Men and women can't be friends part 100000


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
Reaction score
nismo-4 said:
Alpha lays, beta pays.
I don't see how that applies here at all. Unless you are saying the boyfriend is an alpha (he might be laying, but he sure isn't paying). But he sure doesn't sound alpha to me, and the fact that she is trying to branch swing only reinforces that. She's trying to trade up in value. If you're trying to say the boyfriend is the beta, well he isn't paying either, so that doesn't fit. Sounds to me like he's an omega if anything.

cordoncordon said:
I think at this point you are going to have to distance yourself from her for a while, until she at least gets with a guy she really likes. Because it is way too risky towards your marriage for you to keep hanging around her in her present state of mind. If your wife ever found out, and I assume you don't want to have to lie to your wife.....well that would be trouble. In fact if you really value your relationship with your wife and want nothing with this girl romantically as you say? I would tell your wife what she said and tell her you are going long distance until things cool down.
I assume the wife knows since BB has said she reads this forum. Besides, she's a client. It's a lot like a girl you know from work. I know and talk to a lot of girls at work. The problem here is that since they are both entreprenuers, their meeting place is somewhat more casual and intimate (Starbucks, gym?) than the workplace.


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
my wife invited her and her BF on vacation with us lol. she knows her, quite well. she comes over all the time, at least once a week she stops by for something. she babysits my son when we go out lol, we're all pretty cool. I don't hide **** from my wife no need to my wife is as cool as a fan

NE way we will see what happens. i know the girl and i really don't think it's me, i think she likes stuff about me that she doesn't like about her BF, but i'm too head strong for her lol she was like "my BF and i haven't ever yelled at each ohter in 4 years" and i'm thinking that's becuase he's afraid to get into an argument with you beucase he know he has a sweet gig lol, i'lll tell your pumkin head ass to STFU in a second lol.

it would make everyone's lives easier if the BF, just carried his own weight. I know the guy a
nd I really like him, and they are a good match outside of the fact that, he just can't carry his own weight rihgt now

and i told my wife about this before i posted this (you really think i'm going to tell a bunch of dudes about some seriou s**** like this before i tell my wife lol) and she laughed and she said she figured. she knows she isn't trying to move in on her and she knows their situtation enough to understand the dynamics of what's going on. plus she knows i'll shut it down even if i don't want to if it gets to be too much. the big thing when i first met the girl that my wife did not understand that she understands now, is that while i admire the girl for working her ass off, something honestly, my wife never has had to do, and she's never seen me talk about another girl with admiration in that regard, is that i dont' want to dATE a girl that works that hard, I'm not intererested in a female version of myself. I like my wife for exactly what she is. Supportive, a homemaker who keeps the house going, I admire the fact that the girl grinds and makes her money but i'm not attracted to that. .