Motorcycle license...


Master Don Juan
Jun 2, 2004
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im taking a training course to get my motorcycle for those of you want want a thrill...the motorcycle is the way to go!! what a rush! can wait to get my bike!! PRMoon...u sell bikes right?? im thinking about buying a slow beginner bike at first...maybe a honda rebel!


Master Don Juan
Apr 2, 2003
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If I were to get a cruiser for a first bike I'd go with a Honda Shadow 750. You really don't want to be on the free way with a Rebel. Slow is one thing but trust me when I say you'll be very dissapointed with that bike and be selling it off as soon as you can. As far as speed goes, cruisers are much eaiser to control then sport bikes, once you feel yourself getting pulled back from the wind a little more then you like, then you're probably going to fast, you need to slow down.

A Shadow 750 with a shaft drive is a good bike that'll last you at least 5-10 years. It's not lighnting fast but if you need to get some where quick like 90-100 miles an hour it'll deliver no problem. A shaft drive means you'll need less maitenance as well because the shaft wont strech like a chain will over the course of it's life. All you'll really have to do is put gear oil in the drive shaft and you should be good to go.

Price wise...well obvously there's a differance. A new Rebel will run you no more then 3,500. You'd be lucky to find a used Shadow 750 for less then 5,200 but believe me when I say you'll get conciderably more value for the extra money you spend on the larger bike. PM me if you have any other questions.


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
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midwestern cow field 40
I used to ride and have been considering taking it up again. Motorcycles tended to bring me a constant flow of all the wrong women, but it was still fun. If you ever see a guy and a girl on a bike together, they are fvcking. Even if they have just met, they are about to fvck. All defenses crumble right away.

I had a 90 Suzuki GS500E; it's a sport bike with less fairing.

I still see newer bikes in the same style. It was super quick, 0-60 in under 4 sec, but a small cc bike will not have a high top speed. Tops on that Suzuki was about 115-120.

I also had a 1980 Kawasaki LTD1000, a giant bike.
The guy I got it from had re-bored it to 1087cc and had planned to drag race it.
He was going to make it into this:
but he ran out of money.
It was an old bike that did not look very fast, but the owner said it outran every street bike he met, at least on the straightaway. I never opened the throttle all the way, because I felt like I would fall off the back. I'm used to the rear-set pegs of a street bike.

Your body size will in part determine what you should get. I am 6' 170, and a 500-600 cc bike works fine for me. Passengers change everything, though. Sport bikes are not meant for long rides for two, but a not-fat chick still fits on the back.

Wear a helmet and the right safety equipment. The safety course will teach you to look farther down the road as you ride. Look to the horizon, and look through curves. These skills make you a better driver of cars as well.