No matter what...things will ALWAYS turn for the better


Don Juan
Sep 16, 2005
Reaction score
Some of you may already know my story, but I will re-iterated it here. Let's start from last September, shall we?

September brought with it the start of my new program, studying to become a certified IT professional. I did not expect to meet any new girls, as this was a technology program, and I really expected the classroom to be full of guys. I was pleasantly surprised to find out that there were 2 ladies in our class ont he first day.

The next day, I walked in and made a pact with myself that I would not rest until I get a chance to go out with one of the girls (the other one did not interest me AT ALL). She was always hanging out with this dude, and my first step in getting to see me as a viable option was to approach this dude and make friends with him. It started off great. He was really nice, and friendly, and immediately we became best friends in that classroom. Me him and this girl (Marissa), hung out every single day for lunches, and some days in between classes.

One day, as we were walking to our local coffee shop (on campus) he asked me what I thought of Marissa. He said that the two of us would make a cute couple, to which I laughed and told him I doubt she would be interested in me. He told me that all the signs were there that she is. She was comfortable with touching me several times during one conversation, laughed at nearly everything I said, and complimented the bejesus out of me on a regular basis. He convinced me to ask her out.

So I did, but she said maybe. I told her I could understand that she may need some time to think about it, and told her that I would call her in a few days to find out what she decided. I called two days later (on Sunday afternoon) but she didn't pick up, and I didn't bother leaving her a message, figuring that if she wanted to talk to me she would have answered the phone. I thought I would be giving up here, until a firend of mine suggested to lie about being with someone else. I followed his advice, and made up stories about me and the other girl, and even asked Marissa for advice with her, to which she obliged. Keep in mind...since asking her out, I didn't mention it even once, and by this point in our story another 2 weeks had gone by.

One day, when we were hanging out after class, she told me and my friend that one of the other guys (a big, overweight dude) asked her to go to movies with him and she said yes. She told us she only said yes because she did not want to hurt his feelings, and begged us to come along with them so that it doesn't feel like a date. I looked at her and said "Marissa, I don't like you well enough yet to be cancelling my plans for you."

This is when my plan started sort of working. She asked me why I never asked her out again after that day, to which I told her that I called her, as we had agreed, and when she didn't pick up, I thought that she was not interested. She spent the next 10 minutes convincing me that's not the case, and we agreed to go out on a date the following Tuesday.

Tuesday came around, and we hung out after class (just the two of us). She had to leave for a short shift at work (temp, one week placement), and I told her I would come pick her up after she was done. She gave me the address and directions to the place and we agreed to meet at 3:30PM sharp.

She left, and I went to the gym to work out. After about an hour of intense weight lifting, I get out to find 7 SMS messages on my cell phone. She cancelled last minute, stating that she got a last minute job interview across town, and that she had to be there for 5:00PM. She asked me not to get mad and that she would make it up to me soon.

I was furious...all she had to do was say "I'm not interested in you like that" and move on instead of deciding to waste my time. A few days later, my good friend had forced both of us to go with him to the college pub (with his girlfriend, nonetheless...) for a special Halloween event, and he bought a ticket for both me, and Marissa.

We went there, and had a good time. At the end of the night, I asked her again when she would be interested in going to the movies, to which she replied with "I don't know."

Two weeks passed by, and once again, I did not mention any of what had happened the night at the pub. I continued to play my game with her, making her believe I was with someone else, and that she had lost her chance with me. Then all hell broke loose, and I couldn't take it any longer. In a drunken moment of stupidity, I confessed my true feelings for her via email (DUMBASS!). Several DAYS later, I got a reply in which she stated that she did not feel the same way and only saw us as friends. I responded by asking her "why the hell did you flirt with me then. Why the hell did you lead me on and make me believe that you liked me, when you actually didn't?"...and she replied with some bull**** about how she's only in school to get her education and she wasn't there looking for a boyfriend.

About a month later, the school year came to an end. Shortly afterwards, she had started to date one of our classmates. I am certain that she has deleted me off of IM, and a long time ago too.

Now for the part where it gets better...

As soon as school year ended (2 days after), I started working for the local government (municipal) in a tech support position. This was a 4 month internship with the company, and in my short time there, I have received rave reviews on my work. People love the way I handle things around there, and many of them told me that if I need a reference to come back as a full time emloyee after graduation, I could list them. I made $6500 in 4 months, a staggering amount of money, and more than enough for my schooling next year.

I had my performance review yesterday, and my boss offered me a chance to come back for another internship come December. He told me that if I perform as well as I have this term, that there would be absolutely no question about hiring me come the end of my school.

If this does indeed happen, I will be making $60,000 per year, just to start off! Meanwhile, Marissa's new boyfruend will be stuck serving food for minimum wage for years to come.

So in the end, it seems to me as if she screwed herself. She picked him, and now her facebook statuses are constantly talking about how certain someone is too poor to take her out to dinner.

Why am I re-telling this story? It just goes to show, that no matter how horrible a situation seems, something ELSE, completely unrelated to your current problems, will come to lift you out of your slump for good. Don't ever let one hussy influence you, as I did with this one. And remember, that no metter how dark the place you're in seems, there's always that bright light at the end of the tunnel.

Peace Out!

Mr Wright

Master Don Juan
Jan 19, 2010
Reaction score
London, UK
Yeah but after all that, that dude is still banging the girl you wrote an email to...hes got the girl he wants, so whos really missing out? Its nice putting a positive spin on things but have you really learnt anything more about how to avoid the friendzone?


Don Juan
Sep 16, 2005
Reaction score
Totally...I'm never professing my undying love for anyone until they have proven to me that they deserve it. At least now I'm not the one who has to deal with all her insecurities, that is his problem now.

See, she lead me on and didn't want to admit it. Then she proceeded to completely ignore me just because she knew I had a thing for her. And to top it all off, she lied to me. Could have said that she was not interested in me like that, but instead of doing that she kept flirting and leading me on. Oh well....


Master Don Juan
Jan 28, 2009
Reaction score
Mr Wright said:
Yeah but after all that, that dude is still banging the girl you wrote an email to...hes got the girl he wants, so whos really missing out? Its nice putting a positive spin on things but have you really learnt anything more about how to avoid the friendzone?
there are more quality chicks out there. he can now meet them instead being stuck or tied down to a low quality hurtbag that doesnt know a good thing it came in and fisted her.


Don Juan
Sep 16, 2005
Reaction score
PokerStar said:
there are more quality chicks out there. he can now meet them instead being stuck or tied down to a low quality hurtbag that doesnt know a good thing it came in and fisted her.
Amen Brutha!

Couldn't have said it better myself. I was willing to give her everything she ever would have wanted, but as you said, she wouldn't know a good thing if it came and fisted her. She can rot in hell for all I care. Lead me on, and you get the cold shoulder, and so much more than that, in such a lesser way.


Master Don Juan
Dec 19, 2010
Reaction score
Chase that paper my friend and the girls will chase you.


Don Juan
Sep 16, 2005
Reaction score
By securing a future for myself, I am also getting my life in order, while working my way up along the way. It will feel amazing once I have reached my potential, the only thing I wish I could change about the past however, is my success with the ladies...or lack thereof.


Master Don Juan
Jan 28, 2009
Reaction score
s&d you now have the knowledge. dont let it go to waste.