Misconceptions about Awareness Radius (AR)


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2005
Reaction score
What is Awareness Radius?

Awareness Radius (AR) is the area around you that you are aware of. For instance: A bear is eating in the backwoods as a little rabit hops past the predator's AR. The bear does not acknowlege its presences on account of the rabit's abject power. The bear is not threatened so he has no reason to watch the rabit.

The little rabit needs to watch out for everything and everyone or it will be killed. The rabit is threatened by dogs, bears, and any other animal bigger than itself. Thus is it wise for the rabit to have a wide AR.

On the other hand if another bear crosses the first bear's path, his vicinity will be known. The second bear is just as powerful, so he comes into the first bear's AR. Once they establish a friendly relationship they will not be detected on each other's AR, unless they are threatened.

Thus having a low AR shows dominance while a wide AR shows nervousness.

How is this related to humans?

Well, when you are having a conversation with someone, and your name is called, what do you do?

If you have a wide AR you will jerk your head quickly in the direction your name is being called. This shows weakness in that you turned your headquickly and you stopped your conversation to address your colleague.

If you have a narrow AR you will keep following the context of your conversation and you allow your colleague to call upon you after you are done talking.

Another example of wide AR is, when you are doing whatever it is that interest you, and you see something at the corner of your eye, you look at it. For instance, if you are reading a book and you see someone walk by, out of the corner of your eye, you look at it. How can you read a book if you look up every 3 seconds just to see who it is that is crossing your path?

Instead, you should never give your attention to something that is not in your awareness range of vision (ARV). You have no reason to give them your attention if they have lower status.

The Common Mistake

The common mistake with AR is that people will try to ignore everyone. When they walk down the street, they look straight ahead, not making any eye contact. This is their understanding that they are too good to even acknowledge these beautiful women passing by. Most AFC do this but not for the same reasons. AFC's don't make eye contact because they are intimidated by others. Although they are following the concept, they haven't mastered it. Making eye contact shows stability and security vs. the AFC's shyness and insecurity.

What is the Solution?

The solution is to establish a good awareness range of vision (ARV). This way you don't act needy by snaping your head to a side just to see whats going on. You want to stay relax and project a calm and dominant image. Remember you are the bear, you don't look behind you when you hear a rabit.

How do I Establish a Good Awareness Range of Vision?

To build a good ARV you must do the following exircise!

Step 1: First close your left eye.

Step 2: With your right eye, look to the left. You will see part of your nose.

Step 3: Close your right eye.

Step 4: Now, with your left eye look to the right. You will see the other part of your nose.

The area inbetween these two boundaries is your range of vision which you should be aware of. If a cute girl (or any human being) is seen in your ARV, then you should make eye contact and give a friendly smile. If you must look over to your side, then do so only by slowly moving your head in that direction.

Congratulations, you are now one step closer to achieving your goal of becoming successful with women.

Much Love to The True Don Juans


Master Don Juan
Jul 7, 2004
Reaction score
New jersey
AR is a really interesting concept. Since I've been learning about it, I've been noticing other people with high AR and they definitely seem panicky or overcurious or whatever and it's actually a really good signal of what girls will be easiest to PU, as the higher AR ones will be more inclined to be receptive.

Good post, and that misconception is one I've thought about and you cleared it up well!