Neck Fat


Don Juan
Aug 20, 2007
Reaction score
In the last year I dropped a lot of weight. I'm 5'11" btw. Went from 240 down to my present 182. I've gone from a 38" waist to 32". I body build twice a week, walk at least 20 minutes/day, and I've cut junk food and red meat from my diet.

Here's the problem: I still have noticeable fat under my jawline. Are there exercises for this area? Or do I just need to drop another 5-10 lbs?


Master Don Juan
Sep 7, 2006
Reaction score
there are several possibilities here:

simplest: you haven't lost enough bodyfat yet. 32" waist though suggests you're in range, but you may need to add quite a bit of muscle mass to get rid of the "skinny fat" look. the stickied links can help you get more out of your workouts

even more hopeful: you've cut out red meat -- I'm sure that seems like a good idea to you, but hopefully we can talk you out of it. your body needs some saturated fat to produce testosterone, which will help your face-shape, not to mention your lifting progress.

still more hopeful: adding wild alaskan salmon in particular & omega-3 sources in general may also help with your face-shape.

less hopeful: losing weight at your age may leave a droopy-dog look no matter what. if you're sure it's fat, no worries, but it may just be skin.....


Don Juan
Aug 20, 2007
Reaction score
Throttle said:
there are several possibilities here:

simplest: you haven't lost enough bodyfat yet. 32" waist though suggests you're in range, but you may need to add quite a bit of muscle mass to get rid of the "skinny fat" look. the stickied links can help you get more out of your workouts

even more hopeful: you've cut out red meat -- I'm sure that seems like a good idea to you, but hopefully we can talk you out of it. your body needs some saturated fat to produce testosterone, which will help your face-shape, not to mention your lifting progress.

still more hopeful: adding wild alaskan salmon in particular & omega-3 sources in general may also help with your face-shape.

less hopeful: losing weight at your age may leave a droopy-dog look no matter what. if you're sure it's fat, no worries, but it may just be skin.....
Thanks for the suggestions. I may just need to lose a bit more weight. When I was 170, I didn't have this problem. I like the salmon idea. I never eat fish anymore. My bad.:eek: