mystery's hired gun material


Don Juan
Mar 19, 2006
Reaction score
I've read somewhere about his hired gun material...I wanna buy it or get my hands on it somehow but it's not on his website. What is it? An E-book? A DVD? Some special members only thing?


Master Don Juan
Jan 30, 2003
Reaction score
At home
It's a sniper dude that has some sleeping darts, so that if a friend of hers wants to ****block you, BANG!, the hired gun guy shoots the sleeping dart.

And in extreme cases, when you can't seem to game a very hot babe, the hired gun guy shoots the dart to her, but a different one, which will get her dizzy at first, so that you can take her to your place, and **** her there.


Master Don Juan
May 2, 2005
Reaction score
Ive just read his cliff notes article on strippers. My friend is actually way better at gaming strippers in clubs than I am, and some of this stuff was actually his ideas that I stole from him. Anyway, we both got started by observing and modifying Mystery's rules:

Never sit @ front row (perv alley)

Never be a customer. I don't even buy a drink. I say the owner is coming to my show and he asked me to come by and check his place out. You absolutely cannot ever pay for a lapdance or tip even 1$ or you're a customer and they lose interest automatically.

The girls will eventually ask for tips. Instead ask them for a dollar. Do a magic trick with it, preferably the one that makes the dollar float (see magic sites for details, it's not expensive to get started with this). This is what totally draws them in.

Make them sit on your lap or you won't do the trick for their friend or if no friend then do ONe last trick for her, no more than 2 because thats the general rule for when the tricks begin losing their luster.

You can now proceed to game the stripper with things that interest strippers like ESP, ghosts, the super natural, that kind of crap.

You have to risk losing them in order to get them, some of these chicks can be easily set off and won't be attracted to a man who can't psuh her buttons. Mnay times it will seem you are about to get into an arguement with them even and then BOOM you will get attraction. Not always, many times it goes smooth but I've seen this happen so be ready.

Mostly my advice regards strippers. I have very different approach for pub/grill workers.


Don Juan
Mar 19, 2006
Reaction score
LOL @ SamePendo's post

hero, sounds good. I did get a lap dance from a stripper before I ran game on her, thought I got some IOIs but in hindsight she was a hooker looking for her next "john" hehehehe.

Do you have a link to his cliff notes?