Maybe she's just lost interest?


Don Juan
Jul 29, 2013
Reaction score
Ok so I just want to rant and get some other opinions, there's this girl I went out with during the summer maybe 3-4 times. This is the first girl i've ever asked out so i guess i'm still learning and trying not too be to harsh on myself even though i feel like a total chump/failure at this point.

Anyways during the summer she was really receptive/touchy feely laughed/giggled alot around me, and everything seemed to be going great. The only problem is I never made a move during the summer.

So anyways I took her out today to a nature reserve to walk around and things were just different she didn't really kino back, didn't really seem receptive too my teasing/jokes. wouldn't make eye contact etc. It just felt like a totally different girl.

I took her to the top of the hill were i planned to make a move and put my arm around her she didn't resist but she didn't seem all that comfortable either and wouldn't make eye contact, so i didn't force anything.

I'm gonna assume she's just lost interest in me and just see's me as a friend now. I'm probably just going to go cold on her delete her number from my phone, to get this failure of an attempt out of my head.

EDIT: There's another girl with the same name that I saw today who came up to me and talked too me she's a year younger then me I might try and go after her. But I think i Just need a break for a bit to regain my confidence in myself and get over this chick.


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2005
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This happens a lot. One issue is that you didn't make a move during the summer.

However, in the future, stuff like this will happen a lot. I had several situations like this during this past summer (minus the "failure to make a move" part...long stories I'm STILL trying to wrap my head around)


Don Juan
Jul 29, 2013
Reaction score
TheVirtualMind said:
This happens a lot. One issue is that you didn't make a move during the summer.

However, in the future, stuff like this will happen a lot. I had several situations like this during this past summer (minus the "failure to make a move" part...long stories I'm STILL trying to wrap my head around)
Yeah it's a bummer, throughout the rest of the day she sat close to me and seemed a bit more comfortable. But we were with/around other people. when i suggested going somewhere private she gave excuses like "it's cold out". I'm thinking of just taking a break and go ghost on her like someone else recommended.


Don Juan
Aug 23, 2013
Reaction score
In my opinion I think that you shouldn't give up on her just yet. Maybe play it cold this week and don't give her as much attention and see what she does. Also when you put your arm around her and she didn't look at you, maybe she was just enjoying the moment. Just my 2 cents. Good luck man.


Don Juan
Jul 29, 2013
Reaction score
yeah i'm gonna assume she was on her period, She was really moody yesterday. I'm gonna ease off for a week and seemed more sensitive she just didn't seem like herself.


Master Don Juan
Apr 15, 2013
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West Coast
Go ghost and and spin another plate in the mean time. Go Ghost whenever you feel like a girls loosing interest and to prevent oneitis spin plates. I could list all the reasons why she didnt reciprocate, but it doesnt matter.

All that matters is you, and if she doesnt like you for whatever reason then she can leave.


Don Juan
Jul 29, 2013
Reaction score
Frayzer said:
Go ghost and and spin another plate in the mean time. Go Ghost whenever you feel like a girls loosing interest and to prevent oneitis spin plates. I could list all the reasons why she didnt reciprocate, but it doesnt matter.

All that matters is you, and if she doesnt like you for whatever reason then she can leave.
I think your right Frayzer at this point i should just withdraw my attention, I'm getting a vibe she wants me to bugger off and just be "friends". I'm just gonna go ghost on her.

Also I mean maybe I'm just not attractive to her in anyway, her ex boyfriend was pretty much a pot smoking/gangster wannabe scumbag (even though she doesn't hang around those people), and I'm not any of those nor do i want to be.

EDIT: I'll see how this plays out and take defensiveend's advice as well and possibly try again later, and yeah there's th possibility she's just on her period like other people mentioned aka everyone I know.


Don Juan
Jul 29, 2013
Reaction score
Well guys I think this is a lost cause a buddy of mine talked to her and asked her how things were between "me and her" and she said that she doesn't know and that she probably is leaning towards just being friends.

Apparently she sounded really upset when she said it too oh well.

EDIT: I have the urge to just ****ing call her or text her and talk to her about "me and her". I feel like that's a real bad idea and will just show my weaknesses to her.

EDIT: **** it i know it's not the "Don juan" thing to do but i'm doing it anyways.


Master Don Juan
Jul 9, 2013
Reaction score
DivinityCove said:
EDIT: I have the urge to just ****ing call her or text her and talk to her about "me and her". I feel like that's a real bad idea and will just show my weaknesses to her.

EDIT: **** it i know it's not the "Don juan" thing to do but i'm doing it anyways.
horrible idea, but tell us how it crashed and burned OP


Don Juan
Jul 29, 2013
Reaction score
devilkingx2 said:
horrible idea, but tell us how it crashed and burned OP

Well basically I was really outcome dependent, this is the first girl I've ever hanged out with one on one. I missed multiple opportunities to make a move on her, and I didn't also she had p low interest from the beginning. My friend spoke to her and was like "how are things between you and david" and she said "I don't know, were probably just going to be friends" and apparently she was upset when she said it.

but a new opportunity with a new girl opened up so we'll see how that goes, and i'm finding it much easier to joke around and feel more of a connection with her.