Need a good Leg Workout


New Member
Apr 29, 2012
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Proper Dead lift Tutorial

Leg Workouts that have worked for me:

Romanian Dead Life
Dead Lift
Good Mornings
Weighted Step Ups
Weighted Lunges

Just choose 2-3 exercises and do 8-15 reps. (lower range for strength; higher range for mass). Start light and youtube exercises for proper form (basically, you do not want to round your lower back)


Don Juan
Dec 15, 2011
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My leg workout consists of hitting the glutes, hams, and quads mainly.

Back Squats, Front Squats, Stiff legged Deadlift

Each I do 4-5 sets of 8-12 while progressively going up weight each set.

After i do these 3 main exercises I like to hit a few machines to hit my quads again and then my ad/abductors and calves.

Try to finish your routines in 45-55mins.

The proper form for deadlift depends on how you grip and feet placement.
Always work on driving from the heels of your feet and keeping your lower back flexed and straight.

There are 2 main types of feet placements. Sumo deadlift and regular deadlift.
Sumo deadlift your feet are wider and you place your hands inside of your legs.
Regular deadlift your feet are shoulder width apart and you put your hands outside of where your legs are.

There are different grips you can use as well.

If I were you and if you are serious about learning proper form, watch a bunch of videos on youtube and read up on sites like Always practice your form with light weight and don't move up until you have good form.


Leg need strong muscles. It is not a matter that which leg work out your need to do.
Run or cycle for 15 minutes.
Squats: 4 sets of between 7 and 10 reps.
Leg Extensions: 4 sets of between 7 and 10 reps.
Calf Raises: 4 sets of between 7 and 10 reps.


Master Don Juan
Jan 20, 2012
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Single leg squats using the smith machine. Most people find they can't even do a single one using just the bar. Find a low stool, preferably about a foot high, and use it as your starting point. Find a good spot for your foot in front of it, lower the bar onto your shoulders, push the other leg out straight so it has no contact with floor or any part of your body. Then proceed to stand up, then back down SLOWLY until your butt just barely contacts the seat, then back up. Do not bounce in any way off the seat - that is cheating and uses momentum. I would place the standing foot slightly in front of the bar (dropping an imaginary line from the bar straight down to the floor). If your heel isn't a bit in front of this point you are more likely to pull a hamstring (lowering yourself requires eccentric contraction and with all the force on one leg the hamstring is at risk of a pull the further back your foot is placed). Of course, having your foot placed far in front of the bar makes it easier which isn't your goal.