Milf who does Crystal Meth - hook up?

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Master Don Juan
May 19, 2002
Reaction score
Northern CALI USA
Long story short I've been chatting with this milf on and off for about a year. It started on Facebook then I got her number and we text. She is a single mom living with her parents with two kids. The father is some dirt bag and I guess it's a typical white trash story.

Anyway she has told me she does crystal meth but tries to limit it as much as possible. She said it's a highly addictive drug that only 3% of people can really overcome. She says she portions it though and takes the littlest amount possible to get her through.. I'm not sure how often but it doesn't sound daily or anything and I actually believe her because she isn't hiding it. She said she knows any money she spends on it takes money out of her kids expenses and her kids come before anything.

She does complain about not having money often because her job options are limited since her car is broken down, and she can't get it fixed without the job so it's a catch 22.

So I don't have any plans of being a white knight here. I did get her a gift card so she could get her kids diapers and stuff. I did this purely because I felt bad for the kids and their circumstances. She also never asked me for a penny I wanted to do it. I also know better to give anyone who uses drugs cash, I wanted to make sure it was something she'd be forced to use at a store.

Ok so all that being said she is attractive and gives me a hard on. Should I bang her? Again I'd only want to hook up, I'd never get into a relationship with her. 29 year old Milf mmmmmmmm


Master Don Juan
Apr 28, 2018
Reaction score
Long story short I've been chatting with this milf on and off for about a year. It started on Facebook then I got her number and we text. She is a single mom living with her parents with two kids. The father is some dirt bag and I guess it's a typical white trash story.

Anyway she has told me she does crystal meth but tries to limit it as much as possible. She said it's a highly addictive drug that only 3% of people can really overcome. She says she portions it though and takes the littlest amount possible to get her through.. I'm not sure how often but it doesn't sound daily or anything and I actually believe her because she isn't hiding it. She said she knows any money she spends on it takes money out of her kids expenses and her kids come before anything.

She does complain about not having money often because her job options are limited since her car is broken down, and she can't get it fixed without the job so it's a catch 22.

So I don't have any plans of being a white knight here. I did get her a gift card so she could get her kids diapers and stuff. I did this purely because I felt bad for the kids and their circumstances. She also never asked me for a penny I wanted to do it. I also know better to give anyone who uses drugs cash, I wanted to make sure it was something she'd be forced to use at a store.

Ok so all that being said she is attractive and gives me a hard on. Should I bang her? Again I'd only want to hook up, I'd never get into a relationship with her. 29 year old Milf mmmmmmmm
Crystal meth is a whole different animal. You shouldn’t associate with anyone who does it. Using it once can actually cause addiction in many people. I wouldn’t buy her story about “portioning it” for a second. She’s likely addicted and will likely be in trouble with it with the law eventually.

You can say you are just going to bang her and be done but quite frankly it’s not worth the possible trouble that could potentially come with it.


Master Don Juan
Mar 30, 2019
Reaction score
Long story short I've been chatting with this milf on and off for about a year. It started on Facebook then I got her number and we text. She is a single mom living with her parents with two kids. The father is some dirt bag and I guess it's a typical white trash story.

Anyway she has told me she does crystal meth but tries to limit it as much as possible. She said it's a highly addictive drug that only 3% of people can really overcome. She says she portions it though and takes the littlest amount possible to get her through.. I'm not sure how often but it doesn't sound daily or anything and I actually believe her because she isn't hiding it. She said she knows any money she spends on it takes money out of her kids expenses and her kids come before anything.

She does complain about not having money often because her job options are limited since her car is broken down, and she can't get it fixed without the job so it's a catch 22.

So I don't have any plans of being a white knight here. I did get her a gift card so she could get her kids diapers and stuff. I did this purely because I felt bad for the kids and their circumstances. She also never asked me for a penny I wanted to do it. I also know better to give anyone who uses drugs cash, I wanted to make sure it was something she'd be forced to use at a store.

Ok so all that being said she is attractive and gives me a hard on. Should I bang her? Again I'd only want to hook up, I'd never get into a relationship with her. 29 year old Milf mmmmmmmm

I'd just let the images speak for itself.
Nuff said!

Pierce Manhammer

Jun 2, 2021
Reaction score
Run do not walk. Even if it seems not to affect things, it will over time. Addicts are mentally weak and at some point, the need to score will be greater than the need to see you or please you. Run, do not walk, and thank whatever deity you'd like you had the information, to begin with.


Aug 19, 2013
Reaction score
Eye of the storm
She is a single mom living with her parents with two kids. The father is some dirt bag and I guess it's a typical white trash story.
To most guys on this forum this is enough of a warning.

Anyway she has told me she does crystal meth but tries to limit it as much as possible.
There is no good reason or excuse whatsoever to do crystal meth at all, none!

She said she knows any money she spends on it takes money out of her kids expenses and her kids come before anything.
She knows this, yet she spends some of what little money she has on it at the expense of her kids. If her kids truly came before anything she would QUIT for the sake of her kids. Actions speak louder than words, she just says her kids come before anything, but clearly she needs her hit more even if it's not daily.

She does complain about not having money often because her job options are limited since her car is broken down, and she can't get it fixed without the job so it's a catch 22.
Excuses, excuses, excuses! This only reinforces the point made above. If she really has that little money to support her kids then why the fvck does she do meth at all? No fvcking excuse!

I did get her a gift card so she could get her kids diapers and stuff.
Have you ever known drug addicts? I have and I know they are literal masters at flipping anything for their next hit. A gift card, although limited in use still have value and a dealer could very well accept many kinds of alternative payments, including gift cards. You could give her straight up diapers and she may find a way to exchange diapers for drugs, I would not be surprised if an addict managed to do so.

She also never asked me for a penny I wanted to do it.
Don't be fooled, some addicts are so subtle and indirect in the way they induce sympathy that they never have to ask for anything. They'll just paint themselves as a victim or better yet victimize their kids for sympathy and favors. Someone will bite and when kids are involved I won't blame them, it's a tough one, but it's still a ruse employed by the addict.

Should I bang her?
How fvcking desperate are you? Even if it's not long term this is not a hole you want to enter in any meaning of it.

I am unfortunate enough to have a drug addicted mother, I know all the tricks in detail and have personally seen them played out my entire life. I have met other drug addicts (her "acquaintances") and seen how they all operate from the inside, I can tell you that you CANNOT trust a single word coming out of their mouth. They're very talented at manipulation in order to get what they crave, do not underestimate their resourcefulness in this area.

Use your big head, not your small head. You can do better than this!

Black Widow Void

Master Don Juan
Feb 24, 2010
Reaction score
It's not my thing (and has never had any appeal) but I've met a few meth users.
There are two types. Some are able to mentally function and still retain a 'non-meth' personality. Others, unfortunately do fit the stereotype above.

Even with a condom, you still have to worry about herpes. And it's true that an addict may not use nearly as much discretion if they were "jonesing." This is something to think about. Otherwise, as long as you can separate your emotions and remain alert if you are getting played, then who am I (or any of the above) to judge you.


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
Reaction score
midwestern cow field 40
One of my best friends was a lifelong meth addict. I met him right as he was getting clean for good. Several years later he died in a motorcycle accident (rip tony), so he isn't here to ask, but I can tell you if he were, he would tell you the same thing as everyone else here. He always said that the problem with meth wasn't the meth itself, it was the people you have to talk to if you want to do meth. You, by contrast, do not (yet?) have a drug addiction that forces you to associate with drug addicts.


Aug 19, 2013
Reaction score
Eye of the storm
Otherwise, as long as you can separate your emotions and remain alert if you are getting played, then who am I (or any of the above) to judge you.
That's the thing though. From what I read I have serious doubts that OP has the discipline in this case to separate emotions and remain alert. It comes off rather naive and it seems to me he has very little experience interacting with someone using highly addictive drugs.

I am very concerned about his awareness of the risks he's exposing himself to. He has already enabled her by giving her a gift card and I just came to think of another point about this.

By giving her a gift card she might actually buy diapers, but it takes economic pressure off of her which in turn creates an excuse to spend what money she does have on drugs instead because diapers are already covered by the gift card. Another similar angle is that she already spent the money on drugs, which is why she has no money left. Now some guy gives her a gift card to save the day and provide for her kids while she kills herself slowly with meth. She learns that she can use her sexually appealing looks and her poor kids to get men to provide for her kids while she spends whatever money she has on expensive drugs.

I don't want OP to think he's a savior when he's really just another enabler being taken advantage of because he's unaware of their game. This woman could relatively safely be fvcked with some serious discipline and contingency plans, but I'd advise against it given that OP is willing to run this many red lights over "she's attractive and makes me hard" and the fact he has already enabled her habits.


Master Don Juan
May 19, 2002
Reaction score
Northern CALI USA
Have you lost your mind? This chick is or shortly will be sucking d!ck in alley ways and allowing anyone to bang her no condom for a few bucks so she can get her next fix.
I know that's conventional thought around drug addict chicks.. but this girl doesn't live in an inner city, she is in the suburbs with her parents and two kids. She accepts the power of meth addiction but says she has it down to the lowest amount and time intervals possible to keep her sanity. I am not law enforcement nor have judged her. I would probably think I was naïve too reading what I'm writing but I do believe her at least to a degree.

Avoid this
Not even just to bang once or twice and be out?

It's not my thing (and has never had any appeal) but I've met a few meth users.
There are two types. Some are able to mentally function and still retain a 'non-meth' personality. Others, unfortunately do fit the stereotype above.

Even with a condom, you still have to worry about herpes. And it's true that an addict may not use nearly as much discretion if they were "jonesing." This is something to think about. Otherwise, as long as you can separate your emotions and remain alert if you are getting played, then who am I (or any of the above) to judge you.
She definitely seems to fall into the mentally function category... I never even knew she did it until I probed while using some guile.

I can completely separate my emotions, I'd only be looking to hook up thats it. I think you have to be wary of STDs with lots of girls these days.

Run do not walk. Even if it seems not to affect things, it will over time. Addicts are mentally weak and at some point, the need to score will be greater than the need to see you or please you. Run, do not walk, and thank whatever deity you'd like you had the information, to begin with.
I'm not looking to be in a relationship with this girl, maybe a fvck buddy at best but I'd only anticipate banging her one or two times.
Addiction is not an easy thing.. I personally don't think saying someone is mentally weak who has an addiction. It could happen to anyone, and Meth is the type of drug that one of the most addicting. She advised me never to try it because it only takes one time and its the greatest high ever and you'll always crave more. She wishes she never tried it trust me.

To most guys on this forum this is enough of a warning.
If you're looking to make someone a partner, yes it is. If you can separate sex/hooking up though I think Milfs provide an excellent source of vitamin P.

There is no good reason or excuse whatsoever to do crystal meth at all, none!
For those of us who haven't tried it and aren't addicted to it that makes sense. But if you are already hooked on it, I would imagine that addiction couldn't be comprehended but those of us who don't have it.

She knows this, yet she spends some of what little money she has on it at the expense of her kids. If her kids truly came before anything she would QUIT for the sake of her kids. Actions speak louder than words, she just says her kids come before anything, but clearly she needs her hit more even if it's not daily.
For what its worth I think she does the best she can given her addiction. She said she would do so much more if it, if not for her children. She always has the thought that doing it takes away for her children and that's why she does it at the smallest and timely level possible to stay sane. Of course in a perfect world she wouldn't do it at all, but we certainly don't live in one. She at least recognizes its wrong and continues to fight the struggle.

Have you ever known drug addicts? I have and I know they are literal masters at flipping anything for their next hit. A gift card, although limited in use still have value and a dealer could very well accept many kinds of alternative payments, including gift cards. You could give her straight up diapers and she may find a way to exchange diapers for drugs, I would not be surprised if an addict managed to do so.
I think you are right generally speaking. I know for a fact she did get diapers though with it and she is ever thankful. I've never really hears of drug dealers accepting Walmart gift cards as payment but I guess you never know. I did think about the other point you made though in your later thread.. that it would allow money she does have to go to drugs. That thought did cross my mind prior to me getting her the gift card, but she literally sounded broke as hell where she didn't even have extra money. I just wanted to help and make sure those kids got something out of it. The thought that went through my mind when I got it was I don't care if I never meet this girl or this is the last time I talk to her, at least those kids are getting something that can help them.

Don't be fooled, some addicts are so subtle and indirect in the way they induce sympathy that they never have to ask for anything. They'll just paint themselves as a victim or better yet victimize their kids for sympathy and favors. Someone will bite and when kids are involved I won't blame them, it's a tough one, but it's still a ruse employed by the addict.
Perhaps.. but the reality is the kids still exist and were born to unfortunate circumstances.

How fvcking desperate are you? Even if it's not long term this is not a hole you want to enter in any meaning of it.

I am unfortunate enough to have a drug addicted mother, I know all the tricks in detail and have personally seen them played out my entire life. I have met other drug addicts (her "acquaintances") and seen how they all operate from the inside, I can tell you that you CANNOT trust a single word coming out of their mouth. They're very talented at manipulation in order to get what they crave, do not underestimate their resourcefulness in this area.

Use your big head, not your small head. You can do better than this!
I didn't know she did meth when I first started talking to her. I do find her physically attractive and would just be looking to hook up. What's wrong with consensual sex among adults?

That is really unfortunate about your mother, I definitely can understand why this is a sensitive subject for you. At the end of the day you're right, its probably not something I should pursue. But would a bang or two really be that bad?

One of my best friends was a lifelong meth addict. I met him right as he was getting clean for good. Several years later he died in a motorcycle accident (rip tony), so he isn't here to ask, but I can tell you if he were, he would tell you the same thing as everyone else here. He always said that the problem with meth wasn't the meth itself, it was the people you have to talk to if you want to do meth. You, by contrast, do not (yet?) have a drug addiction that forces you to associate with drug addicts.
No I don't do drugs nor plan to. She doesn't advise anyone to either. I just think she's hot and want to bone her.


Master Don Juan
Apr 28, 2018
Reaction score
I know that's conventional thought around drug addict chicks.. but this girl doesn't live in an inner city, she is in the suburbs with her parents and two kids. She accepts the power of meth addiction but says she has it down to the lowest amount and time intervals possible to keep her sanity. I am not law enforcement nor have judged her. I would probably think I was naïve too reading what I'm writing but I do believe her at least to a degree.

Not even just to bang once or twice and be out?

She definitely seems to fall into the mentally function category... I never even knew she did it until I probed while using some guile.

I can completely separate my emotions, I'd only be looking to hook up thats it. I think you have to be wary of STDs with lots of girls these days.

I'm not looking to be in a relationship with this girl, maybe a fvck buddy at best but I'd only anticipate banging her one or two times.
Addiction is not an easy thing.. I personally don't think saying someone is mentally weak who has an addiction. It could happen to anyone, and Meth is the type of drug that one of the most addicting. She advised me never to try it because it only takes one time and its the greatest high ever and you'll always crave more. She wishes she never tried it trust me.

If you're looking to make someone a partner, yes it is. If you can separate sex/hooking up though I think Milfs provide an excellent source of vitamin P.

For those of us who haven't tried it and aren't addicted to it that makes sense. But if you are already hooked on it, I would imagine that addiction couldn't be comprehended but those of us who don't have it.

For what its worth I think she does the best she can given her addiction. She said she would do so much more if it, if not for her children. She always has the thought that doing it takes away for her children and that's why she does it at the smallest and timely level possible to stay sane. Of course in a perfect world she wouldn't do it at all, but we certainly don't live in one. She at least recognizes its wrong and continues to fight the struggle.

I think you are right generally speaking. I know for a fact she did get diapers though with it and she is ever thankful. I've never really hears of drug dealers accepting Walmart gift cards as payment but I guess you never know. I did think about the other point you made though in your later thread.. that it would allow money she does have to go to drugs. That thought did cross my mind prior to me getting her the gift card, but she literally sounded broke as hell where she didn't even have extra money. I just wanted to help and make sure those kids got something out of it. The thought that went through my mind when I got it was I don't care if I never meet this girl or this is the last time I talk to her, at least those kids are getting something that can help them.

Perhaps.. but the reality is the kids still exist and were born to unfortunate circumstances.

I didn't know she did meth when I first started talking to her. I do find her physically attractive and would just be looking to hook up. What's wrong with consensual sex among adults?

That is really unfortunate about your mother, I definitely can understand why this is a sensitive subject for you. At the end of the day you're right, its probably not something I should pursue. But would a bang or two really be that bad?

No I don't do drugs nor plan to. She doesn't advise anyone to either. I just think she's hot and want to bone her.
Clearly you’re going to do this even though it isn’t a good idea. Why ask for advice if you’re just going to try to reason away all common sense?

Black Widow Void

Master Don Juan
Feb 24, 2010
Reaction score
That's the thing though. From what I read I have serious doubts that OP has the discipline in this case to separate emotions and remain alert. It comes off rather naive and it seems to me he has very little experience interacting with someone using highly addictive drugs.

I am very concerned about his awareness of the risks he's exposing himself to. He has already enabled her by giving her a gift card and I just came to think of another point about this.

By giving her a gift card she might actually buy diapers, but it takes economic pressure off of her which in turn creates an excuse to spend what money she does have on drugs instead because diapers are already covered by the gift card. Another similar angle is that she already spent the money on drugs, which is why she has no money left. Now some guy gives her a gift card to save the day and provide for her kids while she kills herself slowly with meth. She learns that she can use her sexually appealing looks and her poor kids to get men to provide for her kids while she spends whatever money she has on expensive drugs.

I don't want OP to think he's a savior when he's really just another enabler being taken advantage of because he's unaware of their game. This woman could relatively safely be fvcked with some serious discipline and contingency plans, but I'd advise against it given that OP is willing to run this many red lights over "she's attractive and makes me hard" and the fact he has already enabled her habits.
I find myself usually agreeing with more so than not... but am suprised at your sterotyping and also your "guilty until proven innocent" stance.

bat soup

Master Don Juan
Apr 10, 2020
Reaction score
Long story short I've been chatting with this milf on and off for about a year. It started on Facebook then I got her number and we text. She is a single mom living with her parents with two kids. The father is some dirt bag and I guess it's a typical white trash story.

Anyway she has told me she does crystal meth but tries to limit it as much as possible. She said it's a highly addictive drug that only 3% of people can really overcome. She says she portions it though and takes the littlest amount possible to get her through.. I'm not sure how often but it doesn't sound daily or anything and I actually believe her because she isn't hiding it. She said she knows any money she spends on it takes money out of her kids expenses and her kids come before anything.

She does complain about not having money often because her job options are limited since her car is broken down, and she can't get it fixed without the job so it's a catch 22.

So I don't have any plans of being a white knight here. I did get her a gift card so she could get her kids diapers and stuff. I did this purely because I felt bad for the kids and their circumstances. She also never asked me for a penny I wanted to do it. I also know better to give anyone who uses drugs cash, I wanted to make sure it was something she'd be forced to use at a store.

Ok so all that being said she is attractive and gives me a hard on. Should I bang her? Again I'd only want to hook up, I'd never get into a relationship with her. 29 year old Milf mmmmmmmm
Long story short I've been chatting with this milf on and off for about a year.
Waste of a year.

The father is some dirt bag
According to her.

She does complain about not having money often because her job options are limited since her car is broken down, and she can't get it fixed without the job so it's a catch 22.
Sob story.

Anyway she has told me she does crystal meth
I did get her a gift card
Let's resume: you spent a year talking to a single mother who is a meth addict and after she told you a sob story you sent her money. And you didn't even get laid.

1. You shouldn't be talking to women for this long.
2. Single mothers are generally broke, irresponsible women that are always begging for money.
3. Drug addicts are trouble and worth avoiding at all costs.
4. When a woman tells you a sob story she IS absolutely asking you for money.
5. You probably won't even get laid out of this and, if you do, you risk getting beaten up by the dirtbag, busted by the police or catching some kind of STD. Plus, I guarantee she'll hit you up for more money.

bat soup

Master Don Juan
Apr 10, 2020
Reaction score
I don't want OP to think he's a savior when he's really just another enabler being taken advantage of because he's unaware of their game. This woman could relatively safely be fvcked with some serious discipline and contingency plans, but I'd advise against it given that OP is willing to run this many red lights over "she's attractive and makes me hard" and the fact he has already enabled her habits.
He is literally giving money to a drug addict in the hopes of getting laid. If he goes to meet her, I'd actually be worried about his safety. At the very least she's going to beg him for more money "for her kids". At worst, we'll be reading about it on the news: "Florida woman arrested after body found in swampland. Michael Aarland, from LA, went missing after going to meet meth-addict Crystal Jones with the expectation of sex. Instead, she turned up with a gang of other meth-addicts armed with baseball bats and chainsaws".


Senior Don Juan
Dec 29, 2016
Reaction score
Long story short I've been chatting with this milf on and off for about a year. It started on Facebook then I got her number and we text. She is a single mom living with her parents with two kids. The father is some dirt bag and I guess it's a typical white trash story.

Anyway she has told me she does crystal meth but tries to limit it as much as possible. She said it's a highly addictive drug that only 3% of people can really overcome. She says she portions it though and takes the littlest amount possible to get her through.. I'm not sure how often but it doesn't sound daily or anything and I actually believe her because she isn't hiding it. She said she knows any money she spends on it takes money out of her kids expenses and her kids come before anything.

She does complain about not having money often because her job options are limited since her car is broken down, and she can't get it fixed without the job so it's a catch 22.

So I don't have any plans of being a white knight here. I did get her a gift card so she could get her kids diapers and stuff. I did this purely because I felt bad for the kids and their circumstances. She also never asked me for a penny I wanted to do it. I also know better to give anyone who uses drugs cash, I wanted to make sure it was something she'd be forced to use at a store.

Ok so all that being said she is attractive and gives me a hard on. Should I bang her? Again I'd only want to hook up, I'd never get into a relationship with her. 29 year old Milf mmmmmmmm
Report her to CFS
She’s unfit to raise kids.
are you that desperate. Seriously man ??


Master Don Juan
Jul 12, 2004
Reaction score
This woman is going to knife fight you. The instability in this case began with her drug of choice, similar to what I've seen transform the people on heroine I had to escort to county lockup...These women would give me their driver's license when I asked for their I.D. and pictured were gorgeous women, but what appeared in front of me were zombies, that sh!t ain't a joke. One developed a $50/day habit that she couldn't afford, so she got a pimp to pay it for her in exchange for "vitamin P". I would much rather you bang an entitled fat chick not on drugs, that won't land you in jail. Tougher times are coming, don't be a safety net.


Aug 19, 2013
Reaction score
Eye of the storm
But would a bang or two really be that bad?
Probably not. I wouldn't fvck a drug addicted single mother no matter how hot she is though, but that's just me.

I find myself usually agreeing with more so than not... but am suprised at your sterotyping and also your "guilty until proven innocent" stance.
That's what happens when you keep trying to trust, but it's proven over and over and over again that these people can't be trusted. Any drug addict would have a lot to prove to me indeed before I'd come close to trusting them.

I have no experience that drug addicts can be trusted. The might occasionally keep their word and such, but their integrity is weak and they will throw you under the bus for drugs if put in that dilemma.

I get your reaction though, I have actually turned that principle upside down in this case and it's usually a good principle. This is my exception to it, to me drug addicts start at a trust level below the baseline for everyone else.
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