new here! and if possible i could really use some advice


Don Juan
Apr 4, 2010
Reaction score
left to germany and above belgium
hey there!
so im a bit drunk but i dont care
this evening i went to a disco with the new knowlegde i learn from here
and god damn it ****king works! i just keep real cool and flirty and i didnt mind the girls accually i was more focusing on the party it self(in the past i concentrated on the girls) and ****king hell i just kissed to hot girls tonight wich is really a big deal for me.. i never even dair to do that but i just did i i didnt care i just kino'd alot and asked question and at some time i just kissed them both! only.. i think the first girl saw me kissing the second one.. but i dont care that much im young so what do i care?! its nice to know someone new but i don't care alot anymore... thanks guys! i really made progress because of it.. and i feel really more comfortable because of it..
i have to say.. i drunk alot yes.. but mostly i get agressive of alcohol because i cant handle the girlsl.. but tonight i didnt care i really had fun and i kissed to girl wich i see as an improvement =)!

thanks in advance guys you really cleared things up to me and really made a huge diffrence between the afc i was and the afc i now am.. well. i accually think that i upgrade my self to a junor don juan hehe