need advice - complicated situation with a girl in a LD-LTR


Don Juan
Nov 27, 2010
Reaction score
here's the situation - i want to get with a HB9 who's in a LTR. my problem is, I want her for a potential LTR, not just a ONS. This is where I need your guys' advice.

story - theres a HB9 in my one of the classes that I'm taking. We are in the same social group with a few other people and it's come up that she's in a long distance (3 hr drive) LTR when she talks to other girls in the group. as hot as she is, I decided not to go for it since it's not really worth it (if i can steal her away, who's to say someone else can't steal her from me?)

so we are just friends in our study group, and we hang out a lot. one weekend our entire group of friends go to Atlantic City and at a bar, she goes hard kino on me. now i've known her long enough to know she's not the flirty type, and has singled me out. she's grabbing my hand, grinding me on the dance floor and rubbing her body on me. we spent the entire time at the bar separated from our friends and just by ourselves. we were both really drunk and I was going to k-close until one of our friends found us and ****blocked by coming over and stopping us. at that point HB9 and my face were inches from each other and had our arms around each other. after that all of us head back to the single hotel room where we were staying in. i go to sleep thinking the night is over (can't game with other friends 2 ft away). the next day she teases me that I fell asleep while she was trying to talk to me in the room. I respond "i'm sorry, maybe next time you should do a better job of keeping me up".

the next weekend she tells me I should go hang out with her and friends back home (where her BF is) and I didn't kno how to respond so I played it safe by saying, "sorry I'd love to, but can't make it this weekend).

I've been texting her to hangout on the weekends, and only once has she responded, and it was when I invited her over to watch tv with just me. She says she got in a big fight with her BF, and I said, don't worry, he's prob overreacting. After that, she starts ignoring my texts, even though I'm trying to organize a group get-together, and nothing one-on-one.

meanwhile, I've started dating other girls and that instantly got her attention. instead of ignoring my texts, she starts texting me and asking me to study with her, hang out etc. this is where I'm stuck now.

If this girl wasn't in my social circle and I just wanted a hookup, I woulda been more aggressive and been done with it, one way or the other. But she and I really have a lot in common, and if anything I would want to try a LTR with her, or just be friends. I would rather keep the group of friends we have, then lose it over a ONS.

so, what do I do? is she a branchswinger or just missing the attention i was giving her? I think this girl is decently interested, but I have never gamed on a taken girl b4.


Don Juan
Dec 18, 2010
Reaction score
ne0phyte said:
here's the situation - i want to get with a HB9 who's in a LTR. my problem is, I want her for a potential LTR, not just a ONS. This is where I need your guys' advice.

story - theres a HB9 in my one of the classes that I'm taking. We are in the same social group with a few other people and it's come up that she's in a long distance (3 hr drive) LTR when she talks to other girls in the group. as hot as she is, I decided not to go for it since it's not really worth it (if i can steal her away, who's to say someone else can't steal her from me?)

so we are just friends in our study group, and we hang out a lot. one weekend our entire group of friends go to Atlantic City and at a bar, she goes hard kino on me. now i've known her long enough to know she's not the flirty type, and has singled me out. she's grabbing my hand, grinding me on the dance floor and rubbing her body on me. we spent the entire time at the bar separated from our friends and just by ourselves. we were both really drunk and I was going to k-close until one of our friends found us and ****blocked by coming over and stopping us. at that point HB9 and my face were inches from each other and had our arms around each other. after that all of us head back to the single hotel room where we were staying in. i go to sleep thinking the night is over (can't game with other friends 2 ft away). the next day she teases me that I fell asleep while she was trying to talk to me in the room. I respond "i'm sorry, maybe next time you should do a better job of keeping me up".

the next weekend she tells me I should go hang out with her and friends back home (where her BF is) and I didn't kno how to respond so I played it safe by saying, "sorry I'd love to, but can't make it this weekend).

I've been texting her to hangout on the weekends, and only once has she responded, and it was when I invited her over to watch tv with just me. She says she got in a big fight with her BF, and I said, don't worry, he's prob overreacting. After that, she starts ignoring my texts, even though I'm trying to organize a group get-together, and nothing one-on-one.

meanwhile, I've started dating other girls and that instantly got her attention. instead of ignoring my texts, she starts texting me and asking me to study with her, hang out etc. this is where I'm stuck now.

If this girl wasn't in my social circle and I just wanted a hookup, I woulda been more aggressive and been done with it, one way or the other. But she and I really have a lot in common, and if anything I would want to try a LTR with her, or just be friends. I would rather keep the group of friends we have, then lose it over a ONS.

so, what do I do? is she a branchswinger or just missing the attention i was giving her? I think this girl is decently interested, but I have never gamed on a taken girl b4.
Bottom line she's fvcking another dude. It's really that simple. Do you want to share ****s with another guy? My advice is to keep doing what your doing, date other girls, have fun. If she eventually calls it off it with her boyfriend and your still interested in her, then go for it.


Don Juan
Nov 27, 2010
Reaction score
thanks for that, some of my guy friends tell me i should be upfront with her and bring up that night at the bar, to clear the air and get an idea of where things stand - bad idea right? i feel like in my situation i just have to be alpha and play it cool.

also, is there anything else that i should be doing? sometimes i sense she's just waiting for me to make a move. i dunno how to explain it, there are times when we talk where she just stares at me unblinkingly with kind of a" sad/disappointed that we're not together" look. but that could just be my male ego haha


Don Juan
Dec 18, 2010
Reaction score
ne0phyte said:
thanks for that, some of my guy friends tell me i should be upfront with her and bring up that night at the bar, to clear the air and get an idea of where things stand - bad idea right? i feel like in my situation i just have to be alpha and play it cool.

also, is there anything else that i should be doing? sometimes i sense she's just waiting for me to make a move. i dunno how to explain it, there are times when we talk where she just stares at me unblinkingly with kind of a" sad/disappointed that we're not together" look. but that could just be my male ego haha
Here's the situation, you make a move (this is while she still has a b/f), everything goes well, you fvck her. From your previous post you said you were interested in LTR with this girl. Do you want to be in a LTR with a girl who cheated on her previous b/f with you? Who's to say she wont cheat on you with another guy? And like you said earlier, a ONS is not worth breaking up a close circle of friends. Friends will always be there, girls come and go man.

That's why your best bet is to just wait, keep doing what your doing, date other girls, make her jealous and give her a reason to break up with her b/f.


Master Don Juan
Feb 22, 2010
Reaction score
Remember that fundamentally all women are branchswingers, no matter who they are.

Saying that there is nothing to stop her from moving from you onto a better guy is a cop out and excuse not to take action. There will always be a better guy, but that is no reason to give up.

Things to do:

1 - Keep seeing other girls. You are placing too much importance on this girl by saying you want her for an LTR. All girls are only ONS or STR potential until you really get to know them.

2 - Decide whether your social circle or the chance with her is most important to you.

3 - If social circle is more important, then don't make a move and stay her friend. But don't become her emotional tampon to validate her feelings when she fights with her boyfriend. That is what her girlfriends are for.

4 - If you want to f8ck her then make a move and make it clear what your intentions are. Unless she was really drunk in the bar, she seems to feel a similar way.

But remember, no matter what you think you know about this girl (and trust me, you don't know anything important until after you f8ck them), don't tolerate any disrespect and remember it is better to be alone than with a girl who walks all over you.


Don Juan
Nov 27, 2010
Reaction score
thanks guys, thats what i needed to hear. my social circle is more important than a ONS with her. Runner83, you're generally right about girls starting off as ONS or STR, but because we have such a small group of friends, i actually know a lot about her. but still, you're right about not knowing anything important until you sleep with them. JMoney, the whole "if I can get her to cheat with me, then she can cheat on me" thing is exactly why i don't want to make a move now.

either way, i'll be sticking to the gameplan of seeing other girls, making sure i'm not being her emotional tampon, and being the alpha.