No more mr. nice guy


Don Juan
Oct 28, 2014
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I read this book a while ago "No more mr. nice guy" a while back, it was recommended here on this forum, it absolutely changed me more then everything i had ever read on this topic. Girls that previously saw me as an AFC got interested in me, i got shocking results.

Though when those girls got interested in me a fear kicked in, a fear to lose the attraction. Even the fear to make a move in situations where it was just obvious. It got me to the point where i lost the strongest frame i ever had again, just to see that it all went downhill from that point again.

I don't know why i ever deviated from that path i was on that gained me better results than i ever had. Now i know i should not have given in.

I am going to read the book again now, it has been the most powerful thing i have ever read. And i have spent hours almost everyday with this stuff. I recommend this to anyone that is in a bad place with women and doesn't know how to fix it.

What it did for me for a month or so was created shocking results, though it seems it needs some work to make it your own and it is not an instant fix.

What it did for me after the first time i read it was that: I liked the hot girls but it wasn't in any case going to prevent me from saying or doing what i wanted even if it could possibly risk my chances i just didn't care. I was an ******* but not in a frustrate way, i would tease them mercilessly, tolerate zero disrespect and not caring about what they would think and it put me in such a great vibe that they would get very attracted to it. Considering that girls i knew that never had interest in me before and saw me as a typical niceguy afc and that had never had interest in me started touching me and opening up was the proof how powerful that frame i had gotten was. And they told me straight up "You are never like this, what happened to you?". Though the results shocked me and it broke my frame... After seeing it all turn bad again i am going for round 2, i believe i do have it in me but i just need to bring it out.

Any advice as always is also appreciated.
Thank you all.


Don Juan
Oct 28, 2014
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Zion said:
Classic fear of success.

You got scared of the possibilities you suddenly found yourself surrounded with. Performance anxiety is somewhat normal. You gotta overcome though.
I have had this in multiple areas of my life, it seems i even sabotage situations just to get away from success. Because it creates a certain pressure. Any advice?


Master Don Juan
Dec 24, 2013
Reaction score
Hey man thanks for the recommendation.. I have been thinking about what book to purchase next as I am in dire need for inspiration.

I was thinking about getting "The way of the superior man" or "The power of now" but this book seems right up my alley.

My goal is to better myself by being more direct and going for what I want.. no more mr. Nice guy.


Don Juan
Oct 28, 2014
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MillionBillionaire said:
Hey man thanks for the recommendation.. I have been thinking about what book to purchase next as I am in dire need for inspiration.

I was thinking about getting "The way of the superior man" or "The power of now" but this book seems right up my alley.

My goal is to better myself by being more direct and going for what I want.. no more mr. Nice guy.
To me it was life changing, turned all feelings of frustrations into fuel for a very powerful frame. But as you see it was temporary, it may need some more work. I will be posting my results of going through it the second time after i do.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 11, 2013
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Beyond Limitations
I haven't read OP's suggestion, but if you're looking for a good book consider "Models" by Mark Manson. As far as I'm concerned it's hands down the best material out there. 100% legit, no bull**** involved.

Get the audiobook at that, he reads it himself so it adds significantly more depth.

It suits your needs perfectly.

Yeah, I do have some advice. Close your eyes, take a breath, say "**** it" and just do it. Maybe try Models yourself.


Don Juan
Feb 7, 2013
Reaction score
I think he meant he didn't read the book, not the actual suggestion.

Anyway, I second "Models". I've read quite a few books and most are ****, over-exagerated or just complete re-iterations of the same old same olds.

Models on the other hand keeps it plain and real.


Master Don Juan
Aug 24, 2014
Reaction score
I was the Mr NiceGuy. I think for most guys, the Mr NiceGuy syndrome is to with being nice and considerate for women but totally selfish when it comes to other men. With me however, it was being good and decent to every single soul. I stopped that $hit and started to consider my interests only. I stopped being a fuuck about anyone else and only then did I start to get somewhere in life.

Fuuck anyone else, just go out there and take what you want from the world. There is no onus on you to help the world even though society does its very best to get you to do otherwise. As long as you don't break the law, everything is cool.


Don Juan
Oct 28, 2014
Reaction score
mangotot said:
I was the Mr NiceGuy. I think for most guys, the Mr NiceGuy syndrome is to with being nice and considerate for women but totally selfish when it comes to other men. With me however, it was being good and decent to every single soul. I stopped that $hit and started to consider my interests only. I stopped being a fuuck about anyone else and only then did I start to get somewhere in life.

Fuuck anyone else, just go out there and take what you want from the world. There is no onus on you to help the world even though society does its very best to get you to do otherwise. As long as you don't break the law, everything is cool.
That is some good ****, take what you want without caring and without breaking the law. Living on the edge. Thank you, this is what we should all be doing. I is what the world has come to...


Master Don Juan
May 11, 2001
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Queens, New York
mangotot said:
I was the Mr NiceGuy. I think for most guys, the Mr NiceGuy syndrome is to with being nice and considerate for women but totally selfish when it comes to other men. With me however, it was being good and decent to every single soul.
DITTO...That was exactly me back in my afc days but I may have been worse. Not only that but I cared way too much about the feelings/opinions of self esteem was tied directly to that sh!t.

And then I realized how talented I truly was and how limited everyone else was in their skill set....

YOU HAVE TO DO YOU...You get one life to do what you want, what you DESIRE...NO APOLOGIES TO NO ONE....


Master Don Juan
Jan 30, 2015
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Yup I was a white knight of top quality, wasnt a chump, was always an *******, but I couldnt resist a damsel in destress. I was perfect keeping them in check with *******ry, while still buying into stupid ****. Was it an ok existance? Nope. Was I happy? Nope. Couse I needed to change my thinking. My existance was literally pointless.

I didnt read any books of this kinds, but life modeled me from an asshat into a nice guy, polite, never out of control, who just doesnt let crazy women walk all over me. Or anyone for that matter. Now, getting ***** is nowhere near my top priority. I still enjoy ****ing around with stupid hoes just to make their brain get stuck.

I dont deal with taken women. I like telling them how flirting with guys behind their boy's back is bad and if they were mine Id dump them on the instant.

Im cool. I like myself. And I notice more and more women who think like me, women which I neglected for far too long. Although I still havent grown the path is clear ;]


Don Juan
Sep 15, 2014
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LuckyStrike88 said:
I read this book a while ago "No more mr. nice guy" a while back, it was recommended here on this forum, it absolutely changed me more then everything i had ever read on this topic. Girls that previously saw me as an AFC got interested in me, i got shocking results.

Though when those girls got interested in me a fear kicked in, a fear to lose the attraction. Even the fear to make a move in situations where it was just obvious. It got me to the point where i lost the strongest frame i ever had again, just to see that it all went downhill from that point again.

I don't know why i ever deviated from that path i was on that gained me better results than i ever had. Now i know i should not have given in.

I am going to read the book again now, it has been the most powerful thing i have ever read. And i have spent hours almost everyday with this stuff. I recommend this to anyone that is in a bad place with women and doesn't know how to fix it.

What it did for me for a month or so was created shocking results, though it seems it needs some work to make it your own and it is not an instant fix.

What it did for me after the first time i read it was that: I liked the hot girls but it wasn't in any case going to prevent me from saying or doing what i wanted even if it could possibly risk my chances i just didn't care. I was an ******* but not in a frustrate way, i would tease them mercilessly, tolerate zero disrespect and not caring about what they would think and it put me in such a great vibe that they would get very attracted to it. Considering that girls i knew that never had interest in me before and saw me as a typical niceguy afc and that had never had interest in me started touching me and opening up was the proof how powerful that frame i had gotten was. And they told me straight up "You are never like this, what happened to you?". Though the results shocked me and it broke my frame... After seeing it all turn bad again i am going for round 2, i believe i do have it in me but i just need to bring it out.

Any advice as always is also appreciated.
Thank you all.
Just found a version for all of us to read ..


Don Juan
Apr 6, 2014
Reaction score
People. Don't mix being a Good Guy with being a Nice Guy. Being selfish it's only going to bring a lot of grief and loneliness to your life, and to be honest, it's kind of a childish behavior ("just cuz I'm not happy with my environment, then f@ck everyone around me!").

A nice guy it's just seeking approval from women to get in her pants. A good guy cares about his peers and don't take BS from anyone, while at the same time being polite, but firm.


Master Don Juan
Jul 5, 2011
Reaction score
He has a forum, but I found it really basic. Like the newbies here would be advanced there.