Need to Pry this Guy Off Her!


Master Don Juan
Jan 8, 2002
Reaction score
This chick actually pulled herself away from her boyfriend for about a minute and a half-- long enough to flirt with me, and now I am trying to figure out how to separate them long enough to slip her the bone.

I hadn't really considered her a possibility because every time I see them, they are glued together. They'll have their arms around each other, kissing, running their hands through each other's hair, leaning on each other... How are they not sick of themselves?

Then I saw her when he wasn't attached, and she started telling me how happy she was to have me around, and blah blah. I started kinoing her, and guess who shows up? Velcro Boy!

So that was that. But she constantly looks at me and we lock eyes, and she smiles, then looks away. Sometimes we just stare at each other. She only does it when Dude can't see what's going on. So I'm wondering, should I just go up and punch him in the mouth? I'd hate to do that, he's a pretty cool guy.


Master Don Juan
Mar 25, 2008
Reaction score
You got to be kidding. You wanna bang some chic with a man and thinking about fighting him. LOL. Cra cra biz. Go meet some other women and stop being such a schmuck.


Master Don Juan
Jul 30, 2010
Reaction score
Canada, eh?
Yeah, dude, is she seeing that guy? If yes, you are the biggest as*hole I have ever seen.

Also, cool down there, fella, such behavior wont take you anywhere.

Apart from that, it sounds like she is a low quality woman who will play and torture you for the hell of it. After all, he is gonna be getting her ***** at the end of the night.

If she's not seeing him it's a different business and you are just short of a ****block. And he probably sees that thinking of how to punch you out.


Master Don Juan
Jan 8, 2002
Reaction score
Well, I can't possibly be the biggest a$$hole you've ever seen.

And also, I was just kidding about punching him. I guess not everyone gets my attempts at humor.

Why does everyone act like if somebody asks about one chick, that means he has one-itis? Like this has to be my only option. All I'm saying is, she seems interested in me despite the fact that she's with another guy. If you have moral problems with me trying to nail a chick with a boyfriend, then don't respond. I don't care about your conscience. If a woman cheats on a guy, or if a woman cheats on me, the other guy is not to blame.

But you're probably right about her being low-quality. She looks pretty nice, though.


Master Don Juan
Jul 30, 2010
Reaction score
Canada, eh?
There is also truth to be found in humor, ha.

No moral problems here at all, yet you should be smooth about it, she doesnt wanna be seen as a slut or what not, or make a scene out of it all. So kino, is pretty obvious to everybody, it's like marking your territory and showing interest at the same time. One on one, with no boyfriends/girlfriends around is where you want it. Until then, you should probably play it stealthy- she might be into the risky/naughty stuff like grabbing your crotch under the table, etc.


Master Don Juan
Oct 3, 2008
Reaction score
Hey Galactus,

The way to get this chic is to bring another girl (hot girl only) with you who is a player and thinks its fun to watch guys ego's get crushed. You go do something as a "double date" and take the other girl and leave him with the player chic you brought and just go f the girl in the back room or something knowing that this guy won't be getting anything from your player girl.

It's fun to nail another guys Gf, most alpha males do it all the time. You just have to find something to amuse the boyfriend until your done. Nothing feels better than a girl calling her bf for a ride home from your house after you are done with her.

Don't be surprised if most responses on this site are just hating on you. There are a lot of beta males here.


Master Don Juan
Jul 30, 2010
Reaction score
Canada, eh?
Duffdog said:
Hey Galactus,

The way to get this chic is to bring another girl (hot girl only) with you who is a player and thinks its fun to watch guys ego's get crushed. You go do something as a "double date" and take the other girl and leave him with the player chic you brought and just go f the girl in the back room or something knowing that this guy won't be getting anything from your player girl.

It's fun to nail another guys Gf, most alpha males do it all the time. You just have to find something to amuse the boyfriend until your done. Nothing feels better than a girl calling her bf for a ride home from your house after you are done with her.

Don't be surprised if most responses on this site are just hating on you. There are a lot of beta males here.

yeah, right. I just had one of those "Niga, please" moments


Don Juan
Aug 29, 2009
Reaction score
Warrior74 said:
You got to be kidding. You wanna bang some chic with a man and thinking about fighting him. LOL. Cra cra biz. Go meet some other women and stop being such a schmuck.

J. Darko

Senior Don Juan
Nov 11, 2009
Reaction score

You are just a nerd who masturbates on somebody else's girlfriend and after you took a karate class last friday you like to think you can beat people up.


Master Don Juan
Jan 8, 2002
Reaction score
Wow, Darko, exactly. It's like you see right through to my soul. See, that's another joke, like the one about punching the guy. I like the guy, and if I don't nail his girlfriend, I'm cool with it. And I would never get violent over a woman.

I guess this site has just turned to sh1t. People with no lives of their own, waiting to pounce on someone with a legitimate question. Why do you even lurk around here? If you'll notice, all my posts are either asking advice or trying to help someone else. Why? Because I don't have time to sit at the computer in the dark, making fun of other people, just to make myself feel better. I actually make myself feel better by doing things. I met this woman and her boyfriend when I was out in the world, contributing to my community, not sitting at a computer trying to impress strangers I can't even see.

All you wiseasses are accomplishing is to show the real players what losers you are. The rest of us don't have the time to hang around a message board, looking for people to insult. Hey, great job taking up cyberspace.

Papi and Duffdog, thanks for your contributions. The rest of you, I'm weeding you out. You don't contribute, I'll add you to the list of posters I ignore. I can't keep you off here, but I don't have to give you my valuable time.

I urge the other legitimate people on this site to do the same. If you come on here with the intention of seeking advice, or to actually help another DJ, ignore these morons with their ignorant comments. Don't read what they say, and don't respond to them. Look for quality people, with quality advice, like we used to have here. Eventually these guys will find the sites with kids their own age, and we will restore this site to the semi-intelligent place it once was.

I disagree with Duffdog on one thing though: Beta is just one step below Alpha. I'd say these guys are Omegas.

J. Darko

Senior Don Juan
Nov 11, 2009
Reaction score
No Galactus, it's your tone of voice that puts people off. I suggest you make a new thread where you write a genuine question and where you refrain yourself from writing about the size of your duck. Then and only then you will earn honest responses.