Need advice... Just broke up with my GF


New Member
Jun 20, 2008
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I’ve been reading posts here but never actually posted anything. Until now. I just need to get this off of my chest and see what you guys think about my situation.

Ok, so here it goes. I just broke up with my GF of 6 months. We dated before for couple of months after which she wanted to LJBF me. I didn’t fall for it, basically told her I don’t want to be friends. So she went away and I haven’t heard from her for couple of months. Then she started initiating contact with me and we got back together.
I just wanted to hang out since she is fun to be around but eventually got suckered in and we became BF and GF again.
Here is the issue. Almost all of her friends are guys and almost all of them want to get with her. She is also friends with all of her EXs. She talks to them regularly and even meets up with them (not often but she does). This was always a sore spot for me since those guys would point blank hit on her constantly and she would even go out and have drinks with them every now and then. They would also call her at night, or in the morning to wish her good day. To me she just seemed like a huge flirt, a type of girl that needs guys attention whole the time. And after all that, I was ok with it. I could handle it. I realized they were in the “Friends Zone” and as long as she respected our relationship in the way she conducted herself towards those guys I would be fine.
The reason why I broke it off with her is this. When we did split up previously she met a guy couple of weeks after that and hooked up with him for a while. It was purely sexual supposedly. She told me this when we started hanging out again and promised that she is not in any contact with that guy whatsoever. She also said that she didn’t like him anyways and that sex sucked. So, anyways here we are 2 weeks ago, she checked her MySpace on my computer and forgot to logoff before she left. All I had to do is go through her messages (it was too tempting and I had to do it) and see that she and that guy were messaging each other back and forth. The guy clearly trying to hook up with her again and she just playing along, messaging him back. They even talked about things they used to do and indicated sexuality. What made me burst is that in the last message the guy asked her for her number (he didn’t have it anymore) and she happily gave it to him. She never told me anything about this guy trying to contact her.
Now, I just feel that this is a huge disrespect to our relationship. First of all, she did not tell me that this guy wanted to talk to her (she told me when another ex tried contacting her and everything was fine) and second of all she told me that she didn’t like the guy and did not want to have any contact with him previously. This was all very fishy to me and I called her that night and broke up with her. I told her that I know that she was talking to this guy behind my back. She tried to lie about it but did not know that I have read all the messages on her myspace.

So, here I am now, standing strong, conducting no contact. Dropped off her stuff at her place that was at my place this morning and left the key to her place.

I am feeling empty, feeling like I overreacted. Feeling like I am making a mistake. We got along great and everything was going well.

I am just not sure I can trust her anymore as she is constantly playing with the fire and will get burned one day (lots of guy friends and all of them want her, plus she is constantly meeting new “cool” guys that connect with her “emotionally”)

Hope this all makes sense. I am little bit off right now. Just wrote it all up as it was coming to me :)

What do you guys think? Give me an advice… I need someone to talk to.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 2, 2003
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Durham, NC
Hey buddy, from a recent experience i can tell you that you did the right thing.

My girlfriend of 3 years started acting funky about 2 months ago (we've been broken up about a month). She didn't return my calls/texts, started acting distant. All that stuff. I decided to be a b!tch and not stand up to any of it, falsely thinking in my head that things would get better. Well after a month of her acting weird she dumped me for another guy, didn't tell me about him of course, but i found out.

So you saw the signs and had the balls to act on it. For that i commend you. Break-ups suck. I'm going through it right now. MANY of the guys here have gone through it. Search "break-up", "heartbreak" etc and read through all the threads that sound like yours. Only difference is that most decided to remain in contact with the ex, and you can read how that worked out. There's a ton of information and discussion on this subject around the forum so check it all out.

I haven't talked to my ex in 5 weeks and i'm already doing tons better. And I rarely got off my couch for the first 2 weeks. I felt like sh!t. Be strong buddy. It'll get better.


Don Juan
Jun 17, 2008
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Bro it sucks but you did 100% the right thing.. Trust is everything so you said yourself you cant trust her anymore. I just broke it off with my girl last week after dating a year because the bich started talking to her ex through text message.. She said they were friends and thats all they were gona be.
But guess where she is now?? Late nights at his house getting some new pipe layed into her. Get rid of the chick and work on yourself you dont need her to have fun.She will come crying back to you in a few days but when she does dont give in unless she is ready to get rid of all the guy friends and be with you and only you.


Don Juan
Jun 17, 2008
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vivalasvegas you speak the truth baby!! GODAMN IT SUCKS BUT WE WILL BE OK<< We are man HEAR US ROAR BABY!!!!! Im goin out tonight and im gona shine my azz off because life is to short to be a dog in a house


New Member
Jun 20, 2008
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thanks a lot guys :) it feels good to hear that i've made a right decision. it feels good to have someone who understands where i am at right now.

i have too much pride to call her, no matter how much it hurt. i know the time will heal all wounds i just have to stay tough.

i only wish i was spinning plates as if that was the case i probably wouldn't even care that much right now. ooooooooh, yeah lesson learned... :)


Senior Don Juan
Apr 2, 2003
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Durham, NC
vitaminenergy said:
wow that post is almost like my situation... thanks
Same here. Thanks for sharing.


Master Don Juan
Oct 11, 2005
Reaction score
You did the right thing.

Lots of guy friends (that aren't really friends but guys she will fvck and suck behind your back) usually always means she is an attention wh0re.

Those types are never good for a relationship as they lie constantly.

They are only good for sex and are to be used as sperm receptacles by DJ's.


Master Don Juan
Mar 29, 2006
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New York City
KontrollerX said:
You did the right thing.

Lots of guy friends (that aren't really friends but guys she will fvck and suck behind your back) usually always means she is an attention wh0re.

Those types are never good for a relationship as they lie constantly.

They are only good for sex and are to be used as sperm receptacles by DJ's.
Ha, Kontroller's classic term sperm receptacles, I love it.


New Member
Jun 20, 2008
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KontrollerX said:
You did the right thing.

Lots of guy friends (that aren't really friends but guys she will fvck and suck behind your back) usually always means she is an attention wh0re.

Those types are never good for a relationship as they lie constantly.

They are only good for sex and are to be used as sperm receptacles by DJ's.
"sperm receptacles" LOL, love it

i always thought that girls with lots of (or only) guy friends are no good. after all, we all know what guys really want. i personally would never be "Friends" with some hot girl with the hope to hit it one day. that's just too pathetic. and you are right, girls with lots of guy friends are AWs. it is very rare that a guy and a girl can be true friends and usually it is only the case if the guy is gay.


Master Don Juan
Mar 29, 2006
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New York City
vitaminenergy said:
"sperm receptacles" LOL, love it

i always thought that girls with lots of (or only) guy friends are no good. after all, we all know what guys really want. i personally would never be "Friends" with some hot girl with the hope to hit it one day. that's just too pathetic. and you are right, girls with lots of guy friends are AWs. it is very rare that a guy and a girl can be true friends and usually it is only the case if the guy is gay.
Exactly. Also, girls with a lot of guy friends and very few girl friends tell you some other things.

1. She is shunned by females because of her slutty/dishonest ways. Women don't like to make friends with women who tend to steal other girl's guys. This shows that she has no morals, and will likely trash their friendship for something stupid.

2. She can't maintain true friendship in which she cannot lie to another person. This just goes to show why relationships with these sort of women never work. They can't be truthful to anyone! Not even themselves sometimes! Girls who lack girl friends lack good friends period who tell them when they've done something wrong and therefore have no guilt. They can do some outrageous things and justify themselves in their own sick mind.

Of course, that's not to say that ALL girls with guy friends fall into these categories. But if you find a girl who has many guy friends and little to no girl friends, I guarantee you that she will hold at least one of these qualities (with the exception of many gay friends of course).


Master Don Juan
May 18, 2006
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Leeds, UK
Hey bro, all the lads are right, you did the right thing, kudos to you.

It's fun and absolutely fine to **** these ho's but never date them because they are simply not trustworthy. They will lie and cheat as much as they can, seeking as much validation as they can get from guys.

She blatantly lied to you about having contact with that dude and eventually she would've had sex with either him or someone else. You did the right thing by getting your ass outta there before the ho struck again