New? Get this through your head: WOMEN are not MEN

Raptured Phoenix

Don Juan
Jul 19, 2004
Reaction score
Asheville, NC, USA
You might be thinking "Duh Phoenix, we have boy parts and they have girl parts." Yes that true but thats not even close to the point I want to make.

See the problem is, you think that girls are like YOU, but this is not so. You are a guy, and girls are NOT! "So what we are all people, we are all equal, blah blah blah"

Thats bull****. What I want to emphasise is that women are a completely different form of being. IF you are having problems grasping what I mean, it might be easier for you to think of them as a different "animal" or "species" or "breed."

I think the biggest problem that newbie DJ run into is NOT because they lack confidence, or aren't funny, not ****y enough, wear bad clothes, whatever else you read about; the biggest problem they have is that they dont understand women.

You might be wondering if men will ever understand women, I'm not sure if anyone can ever completely do that, but you can sure get damn close. Close enough to serve your purposes.

The fact is, most guys don't have enough experience with females. By experience I dont mean "sex" or "dating" or "picking up" or anything that complex, I simply mean they aren't familiar with females. They are like ****ing exotic sports cars, or the latest electronic gadget. You dunno what it is or how it works you just know you want one.

Thats the root of the problem, the old school time "cooties" bull****.

Cooties are the reason for AFCs

In normal society many guys dont have girl friends...
in fact... many AFCs who come here don't even regularly talk or associate with girls. They come here and want to learn a ****ing line so they will magically get laid! You know what that will get you? ****ed over.

It doesnt matter how much ***** you get, the fact is you are still a little ***** if you dont understand how women function because you are NOT in control (you are just lucky).

When you decide you are tired of being Average, Frustrated, and a Chump and that you want to be a Don Juan dont start trying to learn **** about how to get chicks to like you, it wont mean **** if you dont know WHY they like you, but just that they do.

Go and make some female friends. Yes, learn how to talk so you dont sound like a ****ing molestor when you open your mouth and drool comes out. But dont try to snag chicks.

The pressure is off, dont talk to girls you want to date and try to be their friend. Go talk to chicks you will NOT EVER date. Assume that when you become their friend you will NEVER date/****/anything them. This way there is no pressure, your mind can shut the **** up, and you will start to pay attention to EXTERNAL input.

NOW, pay attention to what is happening around you. How your girl friends act, their body language, their speaking patterns. Ask them about this and that and listen to what they say. (This will mostly all be complete bull**** because as little as guys understand girls, girls understand themselves even less). So dont believe anything they tell you, but just note WHAT they tell you.

Now, spend a few feeks watching what they DO. Compare it to what they tell you. You will automatically realize everything they say is complete bull****.

It will take you months most likely before you will get a good idea of how girls are. In this time I by NO MEANS want you to BECOME a girl and start going to slumber parties and dreaming about pink ponies or any of that ****. You are there only for research. Keep a journal, write down things you think are quirky, different from what you would do, the same as what you would do, etc. etc.

NEVER during this time get involved with any girl romantically/sexually no matter whether she is your friend or not.

For those of you who are interested in what kinds of things you might be looking for I will provide a paraphrased excerpt from a book I had about brain development and differences between males and females when it comes to relationships.

I will assume you accept evolution as the most likely explanation for the world's diverse life.

We will not go back TOO far in evolution. Maybe back to the time of cave people. You see back in that time the world was a very different place. In this world, there were males and females. The males went out to hunt, the females stayed together and socialized, raised the young, etc.

Over time, the males evolved more specialized to their purpose as "humans." We got stronger bodies because we had to fight/hunt/kill and that required strength. We gained spatial abilities because we had to navigate the land and remember where resources were allocated, and where dangers lurked. We had to become logical because we only had so much time and strength to get enough food, we had to make decisions about what is the best action.

Over the same time, females evolved more specialized to THEIR purpose as "humans." They did not hunt, and did not need as strong bodies as men. They did not need spatial abilities because they didnt navigate, and they did not have to rationalize their actions to the point of males. There just weren't as many decisions for them to make.

What they evolved were COMMUNICATION skills. Empathy, talking, listening, judging, and evaluating other people. The differences that you should be more concerned with, however, are SEXUAL in nature.

Women are born with all of the reproductive potential they will ever have. And they spend their life loosing it as soon after they go through puberty. They only produce ONE chance at procreation PER MONTH. And this one chance only lasts for about 24 hours (after that the egg breaks apart if it is not fertilized).

Men produce about 6billion chances of life... almost every day. The current population of humans in the world is 6billion. Everytime you jack off you kill the potential life for a WHOLE PLANET OF HUMANITY.

Now let us think about a common assumption: Men can reproduce more easily so they will try to find more mates to knock up and reproduce the most, this will lead to more people, and will be evolutionarily desireable. So, of course, this must mean that men must not be capable of caring for their mate(s) as much as women. Right?

Raptured Phoenix

Don Juan
Jul 19, 2004
Reaction score
Asheville, NC, USA

Wrong! Think about the differences between males and females I first introduced. Men are not physically dependant on their mates. They don't need them to survive. They hunt for themselves and provide for themselves. They ONLY need women to reproduce.

Women on the other hand NEED men to survive. They cant hunt AND raise the next generation. Men are independent, women are dependent.

So, again, sound like men would care less about their mates right? It would evolutionarily make sense. And it does until you realize evolution takes a LONG time.

If I mated with 10 different women, and each of them got pregnant, I would be responsible for providing for TWENTY people! (excluding myself) There is no way in hell I could feed 21 people even if I hunted day and night. Plus... hunting is dangerous. If I walk into the wrong cave and get eaten by a lion... Those 20 women are ****ed. Now they can't eat or take care of the next generation.

Lets say I mated with ONE woman for life. I would only have to provide for 3 people, and I could probably do it. So this next generation would most likely survive, and inherit my characteristics of "mating for life with one mate."

Over the course of 100k years, most of the men evolved to "fall in love" with one female (aka fixate on one) because it was evolutionarily advantageous.

So, what about the females? Was it evolutionarily advantageous for them to fixate on one mate? NO!

Humans are one of a few animals that can't detect when the female is in heat. Us guys can't tell when to **** her to procreate. So we just have to **** her all the time. BUT, just ONE guy doesnt **** her all the time, SEVERAL **** her. Then when she gets knocked up, all of the guys that ****ed her know that there is a chance that kid is theirs, so they are more inclined to provide/help provide for her and her offsprint (aka higher survival rates).

Even if she has a "lifelong mate," to you it might mean "just that person," to women it means "that is MAIN person for now." But if you think she doesn't have a ranking of replacements lined up and ready to go, you are retarded.

So when when I walk into a lions den and get eaten, now she doesnt have to starve, neither do her offspring, because she can depend on one of more of the other males shes fraternized with. THAT is evolutionarily advantageous.

Yes you are thinking "so you are saying when a guy feels LOVE for a woman its a different kind of love than what the woman feels?"

YES. Period. And that isnt just with love, it with everything. Some newbies talk to one girl and she acts like she likes them and the DJ techniques seem to work so they go "zomg! lyk3 im teh leet playa!" without even understanding that the girl you just "DJed" probably got "DJed" by about 5 other guys that same day.

Last but not least, why are women so full of ****? I'm going to give them the benefit of the doubt and say that they DONT intentionally lie about relationships and try to hurt guys. Yes, some do, but I think most don't.

I think most of them are just too ****ing confused because "womens liberation" didnt happen until RECENTLY. Life expectancy didnt go up to 75yrs old until fairly RECENTLY.

All of these changes in society and the way of life, and what types of behaviors that are more likely to become prevelant in the gene pool given the current status of male/female relations have not been around to effectively change how womens minds and bodies work.

They still have a primitive brain, except now their mind is filled with fairytales and disneymovies and that they dont need a man, they can marry for love, this, that, bull****, etc.

They are fed that **** and told to accept it by our society because they should want to be independent and marry for love, and etc. But in reality, THEY DONT. And they dont ****ing know it. They dont know that they are still subconsiously only interested in the best possible scenario for NOW. That their idea of "love" is nothing like the movies, their idea of love includes many people in reserve.

They dont know WHY they flirt with other guys when they have a boyfriend/husband. They will tell you "I dunno, im not gonna do anything, i was just flirting." Because saying "well baby, when you get eaten by a lion, I dont wanna starve..." would sound completely retarded in our society.

GO research women. Really get to know what they act like. Go to parties and watch, make female friends and watch and learn. And think of them as primative animal CAVE women, not as some kind of EQUAL-to-men-thing with fun body parts. Realize that they are just animals.



Don Juan
Aug 4, 2004
Reaction score
You know what? **** you.

Your misogynic "women have more primitive brains than men" attitude is bull****. Just cause you worked it out in your head that people evolved that way doesn't mean its right. At all.

Its the same sorta **** that whites said back in the 1800s when they enslaved the blacks (that they were "superior" to the blacks, that you shouldn't think of blacks as equals); its the same sorta **** that the Nazis said when they gassed the Jews and Gypsies.

Know what? If a woman tried your same "experiment," she'd come to the conclusion that
1) guys cheat on their girls constantly
2) guys only talk about stupid **** like cars and football

Is that stuff true for all guys? hell no. Is it true for a lot of them? Yeah. Why?

Because many people in general are dumb. Its not a girl thing, or a guy thing.

So stop trying to make up DIFFERENCES between you and women. Find the goddamn similarities, and ****ing sarge them.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 9, 2006
Reaction score
Now, spend a few feeks watching what they DO. Compare it to what they tell you. You will automatically realize everything they say is complete bull****.
hahahaha. that's hilarious

i see the original poster's point. if guy's assume women think like guys...they aren't getting very far.

i AGREE with the main point


Master Don Juan
Apr 16, 2006
Reaction score
I did that exact thing too.

It's like going undercover ya know, and it's true you guys should try it, it's disturbingly fun. (No, I'm not gay.)

You have to remember girls do think differently in the way that they don't take fact as fact, ya know what I mean, it's like nothing is actually serious just all pure emotion and communication. (Complete opposite of how a nerd or geek would think.) Talk is bullsh!t basicaly. I don't think they even realize this either it's funny. This is the main difference and I have never met a girl who didn't think this way, it's like just higher social skills.

Another thing is, they are all exactly the same. They don't have much of a personality change between them. Just the desired and less desired, no diff in personality. It's hilarious.

Also they are all horny as sh!t and talk about sex WAY WAY WAY more then guys do no matter how smart or stupid they are. And next is one of the most important facts is they also get horny like depending due to their cycle, it really doesn't matter who you are if they are wet all day that day.

Also he is right about the whole DJing bullsh!t lol. By the time they turn 12 they got guys lined up and in ranks. They don't "fall in love" or stuff like that because some guy is awesome DJer or whatever. They got too many guys after them to do that.

Yeah it's like this with all them no matter if they are dumb slvts or smart study, the only diff is the slight personality change between less and more desired depending on looks and smarts.

ye yeah

Don Juan
Jul 23, 2006
Reaction score
same here i agree with the main point... but i do agree with the 2nd poster,MOST people are..... simple,dumb and have nothing to them,unfortuantly most of them people are the goodlooking girls,so the ones with unique personalitys that dont have the brain span of an ant,are the way to go

Raptured Phoenix

Don Juan
Jul 19, 2004
Reaction score
Asheville, NC, USA
You completely misunderstood

BlaKTooth said:
You know what? **** you.

Your misogynic "women have more primitive brains than men" attitude is bull****. Just cause you worked it out in your head that people evolved that way doesn't mean its right. At all.

Its the same sorta **** that whites said back in the 1800s when they enslaved the blacks (that they were "superior" to the blacks, that you shouldn't think of blacks as equals); its the same sorta **** that the Nazis said when they gassed the Jews and Gypsies.

Know what? If a woman tried your same "experiment," she'd come to the conclusion that
1) guys cheat on their girls constantly
2) guys only talk about stupid **** like cars and football

Is that stuff true for all guys? hell no. Is it true for a lot of them? Yeah. Why?

Because many people in general are dumb. Its not a girl thing, or a guy thing.

So stop trying to make up DIFFERENCES between you and women. Find the goddamn similarities, and ****ing sarge them.

I never said women have MORE primitive brains than men. We ALL have primitive brains. The confusion is that WOMEN happened to go through "womens liberation" quite recently, but... that contrasts what their brain is set up to do.

Men didn't go through some great social position flip, so our old primitive brains arent getting confused by sociological expectations that are contrary to those for which you spend thousdands of years evolving for.

MEN and WOMEN both are animals and have EQUALLY primitive brains. They also have DIFFERENT brains. Womens roles in SOCIETY has started changing, but their BRAINS have not.

That is all I said. Any misogynistic ideas you percieved came from your own projections and preconceptions. (Because you're just as brainwashed as every other newbie recovering AFC here who would shout "OMG how dare you try to say women are different from men! SEXIST!!! WOMEN ARE EQUAL!!")

Instead of saying that, why dont you ****ing go and TRY what I suggest and then come back and see how much you will agree. Save your ignorance.

Raptured Phoenix

Don Juan
Jul 19, 2004
Reaction score
Asheville, NC, USA
ye yeah said:
same here i agree with the main point... but i do agree with the 2nd poster,MOST people are..... simple,dumb and have nothing to them,unfortuantly most of them people are the goodlooking girls,so the ones with unique personalitys that dont have the brain span of an ant,are the way to go
Simple dumb people still have the same underlying biological principles that animals have. Dolphins might be simple and dumb compared to you, but you both still have the same underlying biological principles.

That is the point of this excercise, to observe and become familiar with the underlying biological principles behind ALL women. (and how they differ from those of men)

That is all.
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Don Juan
Aug 4, 2004
Reaction score
Your basic argument is that nature > nurture, and i disagree with that.

People can be whoever they want to be, girls included.

The problem isn't biological factors in girls, its the messed up societical messages they get, since they have to be "sexy to be loved" and yet still not be a ***** 24/7. That's whats giving the almost schitzo attitude you see from many girls nowadays.

So why even bother with this debate? Cause bowing down to supposed "biological factors" can screw up your head.

Just like the asian guy who doesn't lift weights because he thinks "wow, ive never seen a buff asian. Must be biological! Guess ill stay scrawny all my life."

Taking empirical evidence and using it like that is bad science.

I agree with the general message of your post: Society has ****ed up a lot of women, be cautious!

I could do without the rest.


Master Don Juan
Jun 28, 2006
Reaction score
BlaKTooth said:
Your basic argument is that nature > nurture, and i disagree with that.

People can be whoever they want to be, girls included.
Many choose not to. What do you think alcohhol is for? An excuse.

Just like the asian guy who doesn't lift weights because he thinks "wow, ive never seen a buff asian. Must be biological! Guess ill stay scrawny all my life."
I've seen at least three or four buf fAsian dudes here at Uni. Their problem is following traditional cuisine. Not alot of protein and calories to grow.

I agree with the general message of your post: Society has ****ed up a lot of women, be cautious!

I could do without the rest.
Damn straight. I'm with you 100% on that.

Raptured Phoenix

Don Juan
Jul 19, 2004
Reaction score
Asheville, NC, USA
BlaKTooth said:
Your basic argument is that nature > nurture, and i disagree with that.

People can be whoever they want to be, girls included. cant. Its as simple as that. I might want to be an Olympic Gold Medalist in Track but if I was born in a wheel chair...guess what...too ****ing bad.

I might want to be a Physicist...but guess what...if my brain just doesnt have the proper connects...I can't.

I might want to be able to dunk like Michael Jordan...but if I'm 4'7"....guess what....I CANT.

Thats like saying "If you wanted to, you could not eat and get your energy from the sun and earth like a tree!"

NO, YOU CANT. Girls have DIFFERENT underlying biological principles than guys. I'm sorry but thats life for you. Just like your ****ing dog can't become a vegan because it is against its UNDERLYING BIOLOGICAL PRINCIPLES.

If you believe "nurture > nature" then ****ing brainwash yourself not to feel cold and go sit in Alaska all winter and see if you don't die.

It's people like you who think "homosexuality" is psychological and can be "cured" when recent studies show that homosexual men's brains are actually DIFFERENT AND MORE SIMILAR TO FEMALE BRAINS that to other men.

Hmmmm, how do you explain that one? Gays were just "raised" and "nurtured" to be gay? Oh it must be our new sinful society where that kinda stuff is okay (even though ancient greeks and romans thousands of years ago were perfectly fine with homosexuality).

I'm not saying our current social structure doesn't play a role in women's actions, what I AM saying is that the reason women AND men are so confused about relationships and feelings, etc. is this fairly RECENT development of women's "equality."

You might think that a "woman's soul" and a "man's soul" and a "retard's soul" are all "equally valued" but don't be so ignorant as to say that there are NO DIFFERENCES between us.


Master Don Juan
Nov 21, 2005
Reaction score
Raptured Phoenix said:
Girls have DIFFERENT underlying biological principles than guys. I'm sorry but thats life for you. Just like your ****ing dog can't become a vegan because it is against its UNDERLYING BIOLOGICAL PRINCIPLES.
LMAO!!! Too fvckin funny.

I agree w. your point of underlying biological principles, steering most every1's life in ways they cannot fathom. And therin lies a difference between Men and Women. I found this simple, but clearly stated observation into our different evolutionary paths, very interesting...

We will not go back TOO far in evolution. Maybe back to the time of cave people. You see back in that time the world was a very different place. In this world, there were males and females. The males went out to hunt, the females stayed together and socialized, raised the young, etc.

Over time, the males evolved more specialized to their purpose as "humans." We got stronger bodies because we had to fight/hunt/kill and that required strength. We gained spatial abilities because we had to navigate the land and remember where resources were allocated, and where dangers lurked. We had to become logical because we only had so much time and strength to get enough food, we had to make decisions about what is the best action.

Over the same time, females evolved more specialized to THEIR purpose as "humans." They did not hunt, and did not need as strong bodies as men. They did not need spatial abilities because they didnt navigate, and they did not have to rationalize their actions to the point of males. There just weren't as many decisions for them to make.

What they evolved were COMMUNICATION skills. Empathy, talking, listening, judging, and evaluating other people.
So simple... so powerful an observation. I agree.

As far as your comments towards homosexuality. I read an interesting article, that argued it is a natural phase of pychological evolution. Particularly during adolescence.

1. First we're interested w. ourself. Only our-self.
2. Then we become interested w. our-self in others... Obviously if your a boy, you like other boys. (the girls are "ew" period)
3. After a healthy evolution through this phase, you become interested in yourself through its opposite... girls.
4. After you move into and explore your opposite, you transcend the plane of sexuality all together.

This was an enlightened mystic's perspective on the natural evolution of a human's pychology. He explained that homosexuality was a perfectly natural stage in development... the only issue was becoming stuck there, and not pychologically evolving towards greater, more mature levels of conciousness.

Just an interesting perspective to throw into this conversation here.
But good post.

P.S. I agree on the spirit level, our essence (soul, conciousness, whatever you want to call it) is made of one and the same. So on that level... we're all equal.



Master Don Juan
Jun 13, 2006
Reaction score
BlaKTooth said:
Your misogynic "women have more primitive brains than men" attitude is bull****.

Its the same sorta **** that whites said back in the 1800s when they enslaved the blacks
Actually, women do average IQs ~4 pts lower than men, and Blacks do average IQs 15-20 pts lower than Whites. That's why most modern technology is spearheaded by Asian and White men - bringing us into the space & digital age. Who knows when Africans or women would ever build their first computer or get into space on their own?? The entire continent of Africa hasn't even built their first native automobile yet.

Anyhow, he does make some good points in evolutionary psychology in all this, although I was too lazy to read it all completely in full.
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