Okkkk do I next her? I've been perfect so far..


Senior Don Juan
Feb 22, 2008
Reaction score
Rather confusing situation here...

Few weeks ago I got this girl's number at a party we were at. Everything that happened there went about as best as I could have, given the circumstances.

We hang out at a mall with about 15 of my friends the next Friday. I got mad social proof not only from my group, but from people I see while we're there that I'm friends with.

Next Friday we hook up at her house. Before this, she was initiating every single facebook chat convo. Every.single.one. The morning after I sent a text .. something to the affect of

" .. got me thinking of you,"

..to which she responds with a ****y

"haha yeah I'm pretty unforgettable."

Quick question: how do you deal with chicks who try to run the C&F back at you?

So we don't talk for a week or so, and I text her last Thursday with

"hey dork."

I neg her for not answering her phone ever. This is an exaggeration .. she didn't answer one time. I sent a text after she didn't answer .. it went something along the lines of

"i'd love to have a long and meaningful relationship with your answering machine, so if you could just not ever answer .. that'd be great ;)"

and she says "if you ever called i might" to which I reply "if you had more points I might call ;)"

Basically I feel like I'm playing all this perfectly. I can't see where I've made a mistake thus far. I'm running perfect C&F, I'm not needy or clingy, I just call when I want to hang out.

Problem arises when she doesn't answer for whatever reason. I called last night around 10 and she didn't answer. I didn't leave a message or send a text. I'm thinking I should wait two weeks and try once more if she doesn't contact me. If it doesn't work out then, next?

EDIT:// I'm hanging out/hooking up with another plate today .. and a 3rd is sneaking me in on Friday night .. so I'm really not too worried about this. I'm just wondering what the better DJs think haha.


New Member
Jan 24, 2010
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She's not even picking up? And she isn't calling and rarely texting? Even from this she just doesn't sound interested man, stop wasting your time with her and move on.


Don Juan
Dec 22, 2008
Reaction score
So let me see if I get this straight. You hook up with a girl. Text her next day saying you're thinking of her, and she's being playful with you...and then you dont talk for a week?

You shot yourself in the foot man. Maybe a day, maybe two days. But not a week. Sometimes, believe it or not, a girl ACTUALLY wants to know that you might be interested in her and that she's not just a game to you... You can save this, but you gotta stop pushin her off. Negs are crappy. Dont bother with them too much. Just be cool.


Master Don Juan
Feb 24, 2008
Reaction score
faiNt` said:
Rather confusing situation here...

Few weeks ago I got this girl's number at a party we were at. Everything that happened there went about as best as I could have, given the circumstances.

We hang out at a mall with about 15 of my friends the next Friday. I got mad social proof not only from my group, but from people I see while we're there that I'm friends with.

Next Friday we hook up at her house. Before this, she was initiating every single facebook chat convo. Every.single.one. The morning after I sent a text .. something to the affect of

" .. got me thinking of you,"Never shouldve said this. Makes you come off as needy. Also makes it seem like youve got nothin else to think about, and the chick knows you only said this because you hooked up the previous night. Not only that, but this comment just feeds her ego, and gives her some of the frame control. (if you know what that is) SHE should be the one thinking about YOU.

..to which she responds with a ****y

"haha yeah I'm pretty unforgettable."

Quick question: how do you deal with chicks who try to run the C&F back at you? Throw C&F right back at them, or a neg hit. In this case id give her a neg hit to chop a little bit off that big ego of hers.

So we don't talk for a week or so, and I text her last Thursday with

"hey dork."

I neg her for not answering her phone ever. This is an exaggeration .. she didn't answer one time. I sent a text after she didn't answer .. it went something along the lines ofIf I call a chick, I NEVER send a text message right after. Comes off as needy. Wait till she returns your call.

"i'd love to have a long and meaningful relationship with your answering machine, so if you could just not ever answer .. that'd be great ;)"

and she says "if you ever called i might" to which I reply "if you had more points I might call ;)"If she had more points you might call? Lol come on man thats weak imo. Shouldve something like "well i've been really busy lately"

Basically I feel like I'm playing all this perfectly. I can't see where I've made a mistake thus far. I'm running perfect C&F, I'm not needy or clingy, I just call when I want to hang out.

Problem arises when she doesn't answer for whatever reason. I called last night around 10 and she didn't answer. I didn't leave a message or send a text. I'm thinking I should wait two weeks and try once more if she doesn't contact me. If it doesn't work out then, next?two weeks? That seems a little long to me. I personally would wait a few more days, see if she says anything back, then try her (maybe at an earlier time too). If still nothing, then next her because shes not interested. Ever heard of the two strike rule? Same thing applies here. She already got a strike for not answering your call the first time. If she doesnt answer AGAIN for a second time, shes definitely not interested. Do you ever see this girl in person? Always better to try to speak to her in person than over phone/txt.

EDIT:// I'm hanging out/hooking up with another plate today .. and a 3rd is sneaking me in on Friday night .. so I'm really not too worried about this. I'm just wondering what the better DJs think haha.
This should help


Master Don Juan
Jan 12, 2010
Reaction score
Following_of_Me said:
So let me see if I get this straight. You hook up with a girl. Text her next day saying you're thinking of her, and she's being playful with you...and then you dont talk for a week?

You shot yourself in the foot man. Maybe a day, maybe two days. But not a week. Sometimes, believe it or not, a girl ACTUALLY wants to know that you might be interested in her and that she's not just a game to you... You can save this, but you gotta stop pushin her off. Negs are crappy. Dont bother with them too much. Just be cool.
agree 100% I also said this in a previous post to.
To me, the waiting game is like a double edged sword. Time it wrong (which means: wait to long to contact her Ex: a week) and you'll end up stabbing yourself. Time it right however (which means: wait the perfect amount of time to contact her Ex: a couple of days) and you'll dice her up just right. Next time you gotta be careful of that