My response and more to a question posed by Fenderules


Master Don Juan
Dec 4, 2004
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Men who hate posed by Fenderules. The follow is a response by a female to another female about getting a rich guy to like her.
Pay special attention to this:

"I can offer this advice. If the rich guy is becoming less appealing, give the cute poor boy a chance. Introducing a new suitor into the equation will probably only make the rich one want you more. Maybe he’ll try to buy your affection, and then however things turn out you’ll get a bunch of free stuff!"

The root of this is a common problem in North America. Women here (white or foreign born/raised in NA) feel they are entitled to a man who satisfies EVERY SINGLE one of their needs simply because they have a vagina and two breasts.

There is a reason why the divorce rate has SKY-ROCKETED in the past 20-30 years in USA/Canada. That reason is the feminazi movement which is based on a totally misguided set of beliefs that go against human nature. Let's not forget that most women (large majority actually) marry a man who makes more money than them, and the fact that women almost invariable gain after a divorce. Ever wonder why some women these days are so eager to get a guy in marriage?

Ever wonder why lack of sex in marriage is becoming such a problem these days? Well when you go fishing and you catch a fish, do you give it some more free bait just before you kill it and fry it up for dinner? Same reason why women withhold sex after marriage. They got what they want. They don't care what you want.

Anyways, here is the full quote. I've underlined things in her quote which I addressed in my brief/general analysis on the problem with women in NA above. I've also made a few edits.

"Sounds like your rich guy is getting whipped, but now you’re not sure you want him. You explained that the two of you are really different, that he’s quite a bit older, and that he needs you more than you need him. Maybe you subdued him too easily and now you crave a bigger challenge. Or maybe you’re just wise enough to play the field for a while before cramming all your eggs into one basket.

Also, another guy has entered the picture. A cute, poor boy who has more in common with you. Sounds like a standard Disney dilemma. If you go for the poor one, maybe he’ll turn out to be a wealthy prince in disguise. (Edit by TillTheEndOfTime: Even when considering a poor guy, the thought of him possibly still being wealthy is still there)

Marrying a rich guy is very appealing. But so is participating in a lifelong relationship you enjoy. Hopefully you can have both (Edit by TillTheEndOfTime: What did I just say about woman wanting it all?). If not, I can’t confirm which way to lean. You’ll have to weigh the variables yourself.

I can offer this advice. If the rich guy is becoming less appealing, give the cute poor boy a chance. Introducing a new suitor into the equation will probably only make the rich one want you more. Maybe he’ll try to buy your affection, and then however things turn out you’ll get a bunch of free stuff!

You never know. Maybe you’ll get to know the poor boy and find out he has a lot of earning potential to offset his current poverty. Or maybe he’ll be so great that thoughts of older, richer men will go out the window regardless of the financial sacrifice (Edit by TillTheEndOfTime: hahahaha. Yeah right hunny.).

Or maybe you’ll dump them both and find a cute, rich guy your age whose personality compliments yours in every way imaginable.[Edit by TilltheEndOfTime: Again women want it all. They have unrealistic expectations that no man can live up to)

That’s the fun part of being on the hunt. You never know who you’ll come across."

Enough said.

I would like to say more if there is enough interest. Off the top of my head is a comparison between NA and other cultures.



Master Don Juan
Mar 31, 2003
Reaction score
very cool, i will respond 2 this later when i get a chance to read it!


Master Don Juan
Mar 31, 2003
Reaction score
Intersting perspective. Yeah its pretty gay with gold diggers these days. But notice one thing............the rich guys described above are AFC's. They let themselves down so of course anybody can take advantage of them.

Adn about AFC........women (about dating and realtionships) are not the only ones taht take advantage of them

Sails people prey on AFCs
What about con artists who get them to open their big heart and make them feel gulity? If im gonna donate a lotta money.... im gonna make sure it goes somewhere legit, i dont care if they are tying to make me feel bad....the point is i wont get scammed.

Hell even people squeezing in front of you at the airport! they think you will not do something and chances are if your AFC you wont?

Or maby a bulley? when i was an AFC in highschool i got taken advantage of all the time. People would cheat off me, steal **** and all sorts of stuff and i put up with it. Once i got an attitude and did not take ****, people stopped and i never felt as empowered.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 21, 2004
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birmingham, uk
hey guys, you do both make complete sense, but both of your points contradict each others..

fender, your point, although as a counter point, is still in agreement with times point,

were you say, dont take this ****e and dont allow yourself to be taken advantage of,

then your still saying that women are of a position to do this, am i wrong,
your giving a solution to a false problem here...

dont get me wrong though. alot of women do do this, however there is an explenation.... they do expect an independant man to provide for and take care of them, right? and in todays day and life money is everything, you got no money then you got no house, food, car, or anything.

and so it is a normal thing for a women to look for a rich man who can provide and care for her, am i wrong?

fender and end of time, you dont let women take addvantage of you, and that is a good thing, the bad thing is the belief you have about women that tells you to take no ****e, am i right or wrong here?

women are not out to manipulate men for there money, right?
when a women does do this it is because she can... not because she planned to...

its like spoiling a child, they get used to it and manage to worm even more out of the parents and they dont even see that there child is actually spoild... there is either no one to blame here or both parent and child...with me?


Master Don Juan
Mar 31, 2003
Reaction score
when im mean i dont take ****.....if they want me to buy them all sorts of things im not going to do it. Im not gonna dump her on the curve either. Im saying stuff 2 like the ***** tests and all that. If she does compltely freak out then, yeah she will be gone. If they want to have nice things, they have to earn it, not the other way around and i would certainly not go out and buy a 80,000 car for her lol!

For me that would be the way to filter out the gold diggers, cause a gold digger will not get much out of me and it will not be worth her time. And when i get married im sure as hell gonna get a prenuptual agreement.