Official: Boot Camp for the masses thread (beginning 10/01)

Mr. Delicious

Senior Don Juan
Jun 24, 2003
Reaction score
Ok everyone that is participating, boot camp starts tomorrow. I think it would be a good idea if we try and post everyday and motivate eachother when we are having problems. Post in this thread. Dont start up new threads or it may become confusing.

Iam having some problems with the site My computer and roomate's computer are taking at least 10 minutes to load each page on this site so it will be a pain to post everyday but I will try. Also, i know your supposed to download music for the bootcamp but my school shut down everyone's ability to download songs so I wont be able to listen to them. Otherwise, good luck everyone and anyone else who wants to join in has until tomorrow. At the end of this hopefully we are all stronger men and kill the AFC inside


You ain't a DJ

Don Juan
Aug 19, 2003
Reaction score
DJ Bible
I'm in.

We startin tomorow right?

Damn, I'll be busy all day - but 50 people in a week isn't hard.

Be back tomorow.


Don Juan
Jun 28, 2003
Reaction score
Hello all

Well, it almost 12am and i have been doing some reading and some thinking. For those, whom have ventured into reading some of the assingned articles - what do u think - I think at the core of the first three (the ones i have just read), is that one must have self-belief and not be scared to express whom they are and what they want!

Well, tommorrow is the real start, i wish everyone the best of luck and just try to remember as will I, is that life should be seen as game and tommorrow we are going to start playing it.

Good luck everybody



Senior Don Juan
Jun 27, 2003
Reaction score
I was just about halfway thru boot-camp but a set back in me not getting a car until jan kinda hurts things. doing everything again is going to make me only that much better of a dj.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 9, 2003
Reaction score
A kiwi in a very bad disguise of a dutchman :P
Week 1 day 1

Well it looks like im the first one too report the first day well here goes.
Lastnight I got pumped too start so I was saying to myself to get up early and get out there, LOL but guess what I got up at lunch time then left the house at 3pm I only had 3 hours left so off I went in to town.
In town
Walking down the street saw HB made EC but by the time I could say hi she looked away so I said nothing then tried some more hi's but didn't work so I went to shop where 2 girlfriends work and asked for advice I told them Im trying to destroy my social phobia and thinks thats great.
When I was talking and they were serving they said hi to customer they told me to say hi as well but that seemed quite weird but still did it then I girl came in and they said go after her I did but could get hi out of my mouth(me thinking too self, you moron).
I walked off too get more hi's in I hi'ed a 40+ lady got big smile even though my hi came out weak, 3 hi's in total so went to clothes store and sort of jumped the jump and made a short convo 2+mins with HB(clerk paid to be nice) then went got some more hi's then went off to bookstore got no hi's but I jumped the gun again and got short convo out of HB shop clerk.
I went back to shop were GF's when I entered I hi'ed HB then they asked me how did it go then I went looking around store when I saw the cutest little 16yr old HB if ever seen and I hi and got a really nice hi back, so all in all a great day except for jumping the guy 2 times.
The 2 convo's were fuking weak though.
BTW b4 I forget there are 15 guys including me doing this bootcamp but there will be certainly more guys joining in.
I warn u guys I know who's doing this BC(bootcamp) so don't any of you chicken out b/c if I don't see a report from you guys with in the next 24hrs im gonna individually bust u guys as the biggest AFC's ever, that not a threat it's a promise.
B/c we males that have found this site are trying to built a new race of men(feel lucky to have found this site).

Grand total 7 hi's, 2 convo's
43 hi's to go

Jango_X:D :D :D :D :D :D


New Member
Aug 2, 2003
Reaction score
Week 1 Day 1

Started today, don't know if anyone else is doing this from the UK but it seems really hard to say hi to strangers on the street here.

Decided to just concentrate on making eye contact and smiling. I was a bit nervous, even though i don't have any problems doing this with people I know.

Most people didn't even make eye contact with me but managed eye contact with several people (abt 10) and got smiles back from 3 HB's (6,8,6.5) so wasn't too bad considering I was only out for a abt 25 mins today (decided to do boot camp this afternoon and had been working since then).

One thing i did notice was that when i got EC and a smile from someone it DID boost my confidence, but only for a short while....i think it's really important to capitalise on the increase to your confidence while it's there?

So, when I get EC does a smile from me count as a 'hi'?'s a start but wld like to know from any UK dj's what there thoughts are

EC improving
Confidence slightly better
50? hi's still to go

You ain't a DJ

Don Juan
Aug 19, 2003
Reaction score
DJ Bible
Originally posted by Jango_Xavier
BTW b4 I forget there are 15 guys including me doing this bootcamp but there will be certainly more guys joining in.
I warn u guys I know who's doing this BC(bootcamp) so don't any of you chicken out b/c if I don't see a report from you guys with in the next 24hrs im gonna individually bust u guys as the biggest AFC's ever, that not a threat it's a promise.
B/c we males that have found this site are trying to built a new race of men(feel lucky to have found this site).

Grand total 7 hi's, 2 convo's
43 hi's to go

Jango_X:D :D :D :D :D :D [/B]
That's the motivation I need...

I dunno how many hi's I said today ... but I do know that haven't held many eye contacts with strangers.

I'll be more focus tomorow.

Mr. Delicious

Senior Don Juan
Jun 24, 2003
Reaction score
Week 1 Day 1

I have to say this is harder than i thought it would be. I thought it would be difficult to say hi to people but it turns out it was harder than I imagined. I am on a college campus (Oklahoma State University) so at least there are many people walking around

I said hi to 10 people total Only about 4 of them said hi back or responded. I usually said hi to people I was walking past after making eye contact. I actually did not get a positive experience from this. I felt my confidence shaking and really awkward. This is against my normal nature to act like this. Many times I would chicken out saying hi to people I passed. Its like I froze and just couldnt do it. After I had managed to say hi to 10 people I thought how am I going to keep doing this. This is really hard and I feel like an ass. Anyway, I have 40 more to do and its going to be rough. How are the rest of you doing that havent replied yet?

Mr. Delicious

Senior Don Juan
Jun 24, 2003
Reaction score
Week 1 Day 1

I have to say this is harder than i thought it would be. I thought it would be difficult to say hi to people but it turns out it was harder than I imagined. I am on a college campus (Oklahoma State University) so at least there are many people walking around

I said hi to 10 people total Only about 4 of them said hi back or responded. I usually said hi to people I was walking past after making eye contact. I actually did not get a positive experience from this. I felt my confidence shaking and really awkward. This is against my normal nature to act like this. Many times I would chicken out saying hi to people I passed. Its like I froze and just couldnt do it. After I had managed to say hi to 10 people I thought how am I going to keep doing this. This is really hard and I feel like an ass. Anyway, I have 40 more to do and its going to be rough. How are the rest of you doing that havent replied yet?


Senior Don Juan
Feb 16, 2003
Reaction score
keep at it!

Originally posted by tomtom
Week 1 Day 1

Started today, don't know if anyone else is doing this from the UK but it seems really hard to say hi to strangers on the street here.

Decided to just concentrate on making eye contact and smiling. I was a bit nervous, even though i don't have any problems doing this with people I know.

Most people didn't even make eye contact with me but managed eye contact with several people (abt 10) and got smiles back from 3 HB's (6,8,6.5) so wasn't too bad considering I was only out for a abt 25 mins today (decided to do boot camp this afternoon and had been working since then).

One thing i did notice was that when i got EC and a smile from someone it DID boost my confidence, but only for a short while....i think it's really important to capitalise on the increase to your confidence while it's there?

So, when I get EC does a smile from me count as a 'hi'?'s a start but wld like to know from any UK dj's what there thoughts are

EC improving
Confidence slightly better
50? hi's still to go
tomtom, Started just over a week ago, and I'm from the UK, not got the luxury of being on a university campus (so wish I'd started when I was though) so I'm having to rely on the high street and shops around there to look for women.. (although I may be getting some work on the local campus which would be cool) You may be interested to read my diary here which I've been posting daily, (it does help the motivation), don't worry I choked on all the hi's in my first day.. just swallow hard and say it.. even if the first couple are under your breath..
now trying to extend that principle to convos, its harder cos theres not so many opportunities..

Sir Lancelot

Don Juan
Sep 29, 2003
Reaction score
Week 1 Day 1

I only got in about 2 valid hi's and maybe 4 eye contacts. It's strange how so many people avoid eye contact. Of course I was one of those people before, but I'm trying to change that now :).

Is it OK to say "hi" without making any eye contact? A lot of people I passed by avoided it!


Don Juan
Feb 12, 2003
Reaction score
San Diego
hey guys sounds like your getting off to a good start. As for me i went down to the college i just graduated from this summer. The people there as a whole are really shy so most people didnt return eye contact.
I felt weird saying hi to those who didnt even look at me so i focused my hi's on those that gave me ec. I said hi to 8 girls and the only ones that responded were the two cutest ones. The hb blonde8 even asked me how i was doing as i passed her. I should have just tried to get a conversation going. After 5 hi's which i was feeling confident i began to overthink but i managed to get the last 3 his in a row as i left the school.

summary: Day one 8 hi's


Don Juan
Jul 4, 2003
Reaction score
I started a boot camp but only got to week two last summer and since college just started this seems like the best time to start another one and actually finish it.

I had 3 hi's today, right of the bat leaving the elevator. There were probably others but those were the ones I counted.


Don Juan
Jun 28, 2003
Reaction score
Hi All

I have the luxery of living on a University campus, when i started this morning, i decided that only girls that are my age would count, i was nervous and said a few hi's but not too many, after a while though, i just got fed up with it all and myself and just started hi'ing people, the first eight were dubious as i wasn;t happy that i was giving myself enough presence and the ratio of replies reflected that, only about 50% of people acknowledged my hi's.

After that i decided to say hi at every oppurtunity, which i more or less did, my presence, while i wasn't happy with it did improve significantly and i would say that about 80% of people responded after that. In the end, i reached 27 hi's which i am happy with. i also got more happy about the whole thing and relaxed, tommorrow, i want to start hi'ing girls in groups becuase now i only do it if girls are on their own, however, its been a pretty good first day and once i hit 50, i might start little conversations to practise for next week. Hi'ing people really isn;t that hard at all, the ones that blank u out are w*****s but i just started finding it funny. Just try to relax and see it as a game, i am worried about week four becuause i have trouble going from frendly to flirtatous.

Anyway, anybody whom hasn't yet - be sure to let us know



Master Don Juan
Oct 22, 2001
Reaction score
Week 1 Day 1

Wanted to get out as soon as i can, but school got a bit in the way...

Anyway, i tried making eye contact with as many girls as possible, the ones who retuned eye contact either said "hi" first, or retuned it after i said.

Of course i live in the Hollywood Blvd. area, so it not EXACTLY the best place for this. I would say i got 1 "hi" (either given or returned) for every 10 girls i made eye contact with.

i actually managd to get into convo with a girl at a tattoo shop. She was telling the clerk about a cruise she was on, and LA was one of her stops. She was about a HB6, and about 30ish. I overheard as i was looking around and as I passed by we made eye contact. I asked how the cruise was going, and we chatted for maybe a min. A bit off track according to the Boot Camp, but it felt okay. I spent a lot of time at school today, and made contact and said "hi" to pretty much everyone. Obviously it's a bit easier in school.

Overall it wnet okay, but i didn;t hit the numbers i was expecting.


Don Juan
Sep 22, 2003
Reaction score
Week 1 Day 1

Hey everyone, heres what happend.
I woke up at 6:00 to get ready for school ate a hotpocket and I was off. During the morning I said Hi to every other girl ((dunno why every other)) and usaully got a hi back from only about 5. At lunch I said Hi to 10 other girls and only got 4 back. So thats about 9 for today. :\


Don Juan
Jul 4, 2003
Reaction score
man I need to start counting.

1 hi today.

that makes 4 total so far