Meeting women online vs. the field Which is better?


New Member
Aug 7, 2012
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I`m just curious to hearing others perspectives on which is a better way to meet women? Personally, I feel meeting girls online is a lot harder and field game is the way to go.




Senior Don Juan
Sep 24, 2013
Reaction score
NSW Australia
Well then my friend you are one of the lucky ones!

It all depends on what kind of woman you are looking for as far as online goes 99% of the chicks on there have baggage, are headcases, or just plain ugly and are not worth your time and effort but some make for a good pump and dump, but don't get me wrong that 1% remaining can be pretty alright and who knows people have found the love of their life online before and it could happen again just that the odds aren't in your favor. And lets face it they never and I mean NEVER look like their pics (probably because they were taken 3 years ago or before the kid haha.

Now we take a look at girls dun dun DUNNN IN REAL LIFE!!! as I said before you are one of the lucky few men that can actually approach a woman irl. If you are looking for a LTR then this is the way to go even for a ONS, you can screen the lady before you even decide to talk to her. how does she look, how does she hold herself, can she converse properly and so on. Yes this method takes more balls and a lot less emoticons that online but you will find much higher quality women this way.

For my personal preference I would much rather meet women IRL than online but due to my working hours of 11pm starts pretty much 7 days a week I don't get much time on the field so I have hit up some online chicks and had some alright ONS but the quality will never meet the standards of the ones I get to pick up while on the prowl with my night game as rare as that occasion is at the moment.


Don Juan
Sep 22, 2013
Reaction score
Online game was built for women. You are just a message to them but they hold the power. I'm on pof and it has only warranted me one lay. One lay out of the many females I hit up. Lol
Might delete it. Or I may keep trying for another online lay.

In RL I am excellent tho. The conversations are always the same so it makes it easier to talk about the mundane things that interests her while I kino. She gets halfway thru her life story before her mind tells her that my finger is in her pvssy

And by then its a guaranteed lay