Missing Easy Approaches: Reflection/Remedy?


Master Don Juan
Nov 27, 2017
Reaction score
I’m usually good about this… but I blew it today. I was really disappointed in myself. I on a 2 day resort vacation with a group of friends(they had it paid for so I thought I would go.) I saw some girls in swimsuits who were THICC, but I didn’t have the balls to talk to them.

I need to get to the point where I approach girls in my daily life too if I find them attractive, not just when I’m hyped up before a game session. I think more self development is going to be the best way to handle this. The more I self develop, the more confident I’ll feel about myself, and the more naturally I’ll open these sets. I also need to push myself to open them more, it just needs to be a part of me.

I’ll keep doing that, but I’ll also make a mental note to always approach these girls in my day to day life, and always push myself to do it so that it becomes a part of me.

For the future, I also need to know how to talk to girls without being explicitly like “Hey I thought you were cute” or “Hey I wanted to meet you.” Girls in different situations, or even in social circle.

Anyone else experience this? Just something I’m thinking about and wanted to share.


Master Don Juan
Jan 10, 2014
Reaction score
You're inside your own head too much , the more you think about it and try to control it the harder it will be

The best cold approaches I have ever done have been spontaneous and on my feet

Sometimes all you need to do is say " hey how are you today "

Or if you're really confident just walk up to her and say look her in the eyes smile and say "hey" and let her open the conversation up

Most women are terrified of confrontation so would rather be polite than risk being rude and incite a negative reaction from a strange man

Even if she / her friends have zero interest in you they will probably make small talk until you get bored and leave


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
Reaction score
Boost your testosterone by NoFap and other methods. Then you will naturally feel the instinct to act on your manly desires to go meet that hot girl and vibe man-to-woman with her.
NoFap (needs to be done alongside no porn) is the #1 game tactic. A NoFap lifestyle will help a lot with approaching. NoFap guys will occasionally overthink but it does motivate action.

The next best game tactics are a healthy diet (few to no processed ingredients) and regular exercise.