Michael Jackson trial, the facts start coming in.


Master Don Juan
Jan 30, 2003
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Remember I made a post long ago, pointing out details about the last acusations and this new one too? Well, now those things are being said at court.

05/03/2005 14:27:54 Sister Of Accuser Admits To Lying
The sister of the boy who accused Michael Jackson of child abuse admitted in front of trial jurors that she had selectively lied about details of the case.

The sister conceded during cross examination by Jackson's attorney that she did not always tell the truth.

"So you'd lie about certain things and tell the truth about certain things, depending on what you are asked, right?" Mesereau asked the woman. "Yeah," she softly replied.

Source: AFP

05/03/2005 14:46:50 Key Point: Sister Admits Free To Leave Neverland
Following her second day on the stand, the sister of the boy accusing Michael Jackson of child molestation was asked by the Defense "Did you ever hear anybody scream 'Help, we're being held against our will'?" Mr Mesereau asked the accuser's sister. "No, none of us said that," she replied.

The woman admitted that aides to the star had never told them they could not leave the sprawling estate where she said earlier that she had been afraid.

Source: Sky News

09/03/2005 10:34:06 White Wine, Red Wine, 7-Up, More Lies?
On Monday, the brother of the accuser in the Michael Jackson trial testified that on an airplane trip from Florida to California, he saw his brother and Jackson drinking alcohol, saying that he saw a red ring around a 7-Up can from which the accuser was drinking.

But Mesereau pointed to a transcript of an interview that the brother gave police, in which he said the wine in the can was white, not red.
Source: CNN

09/03/2005 10:37:03 Do You Know Who Larry Feldman Is?
The brother of the accuser in the Michael Jackson gave conflicting statements when pressed by Mesereau on whether he knew Larry Feldman, a Los Angeles attorney who assisted the family when they came forward with the allegations against Jackson.

The brother first said he knew Feldman, then later said he didn't recall the name. Then, he said he didn't recall meeting Feldman but later admitted that he had met with him twice, before saying that he didn't remember if he had met Feldman.

Source: CNN

SamePendo note: Feldman was responsible for the case brought on 93, and is a money ***** just as everyone involved in getting MJ in jail...that's why remembering who Feldman is is veeery important.

09/03/2005 10:40:10 Brother Gets It Wrong About Sex Magazines
The brother of a boy Michael Jackson is accused of molesting underwent grueling cross-examination Tuesday by a defense attorney who extracted admissions that he lied in another court case and who confronted him with fundamental differences between his trial testimony and earlier accounts.

The boy appeared caught by surprise when Mesereau confronted him with his testimony from Monday that Jackson showed him and his brother sex magazines, including one called Barely Legal, which was displayed by District Attorney Tom Sneddon as a significant piece of evidence seized from Jackson's home.

The boy reiterated he was sure it was the exact magazine Jackson showed them in a suitcase full of magazines.

"Michael Jackson never showed you that magazine, Barely Legal, did he?" Mesereau said in an accusatory tone.

"Yes," said the boy.

"But when you look at the date, it was August 2003," Mesereau said, pointing out that the family left Jackson's Neverland ranch for the last time months before that.

"I didn't say it was exactly the one he showed us," the boy said defensively, adding later, "I said he showed us those type of magazines."

Jurors took notes.

Source: Associated Press

09/03/2005 10:43:05 Brother Forgets About Jackson Bedroom Alarm
The brother in the Michael Jackson trial is the only witness so far to testify to seeing molestation. In his account Monday he said he walked in on Jackson as the singer molested his sleeping brother.

Mesereau asked him to tell jurors about an alarm that sounds when anyone enters the hall outside Jackson's bedroom. The boy acknowledged there was a bell and that anytime he was in that hallway it went off.

"So the two times you claim you saw Michael Jackson touching your brother in bed, that alarm went off?" asked Mesereau.

"Yes," said the boy, who did not mention the alarm in his earlier testimony.

Source: Associated Press

09/03/2005 10:45:49 Defense Reveal Brother Conflicting Reports
In his most determined effort so far to undermine charges that Michael Jackson sexually abused a teenage boy at his ranch, the lead defense lawyer tried relentlessly on Tuesday to poke holes in testimony by the boy's younger brother.

A day after telling jurors that he had twice seen Mr. Jackson masturbate while groping his brother, the boy, 14, admitted to the defense lawyer, Thomas A. Mesereau Jr., that he had given conflicting accounts in previous statements to a psychologist, investigators and a grand jury.

Mr. Mesereau, speaking sharply and forcefully, pointed out that the boy had given three versions of what he saw on the two occasions he claimed to have seen Mr. Jackson groping his brother, a cancer survivor. In one version, Mr. Jackson's hand was outside the boy's clothes; in another, it was inside; and in a third, Mr. Jackson was "rubbing his penis against" the boy's buttocks, the lawyer said.

The boy denied that he had ever mentioned the third version.

"No," he insisted. "I know what I said."

Source: NYTimes

10/03/2005 00:36:50 Brother's Story Changes Again
The brother of the boy accusing Michael Jackson of molestation was confronted by the singer's attorney Wednesday with a statement he made to sheriff's investigators showing he gave a different account of the alleged molestation than the one he told to jurors.

The 14-year-old boy testified this week that he twice saw his sleeping brother being molested by Jackson, both times by walking up stairs into Jackson's bedroom in the master bedroom suite at the singer's Neverland ranch.

Defense attorney Thomas Mesereau Jr. produced an interview the boy gave to sheriff's deputies in which he said he was lying on a couch pretending to be asleep when he witnessed the second molestation.

"I was pretending like I was sleeping. I was in his couch, the little couch," Mesereau quoted from a transcript.

Mesereau asked the boy questions about whether his account of the second molestation had changed.

"It was actually three times," the boy said.

Mesereau also asked him about what exactly Jackson was doing to his brother in the second incident and how he was touching him.

"I was nervous when I did the interview," the boy.

"So because you were nervous you didn't get the facts right," the attorney asked.

"Yes," the boy said.

Source: Associated Press

10/03/2005 00:38:23 Defense Challenge Imprisonment Allegations
Michael Jackson's defense on Wednesday challenged prosecutors' claims that the boys' family was held against their will at Neverland for nearly a month, getting the boy to acknowledge that the family left three times.

"How many times do you think your family escaped from Neverland and then went back so they could escape again?" Mesereau asked.

"I don't get the question," the boy said.

The boy later said he only considered the third departure from Neverland to be an escape.

Source: Associated Press

Star (the brother) knew the master code to every door in neverland, including the main door, yet they were held hostage and couldn't get out?

Davelin claimed michael gave her alcohol in the wine cellar, yet Star said it was in the kitchen.

Star denied things he told Katz (the psychologist who took notes about the alleged molestation and then went forward to authorities... also a money ***** like Sneddon, Gloria Allred, Feldman..), like MJ masturbated his brother, he said he never said it, Katz the pychologist says he did.

Star claimed the family was kept from clocks, yet there are many clocks at neverland, when confronted with this fact, said the clocks had the wrong time and Mesereau (Jackson's lawyer) said "How can you know it was the wrong time, if you didn't know the time..."

The sister claimed the brothers' slept in MJ's room the 1st day, yet the next day star said a different story, he said he slept in the guest house

Later on you will hear more about past money extorsions and lies from the family to get money, like a settlement with JC Penney after Gavin (the accuser) shoplifted... the security guards caught them, and then the family said they molested them in the act... got 100k. There are written scripts about what the family was meant to say in order to get money. And many more. There are many more things to be said about this, but Im just posting stuff that comes up at the trial.


Master Don Juan
Jan 30, 2003
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Ok, this maybe important, not as important as the above though... This just shows the conspiracy against MJ.

23/02/2005 23:26:19 Jackson Cleared Of Investigation Before Arrest
In a stunning development, Celebrity Justice has learned that the Santa Barbara Sheriff's department closed its case against Michael Jackson, clearing him, just months before then arresting him on child molestation charges.

On February 20, 2003 at 10:00 a.m. three social workers with the Los Angeles Department of Children and Family Services – D.C.F.S.- went to a Los Angeles apartment and interviewed Jackson's accuser, his brother, sister and mother. Sources tell CJ they all said Jackson did not molest the boy, and said it in no uncertain terms.

CJ Executive Producer Harvey Levin says the three social workers returned to their office, only to get an unusual phone call at 3:00 p.m. the same day. According to Levin’s sources, a lieutenant from the Santa Barbara County Sheriffs Department called and said “do not interview the boy or his family.” According to the source the social workers were puzzled. They had “never gotten a request like that before.”

According to CJ sources, the social workers then forwarded their information to the Santa Barbara County Sheriffs Department. A detective investigated the matter and in April 2003 closed the case against Jackson- squarely clearing him. That detective, CJ had learned, is no longer employed by the sheriff's department.

According to Levin’s sources, the social workers said there was absolutely no evidence of duress. They say they've “done this for a long time” and it was “clear” to them this family spoke freely, without hesitation and without threat.

Source: Celebrity Justice


Master Don Juan
Oct 14, 2004
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If jackson is actually a seriously desturbed pedophile like they say he is....why are there 100's of other children that claim that he never did anything to him.......ok i was gonna talk more but i just don't care anymore, i lost passion for this topic halfway through.....


Master Don Juan
Oct 31, 2002
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MJ is simply a scary-looking weirdo. I dont think he really molested anyone, that b1tch mom just wants to get some dough outta him.

i do think he's a complete freak though.

Helter Skelter

Master Don Juan
Jun 15, 2003
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East coast
Originally posted by Sexy_Malibu
you've said a lot of insane things before but that one really takes the cake. :rolleyes:
I'm NOT looking it up but it DID happen.

For God sake, the guy still goes around with your name in his signature.


Mar 15, 2005
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But i dont think Michael Jackson will go to jail because its been proven that all this people are lying. Ya i know many people think Michael did it right? Well it has never been proven. Until then iam keeping a open mind. This case is really something. I have done research on it and i think Michael Jackson is been frame.


Don Juan
Jan 17, 2005
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London, UK
Like all weird and strange people on the edge of what society calls normal, MJ is vunerable.

He's obsessed with children, he looks unhuman, he has a huge ego (remember the statue of himself he put on a boat to sail down the Thames) and he's made many dubious decisions in his time (baby dangling, et al).

Does that make him a child molester?

Not unless there is real evidence to say so, which is yet to materialize in the trial. It's real easy for a family, any family that feels like it, to accuse a weirdo. MJ is a target because of his money, and it's real miserable to think that all his achievements in his life will be tarred with this, even if he is found not guilty.


Mar 15, 2005
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Some people may say he did it because he looks werid. But that not what the case is about. Its not base on his face its on the facts.


Master Don Juan
Jan 11, 2002
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The information in this case coming out now is very interesting. Apparently today, a teacher of the boy who had cancer, and the prime asset of the prosecution, says that the boy told him previously that Michael had infact done nothing to him. More and more facts in favour of the defence are now coming out! This case is getting very interesting. Will be good to see the final verdict now that a lot of the crucial information seems to be coming out!


Master Don Juan
Aug 15, 2004
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I couldn't care less about this. Its just another distraction in life. There are plenty of real child molestor cases out there that go unsolved. I'm not surprised that they'd rather spend airtime running this crap then doing something useful, like trying to find out about all the other child molestors.

Of course, you're watching it...so...


Master Don Juan
Jan 30, 2003
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At home
Originally posted by Lost
i love how some people deny sh|t even when the facts are layed out right in front of them, LOL!
Exactly, he is innocent.

Originally posted by CLOONEY
Will be good to see the final verdict now that a lot of the crucial information seems to be coming out!
I would like to see live feat from the courthouse AT LEAST when the final veredict is read. I mean, I see it as pretty damn useless, we've got court transcripts, if jurors want to learn about the case, or if MJ wants some kind of privacy, I see it as useless. Now, if the accuser wants privacy, that's another story.. Maybe ban cameras to film in direction of the accuser.. or something.

When Chris Tucker and Brett Ratner go to the stand things will get even nastier for the prosecution. As far as credibility goes.. I seriously doubt someone can find a way to make Chris Tucker seem like a liar trying to defend MJ.


Master Don Juan
Jan 11, 2002
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Originally posted by SamePendo
Exactly, he is innocent.

I would like to see live feat from the courthouse AT LEAST when the final veredict is read. I mean, I see it as pretty damn useless, we've got court transcripts, if jurors want to learn about the case, or if MJ wants some kind of privacy, I see it as useless. Now, if the accuser wants privacy, that's another story.. Maybe ban cameras to film in direction of the accuser.. or something.

When Chris Tucker and Brett Ratner go to the stand things will get even nastier for the prosecution. As far as credibility goes.. I seriously doubt someone can find a way to make Chris Tucker seem like a liar trying to defend MJ.
What information does Chris Tucker have in relation to the case? I would also love to watch it live from inside the courthouse! The defence did well, with the kids excuse about not wanting to be teased in the playground anymore. But then again, why would he lie to the teacher? Its not as if the teacher can control kids rumors. The teacher would most likely just keep the information confidential from the other kids in the boys grade. Can you just imagine the teacher telling the class "MJ did not have sexual intercourse with the kid, the kid told me already". LOL, I highly Doubt it, seems like a cover up from the kid and the defence! I really hope they let MJ walk, unless of course they can proove beyond reasonable doubt he IS guilty!


Master Don Juan
Jun 23, 2003
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I think MJ's innocent, too. However I think Marilyn Manson aint got **** on this freak lol


Master Don Juan
Jan 30, 2003
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At home
Originally posted by CLOONEY
What information does Chris Tucker have in relation to the case?
Chris Tucker and his girlfriend babysat the kids and, the kids and their mother at many times. Sometimes they would be there when the family did shopping sprees when they were supposedly "trapped" etc... they have the receipts of all the stuff they bought. Chris Tucker and his girlfriend are really very important because they were in the plane trip where MJ supposedly licked G_vins (supposed victim) head.. and also supposedly gave him "jesus juice"... which, by the way, does exist.. but the defence will prove MJ just takes it that way so that he doesn't give the bad example to the kids. (Jesus juice is a soda can with alcohol inside it).
Chris Tucker, his girlfriend, Brett Ratner, G_vins teacher, and many more will also testify about the kid being of a very strong character, bossy, not polite, etc... not the kind of kid that lets MJ touch him, even with constant reminding from everyone around him. And, especialy, not the kind of kid to not tell if it didn't happen.

16/03/2005 10:21:00 Living With... Result Of Investigation
Investigators called to the stand Tuesday in the Michael Jackson Trial said the probe into Jackson initially began after the airing of a ABC documentary in February 2003, showing him holding hands with his accuser and defending his practice of letting young boys sleep in his bed.

The Santa Barbara County Sheriff's Department was contacted by the state Children and Family Services Division, which had received two complaints against Jackson based on his behavior and comments in the program, according to investigators.

Terry Flaa, who in 2003 was a detective with the sheriff's department, testified that those complaints were filed with child welfare officials by Los Angeles attorney Gloria Allred and Carol Lieberman, a television psychiatrist, neither of whom had any firsthand knowledge of abuse.

Flaa, now an officer with the Santa Maria police, said he looked into the complaints and concluded that there was no evidence of criminal behavior by Jackson. He recommended that the case be closed.

Flaa testified that his conclusion was based on an interview Jackson's accuser and members of his family gave to child welfare workers, as well as an interview Flaa conducted with the accuser's father.

Flaa said the accuser and members of the teen's family had told welfare workers nothing sexual happened between the boy and Jackson.

But the investigation was revived in June 2003 when Larry Feldman, a Los Angeles attorney representing the accuser's family, called Lt. Jeff Klapakis, Flaa's supervisor at the sheriff's department, who had signed off on his decision to end the earlier investigation.

Source: CNN

Remember I talked earlier about a news report that mentioned the kid not remembering about Larry Feldman?


Master Don Juan
Jan 30, 2003
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At home
About the last case

Was Michael Jackson Framed?

The Untold Story
Mary A. Fisher
GQ, October 1994

This article can be found here. In one part of the whole article, you can find the following:

By the way, "Chandler" is the previous accusers father. Dave Schwartz is his wifes brother.

In early July 1993, Dave Schwartz, who had been friendly with Chandler, secretly
tape-recorded a lengthy telephone conversation he had with him. During
the conversation, Chandler talked of his concern for his son and his
anger at Jackson and at his ex-wife, whom he described as "cold and
heartless." When Chandler tried to "get her attention" to discuss his
suspicions about Jackson, he says on the tape, she told him "Go ****

"I had a good communication with Michael," Chandler told Schwartz. "We
were friends. I liked him and I respected him and everything else for
what he is. There was no reason why he had to stop calling me. I sat
in the room one day and talked to Michael and told him exactly what I
want out of this whole relationship. What I want."

Admitting to Schwartz that he had "been rehearsed" about what to say
and what not to say, Chandler never mentioned money during their
conversation. When Schwartz asked what Jackson had done that made
Chandler so upset, Chandler alleged only that "he broke up the family.
[The boy] has been seduced by this guy's power and money." Both men
repeatedly berated themselves as poor fathers to the boy.

Elsewhere on the tape, Chandler indicated he was prepared to move
against Jackson: "It's already set," Chandler told Schwartz. "There
are other people involved that are waiting for my phone call that are
in certain positions. I've paid them to do it. Everything's going
according to a certain plan that isn't just mine. Once I make that
phone call, this guy [his attorney, Barry K. Rothman, presumably] is
going to destroy everybody in sight in any devious, nasty, cruel way
that he can do it. And I've given him full authority to do that."

Chandler then predicted what would, in fact, transpire six weeks
later: "And if I go through with this, I win big-time. There's no way
I lose. I've checked that inside out. I will get everything I want,
and they will be destroyed forever. June will lose [custody of the
son]...and Michael's career will be over."

"Does that help [the boy]?" Schwartz asked.

"That's irrelevant to me," Chandler replied.
"It's going to be bigger
than all of us put together. The whole thing is going to crash down on
everybody and destroy everybody in sight. It will be a massacre if I
don't get what I want."

Instead of going to the police, seemingly the most appropriate action
in a situation involving suspected child molestation, Chandler had
turned to a lawyer. And not just any lawyer. He'd turned to Barry

"This attorney I found, I picked the nastiest son of a ***** I could
find," Chandler said in the recorded conversation with Schwartz. "All
he wants to do is get this out in the public as fast as he can, as big
as he can, and humiliate as many people as he can. He's nasty, he's
mean, he's very smart, and he's hungry for the publicity.",

Yeah, MJ is guilty :rolleyes:

Yeah he's strange as hell... crazy, wack, whatever word you prefer... But then, what Genius through out history hasn't been considered crazy, wack, strange etc in his time, and even still in our times?


Master Don Juan
Aug 27, 2001
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why are you so obsessed with michael jackson?


Master Don Juan
Jun 23, 2003
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Hey Centaurion, have you ever been to Brisbane? Does this city have anything on Sydney or Melbourne? (just wondering if its worth it cause Ill have the chance to go visit somebody down there)


Master Don Juan
Jan 30, 2003
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At home
Originally posted by Centaurion
why are you so obsessed with michael jackson?
I'm not obsessed. It's like saying that I'm obsessed with women because I suscribed to a Discussion Forum that talks about women. It's half an hour, two or three days a week. All the rest of the time I do stuff.

Why do I like him so much? I find him inspirational, as a man. I also happen to LOVE his music, so, combine those two things... and it makes me a fan.

Some people spend their free time thinking about women, others masturbating, others altering their cars... whatever flies their boat... I happen to spend some of my free time in MJ, and here.