My somewhat elaborate plan to get my oneitis


Don Juan
Dec 22, 2005
Reaction score
So there is this girl in my school that I have liked for 2 years. In those years I have accomplished nothing other than take a seat in the friend zone. Although I know it is really AFC to make a plan this elaborate, I have also been really AFC with this girl, so I need this plan to get out of the friend zone. Before you say to forget about her, let me assure you I have tried my hardest, but I decided that either I need a flat out rejection or let her be my girlfriend before she comes down from the pedestal I have out her on.
The ultimate goal of my plan is to start to get her think differently about me which I think can be accomplished by acting differently. My plan was already put into action three days ago and I've actually had some positive feedback from her. The main difference between how I was then and now is the keno I do to her. Before I just hugged her outside of school when we left a party or movie etc. Today I hugged her when I saw her in school, I had my arm around her and was rubbing it at a party to days ago, wrapped my legs around hers etc. The positive feedback I got from her is that she asked me to hold her because she was cold and she put her legs under mine today at lunch when we were sitting down. I guess it can be considered a promising start.

So anyways in around a month I plan to just flat out tell her my feelings (in a hopefully non AFCish manner) and just pray that I changed her mind enough.

Anyways even if i fail I am still proud of myself that I grapped my nuts and started with keno CF etc. I have even been doing it to other girls but sheès the one I want.

Do you guys mind offering me your insight into how I plan to get this girl and perhaps offer me suggestions as to what I should change or focus on,

Thanks in advance


Master Don Juan
Oct 11, 2005
Reaction score
Oh Christ don't tell her your feelings!!!

Relationships have to just happen.

Or at least appear that way.

Take her on a date, then see if she wants to come back to your place to "hang out".

Then once isolated see if you can take kino further by moving in with the kiss.

Someone Much cooler

Senior Don Juan
Mar 8, 2007
Reaction score
East Coast
I would try and flirt with her, i think if she lets you get all touchy feely with her she might already kinda be interested. what do you have to lose besides a little self respect and pride, and like Marcelas Wallace said..fuc pride!


Don Juan
Dec 22, 2005
Reaction score
Just to clarify that when I will tell her my feelings it will be along the lines of "look we've been friends for a very long time and I think you are very pretty and I really like your personality and would like to take you out on a date" I didn't mean to tell her "I liked you fro two years, I think about you be4 i go to sleep...."

Anyways just to tell you what fvcked me up from the beginning.
In grade 10 when I already liked her I was with her and we were talking about what she likes in a guy (can you say friendzone!!), anyways her response was the main thing she cares about is that he has to be nice. Being the dumbass that I was I believed her and spent the next year or so trying to be the biggest sweetheart around her, by the time I realized it wasn't going to work, I was already deep inside the friendship territory.


Don Juan
Dec 22, 2005
Reaction score
Thing is I wouldnt lose self-respect or pride by flirting with her, which I began lately, the more I do, the prouder I am with myself, even if I get rejected at least I can say I put in an effort.


Master Don Juan
Oct 11, 2005
Reaction score
Oh I see.

Yeah thats better.

Though I'd maybe just stick with telling her she's pretty and you'd like to take her out on a date.

Don't let her mind even wander over that word friend pertaining to you lol.

Good job though man.


Master Don Juan
Nov 14, 2001
Reaction score
at our house
hold on, wait a minute...
the title to this thread is ..." My somewhat elaborate plan to get my oneitis"

with that being said,
once you know that you have a oneitis......
shouldn't you be steering clear of them so that your oneitis does not get worse?

once you have a oneitis, its so hard to get over them and you must act now.
admission is the first step to recovery.


Don Juan
Dec 22, 2005
Reaction score
There's no way I could avoid her even if I tried, she is a really good friend of mine and I am not the type to blow someone off like that, as well even if i DO, she is also really good friends wid my really good friends, so I'll still see her almost every weekend. And I honestly dont see the point to giving up while there is hope, maybe if she got a bf or something. It also isn't like I am not trying to improve my game with other girls.


Don Juan
Dec 22, 2005
Reaction score
So, as report of the day so far, I must say that yesterday was a little better in terms of keno but today was better in terms of CF, I would have had better keno except her friend was sitting in between me and her. The main keno keno I did today was whenever I asked her a question instead of saying her name I gently touched her shoulder/back, and when we were walking I made sure to walk really close so that arms brushed when swinging back and forth.

I guess it is a good sign that when I went closer to her she didn't keep her distance.

Anyways I have another question, should I make the keno more obvious or is what I am doing now fine.


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
not as elebrotae as my 10 step "foul proof" plan to get mine which I posted here about 3 years ago.. and didn't work


Senior Don Juan
May 8, 2007
Reaction score
this is like saying 'i plan to beat alcoholism by drinking all the booze so it's not there to tempt me'


Senior Don Juan
Nov 15, 2006
Reaction score
relationships just happen as has been said before...

enjoy your time together and its HER that will want YOU to comit.. thats the only way...

but i know ur not gonna take this advice and continue with ur master plan anyway.. so after you get a flat out rejection (and u will) ur only way will be to play ganji games.. avoid her, and ignore her like she's nothing to you... she will try hARD to get your attention... flirt with other girls infront of her and if she doesnt come back to you.. then good riddance..