Most disgusting fails of your AFC days Thread.


Don Juan
Feb 7, 2013
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Ok so seeing as how everyone discusses 'serious' matters all the time,I figured a fun thread couldn't hurt.

Point of it is to post some of your most shameful actions / inaction since your total AFC days . Literally your worst ****-ups / most embarrassing
moments of all time. We all have at least one ,I'm sure. ;)

Ok , so anyway , here's mine:

About 4 years ago , during summer , me and about 20+ highschool friends (girls and guys alike) decided to take a 7 day vacation to a geo-thermal resort. The kind with swimming pools at every corner.

So anyway , the 1st day we're going to one of these pools and there's this outstanding hb10++ with us. At the time I was kinda chubby , long hair , an overall mess and literally clueless about women. I had a sense of natural game since all my girl friends though I was a flirting machine for some reason , but truth was , girls used to scare the living soul out of me. Although I was flirty , I could never , EVER , bring myself to any kind of close.

Aaanyway , we're spending a couple of hours there and at one point me and a friend go get a beer. When I get back , this hb10++ is wearing MY goddamn bathtowel. She was even giving me the looks of "Come ask for it back , come talk to me you bloody idiot !"
Well , here's the pathetic part. I did not have ONE ounce of confidence at that time.The idea of walking up to her and my mouth terrified the living sh!t outta me.So what do I do ? I ACTUALLY went out and bought a NEW GOD DAMN BATHTOWEL. I spent fvuking money man , I'd rather spend money and buy new sh1t than talking to a girl !

Oh , but wait , there's more. On about day 3 most of the guys are out and for some reason I'm still in my hotel room. This chick comes to my room , knocks on my damn door. When I answered it I was paralyzed. How the hell would I expect HER out of all people to be there ? This is what she says to me:

"Hey , uhm , I see that everyone is kinda out. Why don't you come back to my room and hang out ? since we're both alone."

I have to say man , to this day I am kicking myself in the nuts every time I remember this ****. Every . Single . Time.

I obviously totally wussed out on that , and the most pathetic part of all , I even slept in another room just to avoid her. Yeah , I was that pathetic. :crackup:

I was AVOIDING the most obvious come-on call by a super hb10++. God damnit even now as I'm writing this I feel an adrenaline rush in my body. I'm so angry at past me , you wouldn't believe it. If I could go back in time I'd do it just to kick my ass repeatedly and fvck the damn life out of that girl.

Needles to say that all my friends who were chronic masturbaters when it came to this girl gave me hell for it. They should've kicked my wussy ass damnit.

So yeah,this is my alltime lowest.The king of all AFC's has spoken. Good luck beating that.


Don Juan
Feb 7, 2013
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Well , the purpose is fun , like I stated above.

And it can serve as motivation as well , learning through mistakes , your own or others' is never a bad.

There's no reason for which is should heighten insecurities. By all means and purposes , if I read a story like mine before having that experience , I probably would've went for it.

I can guarantee you I'd at least have had something to push me forward.


Master Don Juan
Jul 13, 2012
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There is already this thread in the archives - but if more people wanna add here, then Ill join in :D


Don Juan
Jan 28, 2013
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I can beat yours, for sure. I'll let out most of the details, just the main parts of my story.

I liked a girl. A bit too much even, because we were never in a relationship. Years passed and I was still all over her, like a fat kid on a cupcake. (She never even knew - I'm good at hiding my emotions). Eventually I couldn't take all the heartaches and tears anymore and confessed everything to her (dumbest fvcking move ever - I'm sure I could have her by now if I played my cards right)

Here's the funny part - it took me hours to write it since I did it on my computer, giving up some of my nightsleep. It was about 7 pages long and I gave it to her. (LOL!)

I regret it everytime I think about it. If I didn't give her those letters she totally would've been mine if I just tried hard enough. Anyway, few months later she was in a relationship (she said to me that she wouldn't start dating the guy) - but guess what? She did. I received some sort of apology text for breaking a promise and that you just can't control some things (typical feminine crap, mind you). Fast forward one year - I have no feelings for her anymore.
No wait, I do have some. Not so much. Just a very tiny bit of what it used to be.

I see her everyday, and I just don't know what I do. You guys probably won't believe how hard-headed I am but... I still want her. And I would try something if I could; but since she knows about it, I don't think I'll be able to ever recover from the whole thing. Fvck me, right?

Good luck beating that, haha! :p

Oh and by the way.. this is the only failure in my life so far. I have learned my lesson the hard way.


Don Juan
Jan 6, 2013
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Well, why not, I'll share it as well:

Back when I was 16, I was a nerdy, skinny kid that spent his free time solving physics equations, wearing over-sized rudolph sweaters, reading about jet engines and making computer games. Due to some weird reason, my friend circle in High School was *the* coolest, alpha-est guys - we all attended same primary school, and then we kind of stuck together in High School.
Which led me being invited in sh!tloads of parties/hangouts that other kids from school would have killed to get to. I was, however, more interested in my own little world that involved computers and books, and would turn down the offers pretty much 90% of the time, I even remember my friends turning off electricity on my house junction box just to get me out.
Yes, I was a weird kid; And I was absolutely oblivious how girls worked - I did not even care about them that much; Looking back, quite a few of the girls actually hit on me and found me different/interesting (I guess, beta game worked wonders since they only hung out with the cool kids, and could not rationalize why I was one of them), however, I always blew it due to my oblivion.
During one of these parties I've met this HB9, which was also really bright gal; We've spent months talking, and me, realizing she's *waaaay* out of my league, I never really tried to hit on her. I guess I simply enjoyed talking to her via IM, since it was a nice ego boost to know such an attractive gal would constantly message me and share those little secrets, etc.
And being oblivious, I did not get what she meant when she started talking about feelings, pretty much stating up front "Being in love with someone you know", "You're so different, I love it!" and so on. Yep, I had my childhood dream girl saying she loves me, and wants a relationship with me, and I could not even comprehend that this could be true.

So what did I do?

I found some semi-chubby HB5 girl that hit on me and dated her for few months, breaking heart for the HB9 (apparently, she cried for month or so. Well, you know, teenage stuff). And only after breaking up with HB5, after tasting some of that *relationship* thing, I realized I had a chance with HB9.

Enter love confession, oneitis for two years, then finally letting her go only for her to come live with me during the summer abroad, her hitting on me and me rejecting her, and ending with me "Let's just be friending" her. We both now get along really well, and she knows loads of pretty girls, and we share male/female perspectives, so I think it's a win-win, and now that I look at her, I see no more than HB7 or so;

And you know what, looking back, I don't think I'd want to do anything differently; I am still real close with most of my mates from those days, even though we're stranded all over the globe. I matured - I am now quite socially adjusted, athletic, groomed, easygoing, even jock-like, yet all the time I invested young in "nerd" stuff is now actually paying back real well.

YABoi, from where I stand, looking back to what you did wrong and how bad you were is a good thing. It let's you see how much one has improved, it let's one realize he's not the only one that did stupid **** and there is loads of hope for one to better himself if he is only starting. Call it inspiration, call it that little ego nudge that people get when they realize there's always someone worse, and how over time it all heals.

The Duke

Master Don Juan
Feb 4, 2008
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The first girl I went out with post divorce was about 33yo and very attractive. For some stupid reason I showed up at her door step with a rose. :flowers: I think I saw too many episodes of the bachelor reality show. Then I took her to Outback for steak and beer. She drank several beers and that wasn't cheap. After that I took her to a concert where I had some great seats in the box seat/balcony section. This first date probably lasted 5hrs and I blew way too much money. During the date I even gave away too much info about my recent divorce and that was the icing on the cake. I was pretty clueless.

If I could go back in time, knowing what i know, this one would have been in the bag! I'm glad it didn't work out tho, I learned more about her thru a mutual friend and found out she still lived with mommy and her daddy paid all her bills.

Thank god I learned pretty quick after that. I definitely learned what didn't work!


Don Juan
Feb 19, 2013
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I once fell for a woman 37 years old at the time (Way back in 2007). I messes it up pretty bad. Did all the wrong things in the book. Basically the worst parts of Told her I love her too soon. Complimented her all the time. Was not decisive. Went with whatever she said. Was nervous and fidgety. Had bad eye contact. She once went to the bathroom in a departmental store and took a while to come back. I thought I lost her (I know lol) and went looking inside the women's bathroom. She saw that and told me not to do it. I took all of her crap and she took the power in the relationship. I had no frame in the relationship. Worst of all I begged her to come back when she dumped me.


Don Juan
Feb 19, 2013
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Try this one out:

1) Crying and pouting to please a woman because she told you to do so. I did this way back during my AFC days.

2) Peeking into the women's rest room to see if she is there when she takes a while to come back in fear of losing her.

3) Giving money to fuel her car

4) Slamming the door on my face with a grin while trying to apologize to her

5) Trying to put a bra on you to see how you look


Don Juan
Feb 19, 2013
Reaction score
Try this one out:

1) Crying and pouting to please a woman because she told you to do so. I did this way back during my AFC days.

2) Peeking into the women's rest room to see if she is there when she takes a while to come back in fear of losing her.

3) Giving money to fuel her car

4) Slamming the door on my face with a grin while trying to apologize to her

5) Trying to put a bra on you to see how you look


Don Juan
Feb 19, 2013
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She once told me to wear a pair of shoes in a shoe store while the salesman was assisting us. I told her that it was unnecessary because i didn't want her to buy those shoes for me. She spitefully told me to try out the shoes. While i was trying them on she walked away.


Don Juan
Feb 19, 2013
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This same ex of mine. Took more than that. She once told me to transfer some money to her account. I couldn't do because after a set time transfers don't work in my area. I called her and told her about the problem. She got angry and switched the phone off.

It gets worse. I paid her monthly apartment bills for two months !!!! She even wanted me to transfer money to her son's account for his monthly allowance !!!! I didn't do that.


Don Juan
Feb 19, 2013
Reaction score
This same ex of mine once took around $330.

I wanted to have sex with her. She wouldn't. She told me she wanted to borrow some money from me. She said that i would get the sex only after giving her the money which i did.


Don Juan
Feb 19, 2013
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This same ex of mine was rude and sarcastic to me while i was suffering from food poison in her apartment. She told me not to moan and give excuses like i was really suffering which i was. I asked her to make hot water for me and she told me to make it myself in a very rude voice.


Don Juan
Feb 19, 2013
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sound like one messed up bytch.
I know. They tend to get neurotic when they know you cannot stand up for yourself and lose respect for you.


Don Juan
Jan 28, 2013
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Sir_Laid_A_Lot said:
She once told me to wear a pair of shoes in a shoe store while the salesman was assisting us. I told her that it was unnecessary because i didn't want her to buy those shoes for me. She spitefully told me to try out the shoes. While i was trying them on she walked away.
That's just disgusting.


Master Don Juan
Jan 10, 2011
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South Africa
The most afc thing is to dwell on past mistakes.