Nature's system

Al Moh.

Senior Don Juan
Jan 15, 2008
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Listen up you guys,

for your very lifes might depend on it! Listen to pook, who once thought up three keys to women!

Key One: Her sexuality and YOURS shall be embraced.
Key Two: Fun shall be the focus.
Key Three: You are the PRIZE to be won.

Isn't this too easy? No it's not, for the easiest things in life hold the most power if executed properly. But now, listen to another man. It's Napoleon Hill. He wants to tell us how to make lot's of money.
He tells us to program our minds by mixing thoughts with the three most powerful emotions. What are these emotions, Mr. Hill?


Interesting, so this is how me make money... Alright, let's have a last example, sports! I peform best when I:

Have testosteron pumping through my veins
Passion for what I am doing
Believe I am good at it (not afraid to mess up)

All of these are one and the same.

The first key of sexuality is one of the most powerful feelings. Whenever you feel like a man or a woman feels like a woman, the feeling of sexuality is unleashed. It's sad that most people nowadays need sex to feel sexual because sexuality has been banned from other areas. Yet we can learn to be sexual in any situation again.

The second key, fun shall be the focus. This is nothing else but love and passion, also one of the three most powerful positive feelings. If I love what I do I have passion and see it as fun. It's the energy in what I am doing, in the conversation, an energy that magnetizes everyone you encounter.

The third key, you are the Prize to be won! It's nothing but faith. How did we forget about faith? I don't know if you are religious, but Jesus said something along the lines of:

If you have the faith of a sandcorn, you may tell this mountain: Move from this place to that place over there. And it will move. For if you have faith, everything will be possible.

No matter if there is a god or not, the power of faith exists anyways. For as you think you shall become is nothing but faith in your ability to change. Dreams turn into passion, ideas outgrow the creator and develop a life of their own.

What is a Don Juan, but a master of those three emotions? Sexuality destroys shame, love destroys hate and faith destroys fear. He who masters those three emotions will be able to do and become ANYTHING HE WISHES.

But how, you might ask! Let's put theory aside and look for practical solutions.

Here are a few examples for you.


1) Educate yourself! There are so many articles on this website about being a man. Pook is all about being a man and fullfilling ones dreams.
2) Discover your sexuality! Turn towards your inner deamons of shame. Accept your sexual desires. Mess around with women. Talk sexual until you have no problem with shame anymore.
3) Work out! There is a heavy focus on going to the gym on this forum, but any type of sports that gets your testosteron pumping is good.
4) Cut back on those masturbation sessions! Don't be ridiculious and try to stop it all together because at some point you are going to break. It's all about making it a habit. Work towards a certain goal, like twice a week for example and don't give up if you don't make it immidiately.
5) Try more Kino! Get comfortable touching people, especially women you like.


1) Take time to look deep inside yourself! Face your inner hate. Accept what you cannot change about yourself and change what you can. Self love comes first, love for others, you hobbies and the world second.
2) Try to be friendly to everyone! People will usually be friendly in return and like to be around you. It's easier to love a world with friendly people, trust me.
3) Develop morals! Self-respect requires yourself to be true. Don't talk bad about other people. Stand out. Don't let people walk over you, but if they try to don't hate them but rather stop them politely or stop contact with them without making a scene. It's all about self control.
4) Find real passions! Try out new hobbies all the time. Try to put passion into everything you do.
5) Talk to strangers! Discover that everyone has his problems and develop an interest in people. Be interested what they do, you can learn a lot from them. You'll never know everything and trust me, EVERYBODY even a small child can teach you SOMETHING.
6) Stop complaining about all those problems in the world and except that it's not perfect but still a cool place to live in. If you don't want to accept some problem (for example global warning), then don't just complain but do something about it. You aren't as powerless as you would like to be sometimes to dodge responsibility.


1) Being a Don Juan is in the way how you think! Discover the power of faith and believe. Those people who think they have to suffer all the time will do so.
2) Rediscover your faith in yourself! One good technique is to write down a certain goal and read it every evening and morning and while doing so imagine that you already achived your goal and how that feels. (For further information on the topic of auto-suggestion read Napoleon Hill)
3) We are what we believe to be. As you think you shall become once again. If you believe to be the great catch, you'll be.
4) Discover your spiritual side. If you like to pray do it "the proper way". Praying is not just about begging for something to happen but having the faith that it will happen then and working towards it. If you believe that god will help, he will. Some believe he then really does, others say it was just your mind attracting the success through faith. Either way, it works.

In this world sexuality has been banned, love has been messed up by not concentrating at all on self-love, calling infatuation/oneitis love etc. and faith is difficult to have while the media bombards us with bad news every day and science seems to prove that religion is "nonesense".

It's sad but at the same time exciting.


Yes, because discovering and developing those principles is so brand new, an adventure of a life time, not just for you, but for everyone around you who might see an example of how to live happily.

So let us be sexual men once again, let us develop love and passion for ourselves, everyone around us and our hobbies and work. Let this hope that brought us here, this hope that there was more to life, this hope that we could get what we wanted, let this hope transform into a burning faith.

For this is the best world we have, and what a world it is with all it's adventures and excitements, with all it's challenges and tests.

Are you ready to face them? Then turn off this computer and get out there!