My ultimate question to the "successful" ones:


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2007
Reaction score
Why YOU, and not ME?

I look good, I sound good, I smell good, I touch good, I talk good, I dress good. I am not a "nice guy". I'm "cool". I'm "masculine". I am what you'd call "alpha". I can be a jerk when necessary. I can be borderline sociopath when I feel it is time/place. I have a nice smile. I am a d1ck at the right times. I am outgoing and I have fun when it is timetodo so. I am sexual. I am "real". I am a "mysterious macho" at the right moments. I am nice at the others, when it is an appropriate occasion. I can kino, I can display testosterone-related behavoirs. Guys never usually try to amog me. I am sensitive at times. When I went to a top Las Vegas club (managed to skip the line) randoms thought I worked there (!). Cuz I looked and felt so damn "alpha". AND I had fun by the way. I know all the techniques and methods. I myself feel an inner connection to INNER game as well.. as I am in tune with the surroundings, and have a decent mind/body connection.............

So PLEASE tell me...

Why I STILL ... have little to no real success with women???

I can get numbers
I can get ALL the so-called IOIs or whatever they are called.

and then NOTHING.

Either they dont pick up the phone.


I end up ..honestly.. sabotaging myself..



Why is it so easy for people like say.. DBot from this board?

And not Me?


If I met someone like him.... He'd be shocked at how bad my success with women is.

ANYONE would be.

People automatically think I'm this cool/tough/nice/good man slash guy that has multiple gf's.

I play along because that IS what I actually come across as.

That IS the type of guy I am

But in essence I am a 24 year old virgin.

Why that guy, why this guy, why him??

WHY not ME?

What am "I" doing wrong?

I had NEVER been this honest in my whole LIFE.

Please hear this.

I MUST make a breakthrough.
I am crying and ripping up on the inside.

Please help

I know I am a small step away, I know I'm right there and I'm suffering.


Master Don Juan
Jan 10, 2011
Reaction score
South Africa
Let me be honest, when you take this so called pua/sosuave bull sh1t to the extreme and apply it to every aspect of your personality, which it looks like what you're doing you tend to have the opposite effect. The best advice your mom gave you is be yourself. And drop the pua sh1t.


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2007
Reaction score
Thank you, Sam. This helps, at this really damn hard time, and a crossroads for me. I even felt somewhat suicidal in the past hour. Thank you.

PS referring to the title of my post.. whenever I see/hear/read of a guy successful with girls.. I think HOw am I worse than him.

Now to think about it, I'm lucky I have not been arrested/jailed due to all this stuff, because "I" am supposed to be banging this hot, chick, I should beat up/kill THAT guy. He is NOT worthy. I am.

I am NOT saying this is RIGHT, or GOOD, but this is my gut reaction.


Master Don Juan
Jun 20, 2007
Reaction score
You're afraid to close.

I also believe half of these "qualities' you claim to have you also lied about. For someone who is so confident, cool, and masculine, you are whining like a little B right now. Your inner game is weak. You may fool the outside, but you can't fool yourself, and without confidence, you won't get anywhere. That's why you aren't closing. People probably see through your facade after a certain point.

Try same night lays. Close them that very night. Keep your facade face. Getting numbers is a waste of time. Even the best will get flaked on. Take advantage of the "feel good" at that moment. Invite her back to your place, whatever. And don't be afraid of pvssy. You obviously have some anxiety towards it. You're 24 and a virgin. Stop beating yourself up for it. Relax and stop caring so much. You are messing up somewhere. You say you're "sexual" yet you aren't getting closes. Are you even TRYING to invite them back to your place? What's your kino like? Are you trying to seclude them? Enough pep talk. Make it fvcking happen bro.


Z Man

Don Juan
Aug 19, 2002
Reaction score
Western Missouri

In your OP, you didn't mention what your goal is. Do you just want to get laid? Do you want an LTR? Marriage? What does "success" mean to you? Figure out your specific goal then go for it.

One thing that always bothered me reading from David D'Angelo and others is they always kept "being successful with women" always vague. I realize they are trying to encompass all types of men, but YOU have to make it personal, make it fit your definition of what your desire is for your own happiness.

Also, don't compare yourself and your skills to others here on the forums! You will drive yourself nuts! LOL. We all want different things and its not fair to yourself to compare another man's number of kiss-closes, lay reports, etc. to your own experiences.

Unless you have been my wingman in real life, you can't really see how "successful" I am with the ladies over an online forum, right? And we all exaggerate a bit. ;)

Another thing I noticed in the OP is you are trying to cover all the various tricks and behaviors talked about here in the forums, even techniques that contradict each other. Now that you have a grasp of all these skills, I say you should keep the ones that work with your personality most and drop the rest. You will come across more natural and congruent and have more fun in your interactions with women..

Frankly, none of the lay reports, etc posted here by others should mean anything to you.. only that you may learn from others experiences. Nobody cares about your success except you, so figure out what you want and don't worry how you compare to others, just focus on yourself and the woman you are with. Be in the present! If you are comfortable with yourself, she will pick up on it. No guarantees, but you gotta put yourself out there and make a move! If she rejects you, oh well. Whatever. Life is too short.

I have been rejected so many times in the past it hardly phases me now. It will sting for a few minutes, but then I move on to something else to focus on: a hobby, hanging out with friends, another woman.

Just be honest with yourself and go from there.


You're putting too much stock in losing your virginity. I dare say because you desperately want to lose it, you're giving off a desperate vibe and this is probably what people are picking up when interacting with you. You've also got this self entitlement attitude and an attitude of self pity and neither trait are attractive traits. If you really, really want lose your virginity, then might I suggest you lower your standards and score with a Fatty or perhaps visit a prostitute or an escort?


New Member
Sep 30, 2011
Reaction score
Like Scars said, you're afraid to close. If this were a basketball game it sounds like you'd be a beast for the first 3 quarters of a game, only to not be clutch at the very end. Own the last two minutes of the game and CLOSE it.


Master Don Juan
Sep 15, 2009
Reaction score
U.S. East
"I look good, I sound good, I smell good, I touch good, I talk good, I dress good. I am not a "nice guy". I'm "cool". I'm "masculine". I am what you'd call "alpha". I can be a jerk when necessary. I can be borderline sociopath when I feel it is time/place. I have a nice smile. I am a d1ck at the right times. I am outgoing and I have fun when it is timetodo so. I am sexual."

From what I can tell in your post, you have the mindset that you are perfect or at least at a level where you think you deserve success with women, and when you fail you think it is a problem with the system rather than yourself.

IMO while confidence is good, that's a detrimental mindset to have because you need to be critical of yourself at times... All the times you went with women recently, why have you failed? I bet if you looked across all of them you might find some common things that might have hindered your success. Of course sometimes when we fail, it is out of luck, chance, maybe the woman legitimately had a reason, but if you are wholesale striking out with women, despite how perfect you may think you are, it might be something you are doing or not doing correctly.


Master Don Juan
Oct 14, 2005
Reaction score
Auckland, New Zealand
ArcBound said:
"I look good, I sound good, I smell good, I touch good, I talk good, I dress good. I am not a "nice guy". I'm "cool". I'm "masculine". I am what you'd call "alpha". I can be a jerk when necessary. I can be borderline sociopath when I feel it is time/place. I have a nice smile. I am a d1ck at the right times. I am outgoing and I have fun when it is timetodo so. I am sexual."

From what I can tell in your post, you have the mindset that you are perfect or at least at a level where you think you deserve success with women, and when you fail you think it is a problem with the system rather than yourself.

IMO while confidence is good, that's a detrimental mindset to have because you need to be critical of yourself at times... All the times you went with women recently, why have you failed? I bet if you looked across all of them you might find some common things that might have hindered your success. Of course sometimes when we fail, it is out of luck, chance, maybe the woman legitimately had a reason, but if you are wholesale striking out with women, despite how perfect you may think you are, it might be something you are doing or not doing correctly.
Read this quote a few times and let it sink in, also stop being so outcome driven and "LET IT GO" relax and have fun, they are only women nothing more.

As the other guy said your trying way too hard and this can be easily picked up from all the non verbal things you are most likely doing.

Also losing your "V card/ getting laid like a rockstar" are not the right type of mindsets, once you learn to relax and have fun you will start to attract women like crazy. At first you won't notice it but after a while all the direct hitups by young single hot women will become very apparant.

This is when they start asking you stupid questions about yourself and your life this is the point you know you have them hooked. After this it depends on how much game your really have, if its a show your putting on you may get laid but it will eventually start to fail but if its all you being you you will succeed and keep succeeding.

(Sorry for any spelling mistakes just checking this before bed)


Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2004
Reaction score
DJVladdy said:
Why I STILL ... have little to no real success with women???

I can get numbers
I can get ALL the so-called IOIs or whatever they are called.

and then NOTHING.

Either they dont pick up the phone.


I end up ..honestly.. sabotaging myself..
Do you ever try taking a genuine interest in these women? You can't just put yourself in front of her and say "Here is a man. You can date him." Make connections with these women. Get them to laugh. Make them smile.

You should ONLY keep a technique in your game if you're getting results from it. Did you just slap all these techniques into your personality and say "this is the new me"? You should work on each one individually and see if you can find the real results with them. There's a good chance that something just isn't working with your genuine personality, and you need to get rid of it.

I didn't get to be successful overnight. I worked on certain techniques to see which ones gave me real results. I dumped the ones that didn't. Some will just work well with your natural personality, and some will clash.


Master Don Juan
Oct 17, 2004
Reaction score
You've got some good advice here.

What I will add is that success doesn't come down to a single formula. You ask why not you? But I often find my asking why am I successful with this woman and not this next woman. I did things the same, I still look the same, but while one woman fawns over me and begs me to fvck her, the other won't even hold eye contact.

Sometimes it's not about you and what you're doing/right or wrong. Sometimes you're just not a particular girl's type. The only way to overcome this is to play the numbers game. It wasn't until I started playing the field that I started to see some success. But I've also had a lot more rejections too. That's the game for you.


Master Don Juan
Jul 30, 2010
Reaction score
Canada, eh?
Sounding a bit narcissistic there! I also think you are telling us half of the story. If you have such a good "facade" so-to-speak, there should be at least several women who would be interested without you trying to game them at all. I have a buddy like this, who is nothing special, but rather appears to have his sh!t together and he has been asked out at least three times in the last 6 months by average chicks. He knows what to do with women by heart, but it's even easier when he has to just show up in there....unless he mixes up the time or location (not a brilliant guy at all). Back to basics, dear sir.

Atom Smasher

Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2008
Reaction score
The 7th Dimension
OP, you probably come off as contrived, as a stiff collection of techniques and someone who doesn't have a real interest in the woman you're talking with.

Perhaps you should step back and just socialize with both men and women without feeling outcome-driven.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 31, 2009
Reaction score
DJVladdy said:
I look good, I sound good, I smell good, I touch good, I talk good, I dress good. I am not a "nice guy". I'm "cool". I'm "masculine". I am what you'd call "alpha". I can be a jerk when necessary. I can be borderline sociopath when I feel it is time/place. I have a nice smile. I am a d1ck at the right times. I am outgoing and I have fun when it is timetodo so. I am sexual. I am "real". I am a "mysterious macho" at the right moments. I am nice at the others, when it is an appropriate occasion. I can kino, I can display testosterone-related behavoirs. Guys never usually try to amog me. I am sensitive at times. When I went to a top Las Vegas club (managed to skip the line) randoms thought I worked there (!). Cuz I looked and felt so damn "alpha". AND I had fun by the way. I know all the techniques and methods. I myself feel an inner connection to INNER game as well.. as I am in tune with the surroundings, and have a decent mind/body connection.............
Bottom line is you can define yourself however you like, but reality is what counts.

If you define yourself as 'sexual' but are a 24-year-old virgin, I will go with the latter as an accurate description of reality.

Reality is never wrong, obviously, so probably your self assessment is to blame.


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
it's quite simple actually.

i was willing to go out and fail.

I was willing to go out and face rejection, and learn from it.

You an read this forums all day long until you are blue in the facde, and they help but you aren't going to get anywhere utnil you go out and stair rejection in the face, and learn from it.

that's why back in the day we used to do the "try to get rejected 100 times". Once you get over the fear of being rejected by a woman, the sky is the limit.


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2007
Reaction score
I appreciate the though love you guys. A dose of reality is what I really needed.


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
Espi said:

My opinion, just based on your posts in this thread, is that you're trying to convince us that you're flawless, that you're just too good. You seem to think that you're the perfect guy, that you do and act and think the right ways at the right time.

I invite you to consider being IMPERFECT. Go out and approach a girl and purposefully get her to loathe you, reject you, make her think you're an IMPERFECT PIG.

Look bad, sound bad, smell bad...just fore the heck of it...might take you off of your superiority trip and perhaps make you feel more human.


New Member
Sep 30, 2011
Reaction score
What the ****! That's sad.

You care so much about IO and phone numbers. Whaddapuck!!!!
This is my 1st post and I just got here because my friend ask me to take a look at this website and how funny the post are.

Dude...the more you put information in your head then the more you will just end up virgin and alone. Just free yourself and get balls. GO AND RAPE THE ****ING BIATCH!

You end up jail but at least you aren't a virgin anymore. Problem solved.

Most problems here are just about because they lack the balls with women.
I am not talking about some fictional made balls that you write in forums I am talking about the kind of balls that a Real man has. The kind of balls wherein you are able to stick it in front of a bulls horn and just walk away laughing about it.

A dog doesnt even know anything about seduction techniques and yet he ****s his biatch!

Kupid Diggs

Don Juan
May 5, 2008
Reaction score
Once I stopped caring about actively pursuing women, they started to pop up in my life like weeds...

Poonani Maker

Master Don Juan
Apr 29, 2007
Reaction score
I liken ur post/prob to fishing. If u haven't gone fishing like u haven't ever fvcked a girl then what ur doing here is like going to the bait shop/sporting goods store and buying a pole/flies/jigs/line/multitool/bubbles/swivels/leaders ect and learning how to tie a good knot so that the fish does not break your line or slip off ur bait or whatever u have rigged.

Until u catch that first fish on ur own, u may be self conscious about how you'll look to tha other fishermen on the shore next to you and far away because you know that u may have trouble handling the fish once u bring it in. After the first fish/lay you won't be good. After the second, third, and fourth u won't be a natural a fishing/fvcking, but after a or a few breakout days of reeling them in one right after another, u will treat fishing/tying knots/fvcking as easy, a second nature, and then once that hurdle is out of the way, u can move on to other endeavors mastering them eventually as well. *****-getting is no different. It's sink or swim like anything else. U learn to adapt.