young and hot. :crackup:


May 10, 2003
Reaction score
Northern Ontario
Omen said:
I seem to only attract 17-19yr old girls. Maybe 20 if i'm lucky. If I had a penny for everytime a girl or even guy said I looked 18, i'd be filthy rich.

So what the hell is one supposed to do when only 18yr old girls are attracted to you for the most part?
Your not even 30 yet. You shouldn't be thinkin long term, you should be trying to stick it in as many different women as you can. Who cares if they're 18, 19, or 20 or 30. Just have fun. Most guys your age would kill to be able to pick up a nice TIGHT 19 year old.

The once or twice a year that I land one, I savour every minute of it. You can totally own them, train them, rock their world.

Oh yea wearing sweats to school everday is part of the reason why you look so young in everyone's eyes. They associate that to young punks, not some sophisticated 26 yr old.


Master Don Juan
Jul 25, 2002
Reaction score
MacAvoy said:
Your not even 30 yet. You shouldn't be thinkin long term, you should be trying to stick it in as many different women as you can. Who cares if they're 18, 19, or 20 or 30. Just have fun. Most guys your age would kill to be able to pick up a nice TIGHT 19 year old.

The once or twice a year that I land one, I savour every minute of it. You can totally own them, train them, rock their world.

Oh yea wearing sweats to school everday is part of the reason why you look so young in everyone's eyes. They associate that to young punks, not some sophisticated 26 yr old.
Well, not sweats, but workout attire, cause that's what I have to wear to work, and to personal train in, not to mention workout in, and its all on campus, so there isn't an option. I'm not about to wear jeans to take a whole other attire just for a class or two. I can't fit crap in my locker as it is.

Oh I have the sophistication down, cause I always have people come talk to me about certain things at school.

Yeah, maybe I should be happy I can pick up young girls instead of them going... Gross he looks like he's 40. :up:


Master Don Juan
Aug 10, 2002
Reaction score
When you are 26 you SHOULD be hooking up with 19 yr olds. I just don't understand how this is a disadvantage to you.

I feel like the luckiest guy in the world to be 34 years old and told that I look 26 on a regular basis. You're going to feel the same way in a few years, I assure you.


Master Don Juan
Jul 25, 2002
Reaction score
I guess I just wondered how many older guys get called a bunch of crap for dating those girls, as opposed to older ones. Oh well, I guess its cool you can play them all as in they usually listen to you, and bow down. lol


Don Juan
Dec 11, 2004
Reaction score
As for me I took a lil flack earlier this year for having a 19 year old former student living with me but the comments died down after a bit.


Master Don Juan
Jan 2, 2002
Reaction score
Land of the Ruins
First, how do you present yourself? Do you wear "teen rapper clothes" or some such? There was nothing in your post about that. If you dress like Kevin Federline, don't expect to attract more mature women.

Just act mature, and dress a bit better and more mature than typical guys your age, and they'll be a bit confused, but you'll be able to get through to more mature women.


Master Don Juan
Aug 10, 2002
Reaction score
Omen said:
I guess I just wondered how many older guys get called a bunch of crap for dating those girls, as opposed to older ones. Oh well, I guess its cool you can play them all as in they usually listen to you, and bow down. lol
The sooner you realize that society in general is full of SH!T, the better off you will be. If I lived my life according to the standards that everyone else would try to set for me I would be a miserable SOB.

Forget about what other people think. It's usually small minded idiots who can't bother to take half a second to question what everyone else tells them or jealous haters that would LOVE to be in your shoes that try to preach what's right and what's wrong. Either way, they don't have your best interest in mind.

So the question is, do you care what the ignorant masses think about you? To me there are very few people in this world who have an opinion that matters, and I know I can count on them not to be judgemental of me over stupid preconceptions. That's why they are my friends to begin with.


Master Don Juan
May 13, 2005
Reaction score
Midwest America
To add to what STR8UP is saying, the way I deal with the sheople out there who disapprove of my values/actions is to act totally cool and positive about what I'm doing. Kill 'em with kindness. It puts them in a position where they sound like total prudes or a55holes if they negatively criticize you.

I'll give you an example. I've got an uncle in his early 50s who is single. He's quite androgenous, not very DJish. Whenever we're together for a family gathering and my AFC family tries to get him to date more, I throw $20 on the table and say "this is yours if you take out a woman who's my age. Actually this goes for any of you old duffs here." He'll smile and turn red out of shyness/embarrassment and my parents will shoot me dirty looks, and someone will break the awkwardness by changing the subject, but nobody will say anything negative because I'm being totally fun about it.

Omen, I'm in the same boat as you as far as looking younger. It's definitely something to be thankful for. Whoever said the way you dress affects perception is right. You have the advantage of being able to play the youth card. If you're talking to a smokin' hot 28 year old chick, be the mature Omen who tucks in his shirt and can speak intelligently. When you're gaming a sexy looking 20 year old, play the youth card. You can have the best of both worlds for many years.


Master Don Juan
Apr 16, 2006
Reaction score
Your only 26 just do whoever is attracted to you if it's legal.


May 10, 2003
Reaction score
Northern Ontario
Omen said:
Well, not sweats, but workout attire, cause that's what I have to wear to work, and to personal train in, not to mention workout in, and its all on campus, so there isn't an option. I'm not about to wear jeans to take a whole other attire just for a class or two.
No one said life was easy. Being an attractive man / DJ isn't easy either. You have to work at it. With your boyish looks, your going to have to give the image of being your age. I'm sorry but I don't see too many 26 year olds walking around wearing "workout attire".

This sends the wrong message to the 26 yr old HB8. It says look at this guy, he hasn't matured yet, he's still into that youthful sport kid stuff. Its your life, you make the choice. Your the one portraying that image.


Master Don Juan
Sep 26, 2004
Reaction score
I'm one of those guys that looks like a teenager at age 27. I love looking this way because I get IOI's from young and older women. Of course I can't mess with a minor but I haven't experienced any disadvantages by looking this way. I've had women from age 50 to 15 show an interest in me and I have to say I don't mind it at all. Obviously not every woman is going to like the way I look but I haven't encountered any problems so far. Older women seem to be after younger guys these days anyway.


Master Don Juan
Apr 21, 2006
Reaction score
The ONLY disadvantage I experienced in the past (I'm dark skinned...so, I truly look younger than my age and continue to look like that) was in my professional career, when I was trying to move up.

I'm 38 now...and I can look as young as my late 20s or as old as my mid 30s...everything comes down to how I dress and behave.

My point is...why worry when it comes to dating? Only worry when it comes to moving up in your career.

If you want to look older or being treated more serious (something that comes with "age")...then dress accordingly.

Note: I noticed this Forum being the one with the more males looking 10+ years under their age. If you are black or dark skin, I can see that happening frequently. Even some white men (especially the ones in their 60s looking like if they were in their 50s). But men in their 40s looking 10-15 years younger?


Master Don Juan
Apr 21, 2006
Reaction score
Another note...life is a game. Only "players" can be succesful. Play your role accordingly. If acting young is to your advantage and you have the looks to pull it out...then do it. If acting more mature or your age (by dressing and acting accordingly) is to your advantage...then do it.

I truly don't see what's the big deal.

Now, try and find a CEO type job...and find out that you might be too young (or look too young) for your career field. That sucks!

Le Parisien

Master Don Juan
May 30, 2004
Reaction score
back to Paris, missing the USA
In western countries, I'm considered to "look younger than my age". People would think I'm 21 or 22, it can be as young as 19 which of course doesn't happen a lot (There's a picture of me in my profile if you are interested...):whistle:

So I really can relate to ths looking young "issue".

I have many thoughts to share on this, but I don't know where to begin. And I don't want to make it a lengthy and boring "this is my life" topic either.
So I will just stick to a few miscellaneous facts/thoughts.

- Just like someone else already mentioned here, I'm most attracted to girls/women who physically "look like me" age wise. It can be girls my age who just like me look younger than their age, or girls who are around 22 who look their age, or younger girls who look older.

- If I had the choice, I would prefer girls my age who look younger, because we would match physique wise, as well as maturity wise. To me, I still tend to consciously or subconsciously reject the idea of going for girls around 18-20 who look older. It's kinda "wrong", guess it's my social conditioning, plus the fact that I don't want to deal with immaturity.

- I used to be real "uptight" about age when it comes to girls, not more than one year older than me, and not more than two years younger. But slowly, that age line blurred as I got older and realized that its was stupid and self-limiting, and most importantly was NOT working for me since I look "too young" for many girls of the targeted age range.

- Now the range of girls I interact with range from 21 to 29, but not a single one looks obvisouly older than 26 (my age). I've come to the conclusion that it has more to do with maturity and the stage of life they are in than the actual age. I relate well to girls who just graduated (undergrad or grad or even post-doc) and started their first serious long term job and girls who are about to do so. Some of them are 22, some of them are 28. I feel like girls who are still in the post-highschool spirit (partying like there's no tomorrow or studying in some dead-end major without thinking about afterwards etc) can't get my interest anymore as a whole package.

- Now, I'm currently going through applications for my first real long term job, at the same time, I'm "loosely" registered at a local college to improve my Spanish. The other students in my class are almost all girls, most of them are 18 to 20. I can clearly feel that they are "too young" for me, especially maturity wise. There are maybe 3 or 4 who kind of fancy me, but I guess it's partly because I'm the only guy in the room and partly because they don't know my age yet... I don't know how to put this, it's awkard and it's a weird feeling.

- Sometimes I feel weird towards girls who don't look young. Once I was at a female friend's party, one of her best friends was all over me. But it took me some time to realize that. Because although she's only 26 just like me, she looked like she was 30 or more. The apparent age gap made me subconsciously rule her out. Don't get me wrong, she's really hot. But it felt like if I met the same her 5 or 6 years from now, I would jump on the opportunity right away. But right now, no...Weird huh... I guess the fact that she probably started working at a young age and already dress and talk like a mature young woman rather than a mature girl has something to do with my perceptions...

And I guess the "acceptable" age gap changes over time. While now I would feel uncomfortable to go for some 18 year old girl, when I reach 32, I wouldn't feel uncomfortable to go for girls who are 24.


Master Don Juan
Aug 10, 2002
Reaction score
Latinoman said:
Note: I noticed this Forum being the one with the more males looking 10+ years under their age. If you are black or dark skin, I can see that happening frequently. Even some white men (especially the ones in their 60s looking like if they were in their 50s). But men in their 40s looking 10-15 years younger?
I'm white and most people are shocked when I tell them I am 34. I still get carded at least 7 out of 10 times buying alcohol. My business partner is the same way. He's almost 36 and most people think he's in his 20's.

I attribute a lot of this to having taken decent care of myself. I'm sure the fact that I dress younger and act younger also has something to do with it.


Dec 15, 2004
Reaction score
The problem might be that the 19 yo's might want a 26 y.o.

I'm also 26 and could pass as 18. One thing that has helped is cutting off all my hair, the ladies love it, it makes me luck more masculine and edgier.

I had an older chick tell me that I look more aggressive w/out hair and I have noticed more older women checking me out or was that the suit I had on yesterday? Anyway it works for me.