Most women don't give a **** about muscles and money


Master Don Juan
Jul 31, 2012
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expos said:
Until a muscular, good looking guy comes along and hits on them when the IT Tech Nerd isn't around.
actually, ive been lifting weights and doing martial arts for over a decade now, the women will look at me and some may even give me smiles, but at the end of the day they are going home to their ugly husbands and their ugly kids.


Master Don Juan
Apr 10, 2013
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foreverAFC said:
but at the end of the day they are going home to their ugly husbands and their ugly kids.
You think they are happy about going home to their ugly husbands? Think about it...this was the best these women could do. They settled.


Master Don Juan
Oct 22, 2007
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Eastern Time Zone where it's always really late
Muscles ARE attractive, but it's difficult to separate muscles from other features of looks that women consider like height, hair, face, jaw, skin tone, shoulder width, etc.

Overall, muscles are a plus and certainly won't hurt any guy, but the mileage that the guy will get from it may vary because of his other looks factors.


Apr 9, 2010
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JohnChops said:
Lol i'm 5 8 215 lbs lean, I actually noticed that when I was 170lbs and lean (back in the physique days) that girls approached me alot more and were not afraid to converse with me. Every since I put on massive amounts of size, women look at me, but don't really smile they just look dumbfounded. If I go up to em they always talk back though.

I think its interesting, thank god I dont lift to get girl, f that more size = more fun babbby.

But ya, getting to big will make them somewhat flabbergasted by your appearance.

Are you natural?


Master Don Juan
Feb 28, 2012
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Los Angeles
even the latest phone like the iphone 6 plus or note 4 will catch some hb's attention lol


Master Don Juan
Jun 18, 2013
Reaction score
I've met hot women who were incredibly shallow and I've met hot women who were more into the guy's personality and the emotional connection. It depends on the girl. However I have never met a chick who told me she could date a man she found "ugly". If she finds you decent looking you can become attractive to her. To be honest the hottest women I know (10's) tend to date down a bit, nice guys. They know they're not going anywhere and will treat them like a queen...these chicks have huge egos though, they can't stand being in a relationship with a guy who gets more attention than them.


Master Don Juan
Jun 18, 2013
Reaction score
zekko said:
Interesting, I've found it to be the exact opposite. In other words, you need to be working on pleasing woman a lot more if you are trying to be a player than if you are in a LTR. Seems to me that it is easier to find one woman who will blindly follow you than ten of them.
we are only human. Usually after I get in a relationship and finally lock a hot chick down, Im so emotionally drained of the player lifestyle that I can only maintain my A game and physical appearance for 1-2 months while I'm in the relationship before I become a slob and let myself go.

I actually NEED to let myself go a bit for my own mental health. dressing nice all the time , the tanning, the weekly haircuts, manicures, hitting the gym every day, constantly spinning plates.......the **** gets old. At some point I just wanna grow a beard light a cigar...

Of course the woman usually leaves me shortly after this because she loses attraction but at that point I don't care too much. I've already plowed that field. Then I go back to the single lifestyle and get in the best shape of my life, meticulous with my physical appearance until I lock another one down. .Id rather be single than be miserable while I kill myself to impress some c u n t who's inevitably going to get bored of me anyways. They all do.... The only way I'd ever go out of my way to entertain some chick or keep her into me after I've already ****ed her 100 times was if I absolutely knew she was the best I was ever going to do and that's is never going to happen. there is no such thing as a "great catch" with women, you can always do better.


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2012
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No more keyboard jockeying . Action is the place.
captain55 said:
I've met hot women who were incredibly shallow and I've met hot women who were more into the guy's personality and the emotional connection. It depends on the girl. However I have never met a chick who told me she could date a man she found "ugly". If she finds you decent looking you can become attractive to her. To be honest the hottest women I know (10's) tend to date down a bit, nice guys. They know they're not going anywhere and will treat them like a queen...these chicks have huge egos though, they can't stand being in a relationship with a guy who gets more attention than them.
i concur, i had this one girl i talked to who was gorgeous! She was Brazilian to. She spoke about her past boyfriends and stuff, she said she cared more about personality than anything. I have to agree, because her last BF was a little chubby and not the best looking. Many dont care about looks, some care about looks. Id rather have the non-shallow girls anyday of the week.


Don Juan
Nov 14, 2014
Reaction score
Not true ... I really like muscular guys.

Anyways, let me describe the guy in my uni that all the girls love. He is extremely intelligent, has A's in all classes, participates in everything, outgoing (life of the party type), very sweet, never gossips, muscular, blonde, cute

We all love him dice he's sop cute n dreamy.. But he's married now :(


Sep 11, 2013
Reaction score
princess_124 said:
Not true ... I really like muscular guys.

Anyways, let me describe the guy in my uni that all the girls love. He is extremely intelligent, has A's in all classes, participates in everything, outgoing (life of the party type), very sweet, never gossips, muscular, blonde, cute

We all love him dice he's sop cute n dreamy.. But he's married now :(
so the Earl of Northumberland


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
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monrovia, CA
it's not physically possible to be 5'8 and lean. I'm 5'8. At 190 I look like an NFL running back. At 215 I look like "bubba" from prison. At 185-190 i used to get asked all the time where did i play college ball at. 5'8 is not tall. I'm 168 now and people think i'm big


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
to me 165-170 is my sweet spot. no one will ever call me skinny and i have a nice chest. but i have very little body fat/ have abs. anything less than 165 i start eating into muscle

actually from pure women standpoint, the most success i've ever had with women just from a damn i want to **** you standpoint, is when i'm between 180-185. a tad bit more fat on me but 8-10 pounds more muscle. in my plate spinning days heavy i was this weight and women loved my body. I don't' like being 180 because i feel bigger, i'm pretty health conscious and i can't dress like i want to dress.


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2012
Reaction score
No more keyboard jockeying . Action is the place.
backbreaker said:
it's not physically possible to be 5'8 and lean. I'm 5'8. At 190 I look like an NFL running back. At 215 I look like "bubba" from prison. At 185-190 i used to get asked all the time where did i play college ball at. 5'8 is not tall. I'm 168 now and people think i'm big
"not physically possible" lol not with that attitude BB. Sadly, even at my weight I do not feel big enough for my liking, queue body Dismorphic Disorder!


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
Reaction score
captain55 said:
we are only human. Usually after I get in a relationship and finally lock a hot chick down, Im so emotionally drained of the player lifestyle that I can only maintain my A game and physical appearance for 1-2 months while I'm in the relationship before I become a slob and let myself go.
Sounds like you are trying too hard to be someone you are not, which is a charade that you can't keep up. So you eventually lapse back into your true self. That's why I'm very adamant about always being myself - there is no "lapse", there is no point where the façade comes down and the chick looks at you and says "You aren't who I though you were".

Better to find a girl who appreciates you for yourself than to find 20 who appreciate you for pretending to be someone else. That's what I think, anyway. I try to keep on an even keel and maintain a level of excellence that I can keep up. I'm not getting manicures or weekly haircuts, but I keep myself clean and groomed. It's about finding what I can truly embrace as being a part of myself, so that I never have to fake it.


Master Don Juan
Sep 2, 2013
Reaction score
PairPlusRoyalFlush said:
There's a lot of wisdom here, however you have to admit that there is a downside. For some men, if you "be yourself" then you get uglier women, period. Some men's interests are simply too far removed from 99% of women to be able to connect on any level with them unless they put on something of an act...that's certainly true for me. There are exceptions of course but if you live by the exceptions then you will die by them(ug's, gold diggers, beta provider seekers, overeducated and unfeminine feminists, and post-wall women mainly, in between long dry spells).
I agree with this post. It was hard to swallow because I like talking about economics but that has never made a vag wet unless it turned it something about them getting a handbag from Prada


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
Reaction score
PairPlusRoyalFlush said:
There's a lot of wisdom here, however you have to admit that there is a downside. For some men, if you "be yourself" then you get uglier women, period.
That's why self improvement is so important. Fortunately, I am a firm believer in self improvement, so I can embrace that as part of myself. But there are certainly pros and cons to everything.

To me, whether I choose the LTR route or the player lifestyle, in EITHER case I am making a compromise of some sort. In either case, I will be gaining some things and giving up others. It just depends on what is more important to you as an individual.


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
Just be yourself.. unless you suck, then become better.. then just be yourself.

see to a guy, just be yourself means just that. just be the person you are at this very moment and this will lead to sexual relationships. If you like to play ps4 all day long there is a woman that will appreciate that. If you like to dress up in wrinkled clothes and not take showers, there is a woman that will appreciate that.

when a woman is saying just be yourself what she is saying is to show her who you really are as a person. She's telling the guys that she really wants to **** her brains out to not play games with her and stop making the game so hard. She's not telling you to eat nachos all day long and that women are going to swoon over you lol. She's telling the guy who she keeps getting stood up on dates with and the guy who won't return her phone calls to be honest with her about his feelings. Tell her what she is really thinking so that she can see if you are serious or not. Women don't like games. At all. whatsoever.

IRL backbreaker has quirks lol. For instance, i love, LOVE bananas baby food lol. To this day. I eat it as a snack. **** is great lol. I have like 20 bottles of the **** in the pantry now. Anyway the first date, actually 2nd date i was on with my wife and we came back to our house and I was kinda having a gerber banana craving so while I'm talking to her i just go grab a jar of it and get my spoon and go at it, zero ****s given lol. she thought that was so neat / cute that i could let my hair down around her and not try to impress her. see stupid silly **** like that is what a woman means by be yourself. she doesn't actually want you to be yourself.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 6, 2012
Reaction score
zekko said:
Sounds like you are trying too hard to be someone you are not, which is a charade that you can't keep up. So you eventually lapse back into your true self. That's why I'm very adamant about always being myself - there is no "lapse", there is no point where the façade comes down and the chick looks at you and says "You aren't who I though you were".
If you just want to sleep with as many women as possible, there is nothing wrong with pretending to be someone you are not. The women won't be around long enough to figure out that you are full of sh!t.

If you want to find a woman who will stick around for the long term, the better option is to become the best man that you can be. You really don't need to be massively muscular, or fabulously wealthy, or ridiculously charming. You would certainly benefit from being in shape, having a decent job, and being able to hold a flirtatious conversation though; these things are pretty much prerequisites for maintaining a quality woman.

Progressing through life is a process of making mistakes and learning from them while always trying to improve yourself. If you do this while maintaining a positive attitude, people will naturally be attracted to you.