More energy then time itself, so how do I deal?


Don Juan
Nov 24, 2006
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I'm currently 3 courses away from completing my bachelors, and I've changed my life for a very different course in mere 8 months, I almost never had any dates before..

so as it goes in last six months I've gone from complete introvert to very much extrovert personality wise.

I have met and learned more things about social dynamics and interactions then I've ever learned in my lifetime, and this drive of self growth doesn't seem to want to end, and the goals seem to rack up one after another as my imagination and expectations grow by the day..

I looked very much like geeky back six months ago, and since then I've turned the corners for the better..

I've undertaken six dance lessons, learned to approach strangers to expose myself to more risky situations as I learn to become more social, and this was a needed change as I needed to experience many things in life and be ok with failures and rejections that came along the way,and I needed to set myself apart from others by no longer seeking validation and approvals from others,

I've chosen the path of Donjuan, and self improvement, yet as I improve at handling new situation each day time is becoming constrained as there are so many thing trying to take up my time,So where do I put the priorities, how integral is it for a person to have good social wits and the ability to enjoy once life to its fullest, am I just exaggerating the situation at hand, or is this normal change?

The Deacon

Senior Don Juan
Dec 26, 2007
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It's all about balance. It's really weird when you finally get your social life in order, since it's like dropping an anvil on a see-saw. Everything's gonna lean in that direction since you're a little overwhelmed about the changes. You're gonna have to keep your life balanced between the social and educational spectrums, and I must say it's a really difficult thing to do.

Your question isn't so clear to me though. Are you talking about your priorities in the social spectrum of things or about life in general?


Don Juan
Nov 24, 2006
Reaction score
My question is

The Deacon said:
It's all about balance. It's really weird when you finally get your social life in order, since it's like dropping an anvil on a see-saw. Everything's gonna lean in that direction since you're a little overwhelmed about the changes. You're gonna have to keep your life balanced between the social and educational spectrums, and I must say it's a really difficult thing to do.

Your question isn't so clear to me though. Are you talking about your priorities in the social spectrum of things or about life in general?

weather its alright to rebel against my expected norms. My brother says that I'm losing sight of reality, and putting the whole family on the spot by being bold and doing whatever I've been doing, and this is creating unwanted rift amongst us, and my parents are also warning me to become the old self when we go to travel back home to India after 12 years, and I just don't get it, why can't people accept Donjuan?

I come from a south Asian family, so expectation for me was to complete my studies, find a good job, and finally get arranged marriage just like most of my cousins are going through.

Yet, today, I live a path, that pushes for uncertainty, pulling me to take more and more risks each day, which leads to going out of my and my families normal comfort zone, yet I feel alright doing this.

Six months ago, it was almost taboo to talk about girls in family, and today, thats all I talk about, and as all of my cousins and parents can't quiet figure out of where I'm going with this, and I don't plan to explain them either..

So what do you guys make of this situation,

Who do I pick? Donjuan path or family?


Master Don Juan
Oct 23, 2007
Reaction score
What happens is that people begin disliking the new, changed you.

It happened to me with my old friends. They didn't like who I became, even though I'm a better person.

They're just afraid of change. Most people are; it's what keeps us safe and alive.

You're going to end up being the wealthy uncle in your family, and everyone will look up to you.

The Deacon

Senior Don Juan
Dec 26, 2007
Reaction score
Wow, that's really interesting stuff. I can't say I've had the same problem. My family would prefer me to be a Don Juan (albeit an honest one) rather than settle for an arranged marriage. I like what you're doing, but the decision is entirely up to you. As far as I can see, you have only two choices, love your family but leave their standards behind, or succumb to their expectations. I'm sure there's certain rewards in both paths, but only you can make that decision for yourself.