New Worst AFC Experience Thread


Don Juan
May 21, 2004
Reaction score
I know, I know, there's millions of other threads like this, but everybody will just end up reading the same old ones over and over again, so I want to start a new thread. I remembered this situation with me in a response to someone elses thread. This one might take the cake. ;)

Here goes...

I met this girl at work, it was her first day there, and she seemed pretty interesting. I'd say about an HB8. I wasn't too interested in trying to hook up with her at first, which I think is why she took an interest in me. I had no idea, though, being an AFC. A month or so later, we would still hang out, but it was obvious that she wasn't interested in me anymore. Shyt, I never made any attempts to hook up with her! So I put it into the dreaded friend zone. That was when I realized I was interested in her. That was when my AFCness truly shined.......

Here's where the day begins; she had called me up at 8 in the morning, asking me to go with her to do a couple things.

AFC me? Sure!

First stop, food. We order a plate of food and share it. (I paid for it, I believe, can't really remember though.)

Second stop: we go to bank, where she askes me for 40 bucks so she can go to the doctors later (made up an excuse for having to pay a fee since it was a walk in.)

AFC me? Sure! (I actually had told her that she better pay me back, though... she never did.)


(Pause here, place elbows on desk, slump head into hands, and repeat: "WHAT A F'CKING IDIOT!" to get the full effect)

I didn't see it till I got out of the car (which she wanted me to originally wait IN the car while she was in the office.) The ONLY reason I didn't listen to her was because a Mars Music store was across the parking lot, and that place is awesome to kill some time. Otherwise I would've waited patiently like a little puppy for her return. When I called her on it, she made some explination about coming off the birth control shot and needed to get regular birth control to regulate her period because it was ****ed up.

AFC me? Believed every word she said.

Later that day, I found out she ****ed some dude without a condom the night before at a party.

AFC me? I let it slide. I didn't tell myself "Holy ****, Skweints, you don't need to be talking to this girl. YOU DON'T, YOU DON'T!" I repressed it, and CONTINUED to believe I had a chance with this girl...

It's a good thing I joined the military and was forced to leave the country and go to Japan.

Don't worry fella's, I've come a long way. It's kinda funny when I think about it now and look back on it.


Master Don Juan
May 25, 2003
Reaction score
Fort Worth, Texas
Man, if that wasn't a hugh insult to a guy's manhood, I don't know what ever would.

1. she got you to feed her
2. she got you to drive her around
3. she got you to pay money to her
4. she screws other guys and not you


Tell those type of girls to get lost, you don't need them. If it was me I would have driven her home and told her to get out once that crap started.


Senior Don Juan
May 9, 2004
Reaction score
Tell those type of girls to get lost, you don't need them
That's too easy. I say learn ways to play them. Just sit tight and observe how they put you on the spot so you can get back at them. Don't pay for anything from now on even if it feels like a bomb dropped on you. Hold your word and don't apologize for not paying. YOu don't owe them anything.


Don Juan
May 21, 2004
Reaction score
I realize that now. I refuse to buy girls drinks if they ask at all times. If I do buy them a drink, I do it on my own terms, and make up someway for them to make up for it (usually something stupid, like trying to get them to make a weird face or do something they wouldn't normally do in public.) Most of the time, they won't do the deed, but they laugh and playfully push me. Works like a charm every time. ;)