Multiple plates possibly colliding, need your help guys!

Von Huge

Don Juan
Sep 2, 2012
Reaction score
Sup gents?

I'm spinning four or five plates at the moment actually, but this is about two in particular. Let's call one Jade and one Emily. Let it be known that I haven't lied to any of these girls and told them that we're exclusive, however none of them have asked if I was seeing anyone else :) (the other plates have and they're okay with it).

Jade is what you'd call cute. I met her at a party I DJed at, we have texted every day for like a month and there's been some cute messages strewn in there. I made the decision a week or two ago though that I couldn't date her exclusively, she may be 18 but a girl with no drive or ambition who has drank 7 days in a row is very offputting to me. She's still cute and fun, but I could not ever be in something serious with her.

Emily is what I'd call hot. I met her at a university party and got her number within two minutes. We have been on a few dates and they've gone very well. She's exiting (or still in? It's hard to say but whatever it is is either over or finishing up) a long term relationship with another guy and doesn't want things to go too fast with us, which I understand. I do like her though, but I didn't want to put all my eggs in one basket when complications still exist (namely, the other guy she was/is seeing) and lose a perfectly good plate.

Here's the awkward thing, through sheer oversight on my part they are both invited to my 21st. My original thought was that Jade would have to deal with me hooking up with Emily there and just put up with it, but in the last few days - and especially tonight while tipsy, she's been saying how she gets butterflies thinking of me and how she really wants to see me and just kiss and hold me. She even said she really liked me, and almost used the word love. That stuff freaks me out, not exactly someone I can just say "sorry babe I'm seeing someone" to without having to have a major freak out on our hands.

On the other hand, I'd be upset if I hooked up with Jade at the party and Emily (who's a little insecure already) witnessed it. That would definitely not go down well, and to be honest losing Emily would upset me more then losing Jade.

It's tough because the complications with Emily prevent me from wanting to go "all in" with her. I could tell Jade I just want to be friends days before the party, deal with a major freak out then and focus on Emily (with the other plates in the background not interfering, until such a point where as I became exclusive with Emily if it were to progress that far). Having said that, Emily might not be a sure thing, and Jade is a perfectly good plate to spin. It'd suck to throw her away on a chance that might not pay off.

Uninviting Jade is the other solution, that'd send an even worse statement then the above actions though I think.

Basically, I'm wondering if there was any way I could keep both girls without upsetting or hurting any of them? My guess is no, but there are DJs on this forum who are far more adept at juggling plates then me, so it's worth asking your advice. I could just be a man and say to Jade "I need you to know that because we're not actually dating, I'm still seeing other girls. I hope you understand". I probably should have said that in the first place tbh like I did with some of the other plates heh.

Enough from me now, if anyone could give me tips, thoughts or advice on how to deal with this (while preferably keeping both plates spinning and happy) I'd greatly appreciate it to the moon and back :cheer:


Senior Don Juan
Oct 17, 2012
Reaction score
Philadelphia Suburbs
Invite one that you don't care about to a solo date with you. Invite the one you do want to your bday party!

Tell the girl your bros want you alone, implying that you aren't bringing any girl to your 21st.


Don Juan
Jan 6, 2013
Reaction score
...Don't celebrate your birthday?

Probably not exactly your preferable solution, but just putting it out there.

I don't celebrate my birthdays since I was 14 or so; I get the occasional surprise birthday party thrown by my friends, but honestly, I just don't really care for it, and it actually proved a good thing in the long run, since I never have to spend extra money, do not have to worry and organize anything, there's never any drama about inviting or not inviting someone and so on.

Sure, you don't get that one night a year when everything is about you, but apart from that flattery, how is it any different than any random night out with friends, or someone else's birthday?

Just my two cents.

Von Huge

Don Juan
Sep 2, 2012
Reaction score
Here's the thing dude, I don't usually. This one is just getting celebrated because it's a milestone. I probably won't have a proper party again till I'm 30 now to be honest! Everything's been booked though, and I don't want to let this possible drama ruin everything

Von Huge

Don Juan
Sep 2, 2012
Reaction score
Update: got some intense drunk texts from Jade. About having dreamt about me, wondering why we aren't in a relationship and almost letting slip that she loved me. All this on a Monday night too...

Von Huge

Don Juan
Sep 2, 2012
Reaction score
Update: got some intense drunk texts from Jade. About having dreamt about me, wondering why we aren't in a relationship and almost letting slip that she loved me. All this on a Monday night too...


Don Juan
Jan 6, 2013
Reaction score
...something along this:

Kill Emily's cat or something. Or get one of them too drunk in first 20 minutes and ask someone to take her home, so you have the evening with the other one. If you can somehow manage to make one of them not to be able to come to the party (i.e., one of them is allergic to peanuts - peanut spray everything, stuff peanuts even into pork chops and drink bottles. Make it unavoidable, and say that it's OK if she can't come, you two will organize your own little private party. The idea is to make it seem like one of them is letting you down by not being able to come, so that they can pay you back later)

If that is not possible, and you end up with BOTH of them at the same party..

Like you said, you'd prefer one of them more, however, another one is more willing, so it's somewhat of a stalemate in a decision between two girls, and you're worried about dropping one/both of them.

Try not to hook up with either one, but don't avoid them either. Ask one of our friends to look after you, and if it seems like you are getting too touchy-feely with one of the girls, make them drag you to do shots or something.

It's your birthday, which means, you are there to have fun, and spend time with all the people on the party. Sure, those girls might want some extra attention thinking they are special to you, and feel a tad dissapointed, but it is still a lesser of two evils.
Your options are, pretty much:
a) you don't spend too much time with either of the girls, since everyone wants a piece of you and it is a day where everything is about you, so it is kind of forgivable, although some **** might come down later on.
b)one girl sees you hooking up with some other girl, and feels played, potentially causing a ****-storm.
c)You play on their vanity/jealousy, and organize yourself a little ménage à trois.

And, just a small tip - if you're talking to Emily, and she's being flirty, DO NOT look around to see if Jade is looking, and vice versa. Keep it casual, keep it light, and do not show that you are nervous about them colliding with each other. Girls can smell that from miles. If you don't show nothing is wrong, they won't think there's something wrong. If you are speaking to Emily, and she sees you glance at Jade every 5 seconds, she will assume something is up.

Still, a lot depends on how it was played before, how special to you they feel, how would they react knowing about non-exclusivity, how likely one of them is to get very drunk and try to have sex with you in front of everyone, and so on. You know those two girls better than anyone on this board, so you should know enough details to know how to act!

And yeah, Happy upcoming birthday!


Senior Don Juan
Jul 14, 2007
Reaction score
It sounds like Jade is gonna come unhinged anyway. Not sure I would want her around.