My Night Out - FR


Senior Don Juan
Mar 10, 2011
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Had a friends birthday the night before last up at his uni town, it was a lot of fun. So here's the rundown.

5 mates (1 a Girl) go down to my friends house and meet his housemates. We start pre-drinking and then head to the club for about 11. His housemates are pretty cool and I talk to one of them for quite a while. The only girl out is the one we came down with and she's taken so nothing there.

We get to the club, and one of my friends forgot his I.D so he went back with the birthday boy to collect it. The rest of us went in the club and hit the bar. While we were hanging around waiting for the other 2 to get back some girl squeezes my bum. I think nothing of it at first and ignore and keep chatting to the guys I'm with. Then she does it again, and again. At this point I turn around, realise she is not attractive at all, make excuses quickly and head to the toilet, I come back and stand on the opposite side of my mates circle. Now a question I want to ask here as it doesn't happen to me all the time, but bum squeezing is a great thing right? It's just I have had an experience before where the girl had been doing it to numerous people for a laugh to gauge their reactions.

Anyway the night goes on and I'm getting pretty drunk, we've all started dancing, and two of my mates are out of it. They're kind of embarrassing to be around when they are drunk, but I like them so it's not usually a big deal and I have a laugh acting real stupid with them. However this time they have had too much and are in their own little world, they are pretty much the most drunk in the club, which wasn't particularly busy. A friend and I try to ignore them as best we can, not because they were being embarrassing but because they were getting really annoying, throwing their arms everywhere, stumbling into people etc. Eventually me and him decide to go dance in the other room for a bit and get a drink. We head to the dancefloor, and start dancing near these 2 girls (HB6's) and slowly get talking to them/dancing with them. Normally I can tell when I'm in, and this was one of those cases, plenty of eye contact and touching, while my friend dances with this other one. Then I get ****-blocked twice and loose contact with her. The first being a guy who asks me to take a photo of him and his mates, which is fine, but the second being my two wasted mates who come over and scare the girls off by dancing like maniacs and throwing their arms over us and the girls.

So this part of the evening ruined I continue to drink and go back to dancing with everybody else, fortunately the two boys have started drinking water and calm down a little bit back to being bearable and we have a great rest of the night just dancing and having fun.

When it comes to leaving we realise we have lost somebody, so we all split up to go find him. I stay with one of my mates and we find him pretty quickly. While my friend checks that the lost guy is ok I see a pair of girls dancing just in front of me. One of the girls has a guy, the other (HB6) it sort of standing to one side watching them ball-room dance. I go straight up to her, bow and ask her to dance. Then I take her hands, ballroom dance very briefly with her and then we start grinding. Note I have hardly said a word to her. After a minute or two we start making out, and after another minute or so we stop to exchange names haha. My friends are all watching me at this point, which I don't realise because we were all meant to be leaving. Then she asks me where I came from, to which I say 'over there' and point somewhere else in the club. Then we go back to kissing.

After about 5-10 minutes more making out her other friend comes over and takes her away pretty abruptly. And that's the end of the night, we went and got a kebab after that haha. Another question to ask is how could I have transitioned the make out to going home with her as it was fairly late? Or did I not stand a chance because her friend was adamant to get me away from her?

So tada, a fairly decent night, with a hiccup in the middle where some friends got too drunk. Let me know what you think.



Master Don Juan
Jul 13, 2012
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Senior Don Juan
Mar 10, 2011
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Cheers Purefilth, I've read a lot of the Bible before and think I have the basic stuff down, especially when it comes to clubbing as I do it so frequently at the moment haha.

This is one of my favourite threads, all about dancing and eye contact, I try to use the ideas there when I go out.

I should probably read up on the field practice section though as it has been a while, I've probably forgotten some things that could help me out a lot.
