My First Club Game.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 5, 2008
Reaction score
A place where dreams become reality
Okay, this is my take on the clubbing scene so far. Prior to this post, I’ve only been to clubs twice. Honestly, I was having the jitters the first time, as I only knew a friend there and my mind was constantly telling me to go approach, dance, and get laid. It was unhealthy. I managed to talk to some women who were mutual friends of my lady friend who brought me into the club. Everything was good, until I found myself wasting the long night away, with nothing in my hands. Too anxious of me, I thought. Well, let’s not get into the past anymore. I shall share with you, my 2nd club experience. In fact, I have some advice to seek after telling this story.

I was invited to a club by two friends, and it was supposedly to celebrate someone’s birthday. By the time we got in, it was pretty empty and we just sat around and waited for the crowd to arrive. My friends got warmed up by downing some alcohol, while I just sat around looking at people subtly. Well, this went on until around midnight when it started to get really packed. Before we were going to have problems walking around, I take my two friends to the dance floor. They had no idea I would go talk to women. I saw a group of 3 girls dancing lightly by themselves, so I walked up to them. I said to one of the girls, who wasn’t the best looking one, “Hey, are you girls alone?” I can’t remember what she replied, but I just went on to tell her that my friend here wants to buy her a drink. Once again, it was pretty loud so I don’t know what she answered me with, but I pulled my friend over to talk to her. My friends are normal guys, not anywhere near good. Well, I just wanted to help them out, so I told the other girl in the group that my other friend wants to buy her a drink. This one declined the offer, and was shunning away the whole time. Negative. I eventually talked to the last girl, which I wanted for myself. Earlier there was a bouncer who came over and asked them if they knew who left a bag on the dance floor. I pulled the girl over and said into her ears, “Did you plant a bomb her?” She laughed, and shortly after, they told my friend they were going to the toilet. Well, we moved on. First attempt failed miserably.

A pair of 2 spotted, a HB5 and HB7. I talk to the HB7. This time, only one of my friends was with me.

Me: Are you girls alone?
HB7: No, our friends are sitting at the bar.
Me: Okay, are you single?
HB7: (thought for 4 seconds) Yes.
Me: Okay. I’m married.
HB7: Really? (her eyes glow and looks in disbelief)
Me: Got you.
HB7: (laughs)
Me: I got some drugs. You want to take them?
HB7: Huhhhhhh? No.
Me: Got you again. (smile)
HB7: (smiles)
Me: What’s your name.
HB7: ImA****ing*****.
Me: So how did you girls know each other.
HB7: At work.
Me: Oh.. okay.

We danced for a little while, and the HB5 told my friend she wants to go look for their friends. I asked HB7 if she was going too, and she said yeah. I told her, “You can run now if you want” with a smile. She said she’s not going to run away. I laughed and said okay.

Anyway, they went back to their seats. Later, I went to the toilet with my friends, and passed by their table. They were sitting with 2 of their guy friends, and turned away upon seeing us. We continued walking. Afterwards, I went back to their table, and asked the HB7, “Are you the girl just now?” She said yes, and I told her to give me her number. She was going to, but her HB5 friend stopped her and told me they will go find us later. I said, “Okay, we’re sitting at the other side.” I left. Sure enough, they came to find us like 10 minutes later. My friend was out smoking so I took them along to find him. I let my friend have the HB5, while I continue to talk to the HB7. She asked for my age, and I told her to guess. She guessed wrongly, and I told her, age is just a number.

Afterwards, we went back onto the dance floor. Again, after awhile, HB5 is going back to her table, and my friend is going back to our table as well. But the HB7 stuck with me and we danced for the next hour. I took her to a corner and held her waist, taking it slow. Then I was going to kiss her, but she wasn’t that keen at first, so I pulled away. I talked into her ears for a bit more. I went for the kiss again, and got it. We ended up making out for awhile, despite she was a bad kisser. This went on and I got my hands on her breasts, with no resistance whatsoever. She was into me. I was ****y and funny, told her that the girl behind me was grinding my butt and asked if she would get jealous. She shook her head, smiling. I went, “Okay, then I’ll go dance with her. Bye.” She holds me back. We continued dancing and finally I brought her out to get a breather. We were walking down the stairs. She didn’t see me walk past her, so she said, “You’re fast.” I replied, “Yeah, sorry I forgot to tell you”, with a smile. Then out of a blue, I turn my back after walking a while more, and she’s gone. I thought she went to the restroom, so I waited for awhile, but there was no sign of her. In the end, I found out she saw her friends and they told her to go.

I didn’t manage to get her number. However, my friend has the HB5’s number. My friend did the worst thing possible, by texting her asking where she is, and calling her twice with no response. I got the HB5’s number, and texted her saying I’m the guy from just now. HB5 seemed to be more attracted to me and she was holding my hands the whole time while we were walking to find my friend earlier. I got a reply from her the next morning, asking for my name. Well, she texted my friend and asked the same thing too. I told her my name, and said somewhere along the lines of, “So you and HB7 disappeared into thin air. Magic?” She said they were having too much and had to go first. She then asked how I got her number. I said I know magic too, and I told her to give me HB7’s number. She asked why I didn’t get it from HB7 myself, and I said I forgot. Anyway, she gave me the number, and I sent a text awhile later.

Me: Hey, it’s the guy from last night who looked incredibly young for an 81-year-old.
HB7: Lol, so you are really 19 right.
Me: Maybe. Where’d you go yesterday.
HB7: My friends came down to find me yeah so I left.
Me: Are you at home right now.
HB7: Nope. Why?
Me: I wanted to talk on the phone with the girl who took advantage of me.
HB7: Lol, it’s you okay.
Me: I’ll call you later.

I called her after I was done with my stuffs, later in the night.

Me: Hey, are you at home?
HB7: Yeah, but I’m going out soon.
Me: Oh okay.
HB7: You?
Me: I’m on my way home.
HB7: Oh.
Me: Never mind then, I’ll talk to you next time.
HB7: Haha. Okay, bye.

A day passed, and I sent a text this morning, “How was your night.” She replied, “Good. Haha.” I told her let’s talk on the phone, and I called her. She didn’t pick up. I went to do my thing, and she replied awhile later, “Did you call me? Erm. We can talk at night. Lol.”

I did not reply.

And my friend told me that the HB5 once told her that HB7 was not into guys younger than her. I’m 2 years younger. Well, I don’t really give a blue f*ck as everything went good that night, until she left.

I see it as disrespect when she left without at least telling me she had to go.
So, I’m trying to give her one last chance, talk to her, set up a date, and see if she’s still interested. I’m not the type who does random hookups unless I know the girl is a really loose one. This HB7 doesn’t seem loose at all during our interaction.

Anyway, I want to hear some good opinions and advice on this one. I have done some thinking and got some plans in mind.


Master Don Juan
Jun 20, 2007
Reaction score
I liked your opener. You turned something that normally would have bombed completely and made it funny and clever. I actually might use something like that in the future. Don't get so worked up about her leaving. You got to remember that this is a club girl you're dealing with. You should of fvcked her that very night. When girls are slvts, they like to be treated like one. You kind of missed your opportunity, I'm not suprise she isn't being very reactive to your calls. Perhaps if you raise her IL more you'll get a bit more out of her. You seemed to pull through during the opener, so I can imagine you can wiggle yourself into getting a second meet-up as well. Best of luck.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 5, 2008
Reaction score
A place where dreams become reality
I was asking her when she's free to go out, and she was like, "maybe next week, i'm not free this week." But obviously i know she's not that interested. Hence, I saw her online and decided to tell her this midway through our conversation, "by the way, i want to take you out and know you better. but i don't got a lot of time to spare these days. are you interested."

She replied with, "you can start by telling me more about yourself."

As usual, i'm being ****y and funny, "i'm 19, not married, don't have children, and i tend to skip breakfast sometimes. how about you. :)"

Then after some fluff talk, she went to ask why i wanna know her. I said because i'm a guy and you're a girl. And i said, "so are you interested to go out. don't worry i won't ask you to pay for my meals. :)"

She adds resistance and says there's many girls out there, and she's busy this week. I say i'm free on some days next week. She says okay, and i suggest i'm only free at night. She asks me where we're going to, and i replied, "any place that's really dark and secluded." Well, it's just me being C&F again, and i say i'd find a place to eat first, and i ask where she stays. Finally, i suggest going to a specific place and see how it goes, she says okay. I said, "hold on.. i'll check my schedule."

I say i should be free on tuesday night. She replies with the old-fashioned, "i'll let you know again." Then i said i'm going to sleep and good night.

I kind of turned the situation around. I had a feeling she was sh*t-testing me all these while after the night at the club. She may be thinking i'm a player, since i was smooth in hitting up on her friend and her. She seems the girl-next-door, doesn't dress wildly, and isn't that pretty, maybe a 6 after some re-evaluation. My gut tells me she's a decent girl outside of the clubs, which is why she's putting me through the sh*t tests. She plays uninterested when i was texting and calling her. Maybe it takes some determination to curb the anti-slvt defense.

Anyone sees this in the same way?