Marijuana thread


Feb 16, 2008
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i tried for the first time. god i loved this shiet. im a very analitical person, im always reading about psychology and my thought patterns so this drug made me to think a lot in why i behave the way i do, why i feel this way, why i get sad, what has been my life and where is aheading.

well this drug made me to "open my mind", i actually could see what i think about most of the time, like you think a lot of things that you are not aware of, well with weed i opened my subconcious mind!.

i could see the music! it was so weird.

i became very introverted. ( i am a natural introverted but i made such progression that i can be extroverted too)

food taste delicious although i didnt have hunger for munchies.

time passes so slooow. 7 minutes seemed like a whole hour.

i laughed so much and found everything very funny.

i always forget what i was talking about.

my body had more sensibilization.

i had a very sharp ear.

what have been your experiences'???

this drug is not bad at all, it should be legalized, it way better than alcohol and tobacco and less dangerous.
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Senior Don Juan
May 4, 2007
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I have used marijuana a lot.

If used in moderation it can add some great insights into your life.

I am never any good picking up chicks when I am high so I wouldn't recomend it for that.

One thing that helped me to learn how to work a large room at a party was to get high and watch someone else do it. This might sound dumb but when you are baked you notice every little detail that you might normaly overlook.
Mar 12, 2007
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Helps me sleep.

I love girls who smoke, it gets them horny as hell and I get a lay every time.

I try and keep some on hand just for that.

Michele l'Arcangelo

Master Don Juan
Aug 5, 2005
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man, i don't know... i used to do it a lot... this reminds me of me... or so i think.

i guess i become stupid when i use those.

no point in it for me to use if i don't get "intellectual" (which i don't believe).

it can just either make you focus on one thing better. it really depends on the type. for me, i either get sleepy or laugh like crazy or focus on one thing for 5 minutes even if it's not there... like i could be staring at you, and then you get up and leave, and i'll still be imagining youre right in front of me... while i'm laughing at some very unfunny thing you might have done (like scratch your eyebrow)

last time i got high was at a friends house... i told him to put halo 3 on because i never smoked and played video games in my life. i kept getting owned and just laughed the entire game... or i'd try and focus on the game with a huge smirk on my face the whole time because i'm trying to hold back from laughing. then my friend would joke and say ghetto shit like "you dogg, i'mma get dat fo sho!". i would bust out laughing. i wasn't sure if he kept repeating that phrase or if my mind was repeating it because i thought it was hilarious.

i always wanted to play World of Warcraft high though... i might resubscribe just for the next time i plan on getting blazed.

no, in my opinion, it shouldn't be legalized. i'd see it as the legalized one being "diluted" or whatever, while people would still be selling stronger stuff illegally but for more money. then companies might add things to make it addictive like tobacco. it's not like it's hard to get some or easy to get caught anyways. --- but don't take my word for this... i'm not one of the people who actually care if it's illegal or not to actually think about it.
Mar 12, 2007
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Michele said:
no, in my opinion, it shouldn't be legalized. i'd see it as the legalized one being "diluted" or whatever, while people would still be selling stronger stuff illegally but for more money. then companies might add things to make it addictive like tobacco. it's not like it's hard to get some or easy to get caught anyways. --- but don't take my word for this... i'm not one of the people who actually care if it's illegal or not to actually think about it.

It needs to be decriminalized. Nobody should be jailed for smoking, and rapists and child molesters don't need to be released for pot smokers.


Master Don Juan
Oct 29, 2006
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My Name is Nobody said:
I love girls who smoke, it gets them horny as hell and I get a lay every time.

I try and keep some on hand just for that.
Even if you don't smoke, weed should always be stashed in your bedroom for the...."wanna smoke a joint in my room?" line. Have some prerolled if you are crap at rolling like me.

You'll be surprised at how many girls will say yes.

If you are smoking recreationally I'd recommend a vaporizer or just make it into butter tea, that way you save your lungs.
May 24, 2008
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wolf116 said:
Even if you don't smoke, weed should always be stashed in your bedroom for the...."wanna smoke a joint in my room?" line. Have some prerolled if you are crap at rolling like me.

You'll be surprised at how many girls will say yes.

If you are smoking recreationally I'd recommend a vaporizer or just make it into butter tea, that way you save your lungs.

I really don't smoke that much for recreation. But I love it as a sleep aid, it beats any pill a doctor wants to shove down my throat. A few puffs and I sleep like a baby. Maybe I can get medical marijuana? lol

But yeah, ALOT of girls like to smoke. And I usually get them to tell me the first time I talk to them. And once they know I am cool with it, it raises their interest.

Then, after you let them know you have some smoke, they jump in the car to come hang out with you. Badda bing, badda boom.


Master Don Juan
Oct 1, 2007
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I've never smoked it so I might not deserve a huge say in the matter. The thing is everyone I know who does smoke is someone who I really don't want to be. I don't know whether it is the its the people that pot attracts or the way pot affects people. Eveyone I know that smokes it is a loser that is going no where in life, definately not intelligent in the traditional sense but somehow gets lots of girls.

Hey that's just my experiance. I haven't done any research on the matter, and I don't know any of you, nor am I judging you. I haven't tried it because it isn't accepted in my social groups and it scares me a bit to be honest. Society programming. There is certantly no one that smokes that I want to be.


Feb 16, 2008
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SinJester said:
I've never smoked it so I might not deserve a huge say in the matter. The thing is everyone I know who does smoke is someone who I really don't want to be. I don't know whether it is the its the people that pot attracts or the way pot affects people. Eveyone I know that smokes it is a loser that is going no where in life, definately not intelligent in the traditional sense but somehow gets lots of girls.

Hey that's just my experiance. I haven't done any research on the matter, and I don't know any of you, nor am I judging you. I haven't tried it because it isn't accepted in my social groups and it scares me a bit to be honest. Society programming. There is certantly no one that smokes that I want to be.

Yes that true i also have noticed that a lot!.
when i did it i was so afraid i would become a fkin hippy (you know those dudes that dont shower and dont have any goals in life), well when i was high i was thinking i didnt want to become like them, so when i hitted reality all my thoughts about it were reinforced so i was like im only hitting this once every 3 months, and im not going to be a fking hippy or a fking loser, so instead i dress sharper and started studying more and working out. i actually came top of the class in 2 classes.

weird huh?

in my country is becoming very difficult to find weed, you only find crack and stupid shiet like that. and a very serious problem is the drug related crime wave, so going around asking where can i buy weed could get me into a big trouble.

i have been trying to know how to make it into butter tea, wolf you know how??,,,, whats a vaporizer?


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
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midwestern cow field 40
i have been trying to know how to make it into butter tea, wolf you know how??,,,, whats a vaporizer?

Butter and tea are two different things. Tea is usually for mushrooms. Pot is oil-soluble, and becomes psychoactive when heated, but that happens at a lower temp than what is required to burn it. Simmer some butter at a very low boil with some pot in it for a few minutes, then strain off the butter. It will keep in the fridge or you can use it right away. Simply make cookies or brownies, or any baked product, substituting your newly green butter, with up to double the amount of oil in the recipe. Then you have a very special baked product.

Vaporizers work by heating pot to make it give off a mist of happy chemicals. This happens at a lower temp than burning, and is supposed to be healthier for you. A good vap is expensive and hard to make yourself. You at least need a heat gun with an adjustable-temp output. Find a friend with a good vap and try before you buy. You get what you pay for. There is a reason that the volcano vap has cost several hundred bucks for years.

(or so I read on the Internet. Of course I would never actually do any of this stuff)


Master Don Juan
Aug 3, 2004
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sf ca
make sure the fridge is stocked.


Senior Don Juan
May 4, 2007
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The thing is everyone I know who does smoke is someone who I really don't want to be
I know a lot of people who think like this but growing up in a wealthier neighborhood (400k+ salaries) many or most people used drugs....

I too believed normal drugs like coke or pot affected a persons success in life when they probably don't

Its like anything else...self control

Colin O'Brien

Don Juan
Jan 6, 2008
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Music while on weed is an amazing thing.. I'm a big classical fan and whenever I get the chance to smoke I always have my ipod ready to listen to a piece of music I'm trying to figure out. It helps me hear the instrumentation better (like the individual instruments playing the parts, which is really good practice for composing), it helps me understand the meaning of the piece or what the composer was trying to convey (cause I can see clear and beautiful visions in my mind of the music), and it just increases the overall experience. I play oboe, and if I have a solo to learn and I'm having a lot of trouble interpreting it, the best thing to do is to get baked and listen to a recording.

If you smoke and just sit there laughing with your buddies, that's fine and dandy, but the real use for the stuff, at least I've found, is for artistic enlightenment and inspiration.

To those of you worried about becoming something you "really don't want to be":

I completely understand where you're coming from. I live in a place where pretty much everyone smokes, and I have a lot of stoner friends who are the typical loser, don't really know what they're doing types. I also have stoner friends who are the complete opposite of that, they work hard, play in orchestra, know what they're doing in life.. one of the biggest potheads I know is going to MIT next year for nanotech engineering. I didn't even know he smoked until I saw him taking fat bong hits at a party last summer. I had the same worry that doing these things would turn me into a loser, and that was one of the things that really kept me out of the social scene in high school.. it wasn't until I finally chilled out and smoked some weed that I realized "hey, this is completely a self-control thing". If you are smart enough to not want to become the stereotypical loser pot smoker, then there's no chance of you becoming one. Its a matter of choice.

Stay the **** away from hard drugs though, like the stuff you can get addicted to that completely destroys your life. I would never put pot and coke on the same level.


Master Don Juan
Jul 26, 2007
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Makes me really sleepy and out of it, and very hungry. I typically pass out within 20-30 minutes, if that. It is not really that fun for me.

Deep Dish

Master Don Juan
Nov 25, 2002
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Michele said:
no, in my opinion, it shouldn't be legalized. i'd see it as the legalized one being "diluted" or whatever, while people would still be selling stronger stuff illegally but for more money. then companies might add things to make it addictive like tobacco. it's not like it's hard to get some or easy to get caught anyways. --- but don't take my word for this... i'm not one of the people who actually care if it's illegal or not to actually think about it.
Since you don't hold onto this opinion too strongly, those reasons are rather weak. For one, it's wrong to criminalize something which intrinsically is not wrong; it's not hurting anyone other than the people who choose to do it, no harm no foul. Secondly, with no regulation, the potency of marijuana and other banned drugs has steadily increased over the decades, so if safety is anyone's concern then legalization ought be the goal. Thirdly, simultaneously, with no regulation, there are real dangers with marijuana being laced with fungus, other stuff, or other drugs, dangers which would be eliminated with regulatory cultivation and distribution. Fourthly, depending on where one lives, many would grow their own weed or buy from their friends, offsetting any alterations by corporate entities, which are mitigated by vaporizers.
Apr 21, 2008
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The armpit of Southern USA
im a very analitical person, im always reading about psychology and my thought patterns so this drug made me to think a lot...
I couldn't tell by your spelling but anyway...You won't be for long if you do this too much. Be very careful with this shiit. It lowers testosterone, btw, which will affect your mind.:eek:

I don't think it should be criminalized, btw. The War On Drugs is a big waste.