I've had it.
Have you ever felt trapped to porn? To masturbation? Do you spend more time masturbating than necessary? Does it ever get to the point where you skip meals, social gatherings, work, school so that you can masturbate a bit more, and watch more porn? Do you feel you are one step from reaching that point?
Well. I've had it. I'm not masturbating for 6 months.
I know, it's healthy, etc. If you don't feel like joining in, oh well. I still feel that even when I masturbate once every two, or three weeks, that time that I masturbate, I drain energy out of myself.
I'm suggesting other ways to drain that energy, like... say... real sex!
Two Rules:
1) NO masturbating.
2) Push yourself to be a man.
If you have the option of watching 3 hours straight of cable, or going out with a chick to the movies, or by yourself.. you go to the movies. Or you go out for a walk. Or study. You push yourself towards action, towards manhood.
You can watch porn if you want to, you can look at dirty magazines. You can spy on your neighbor, whatever wakes up the general.. you just CANT masturbate!
This will start on December 1st. I'm starting right now though. And it will go on all through the year till May ends.
Quitting is easy. You just quit and that's it. But, just as working out, it's usualy at least more fun when you do it with someone else.
No requirements, two rules. Sign in!
Have you ever felt trapped to porn? To masturbation? Do you spend more time masturbating than necessary? Does it ever get to the point where you skip meals, social gatherings, work, school so that you can masturbate a bit more, and watch more porn? Do you feel you are one step from reaching that point?
Well. I've had it. I'm not masturbating for 6 months.
I know, it's healthy, etc. If you don't feel like joining in, oh well. I still feel that even when I masturbate once every two, or three weeks, that time that I masturbate, I drain energy out of myself.
I'm suggesting other ways to drain that energy, like... say... real sex!
Two Rules:
1) NO masturbating.
2) Push yourself to be a man.
If you have the option of watching 3 hours straight of cable, or going out with a chick to the movies, or by yourself.. you go to the movies. Or you go out for a walk. Or study. You push yourself towards action, towards manhood.
You can watch porn if you want to, you can look at dirty magazines. You can spy on your neighbor, whatever wakes up the general.. you just CANT masturbate!
This will start on December 1st. I'm starting right now though. And it will go on all through the year till May ends.
Quitting is easy. You just quit and that's it. But, just as working out, it's usualy at least more fun when you do it with someone else.
No requirements, two rules. Sign in!