Married women? Do I or don't I?


Don Juan
Feb 25, 2010
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Could be nothing, but just wanted to get opinions. I have two different cases going on at my work concerning married women. First one is a woman who is married that is a case manager for a client that is on my roster of people that I supervise. I already knew she was married from our first conversation but she never said she was unhappy or anything, but she's attractive and we are around the same age. One day this guy that I work with comes up and says to me that he thought she had a thing for me because she was dressing a little sexier than usual, showing a little more skin. I didn't believe it at first because like I said she is married so I thought it was just a coincidence or whatever. Then I was reassigned to another area and her client would no longer be on my caseload so I wouldn't be working with her any longer, she had been seeing my client for around 4 months once a week.

She asked me why I was reassigned and I told her that sometimes they just move people, no special reason, and she tells me that I could still email her. Why would she want me to still email her if we didn't have anything to communicate about concerning her client? Was she just being friendly or was she interested in me on another level? And if she is how do I pursue it without putting myself out there too much in case i'm wrong? Do I even try to since she's married?

The next one is a woman, who is older (50) but has always kept herself in good condition, hell she can pass for late thirties, early forties easily. Her husband is in bad health and she told me they haven't had sex in about 5 months, and said that even when they did his performance wasn't up to par. Was that an invitation or was it just a woman venting frustration? How do I find out?


Master Don Juan
Jan 27, 2008
Reaction score
Dear TL,
Some older Women do become frustrated and explore the Workplace for a young stud to fill their needs,so in the case of the fifty year old,discreet liasons could be explored....pity is that they can often bond onto you and want to leave their Old Man....Suggest you put it directly on the line to her,"sure I will help you out but if you have an agenda,forget it"....As for the first one,my gut reaction is that you might live to regret escalating your friendship.


Master Don Juan
Aug 20, 2005
Reaction score
what I find funny is how women fail to understand the double standard out there.

If a 50 year old male said to his female colleague - ya my wife is sick and so we hardly ever have sex and when we do she really doesn't perform well - i mean my god, the lawsuits would be flying before days end.

but with regards to your specific question....

no one can give you an accurate reply based only on what your post said.

The only way you figure these situations out is to engage in flirtation and kino and escalate and see what happens.

I mean, i work with one chic and one day i told her that the sweater she was wearing was really nice. Suddenly she's wearing that shirt every week. But that doesn't mean anything other than she likes compliments.

Now if I wanted to know if she was interested in me I would start making comments about her body and see how she reacted. I might say 'what kind of shampoo do you use? Your hair is amazing - it's not naturally like that is it?." (obviously you do this with some charm - otherwise you'd look gay talking about hair).

when you make a very personal comment like that - it starts to become really easy to interpret their interest.

If they are only interested in attention they will usually be taken aback by a compliment that is a little too personal - you'll get that 'uhhh, thanks.' kind of reaction. Commenting on a sweater is being polite, commenting on her physical looks is flirtatious and she knows it.

If she's interested in you, you'll get that kind of a stunned silence reaction from her (this results from her being momentarily stunned that the guy she's been rubbing her **** thinking about every night has suddenly just paid her a massive compliment).

The only caveat in all of this is that sometimes the rules don't apply. I know I'll often compliment a woman on her body without having any interest - I just get a kick out of them starting to think about 'omg, is he in to me?'.

and there are women who do that also. Who are all about the chase - getting a guy riled up - and not about actually going anywhere with it.