Male indifference creates female desire ?


Master Don Juan
Oct 13, 2006
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A state in America that'll unmercifully leave you
STR8UP said:
I do realize that it does benefit women more than men.

STR8UP said:
I check out the pages of some of the women I know and it's almost comical the way they solicit attention.
*Shakes head* Haha, f*cking pathetic, I know.

STR8UP said:
One of the 21 yr olds I know sends out a bulletin every time she updates her pictures to try to get people to leave picture comments. She even practically begged me one time to leave some picture comments.
I used to have 2 chics on my MySpace who did the same exact sh* used to drive me up the f*cking wall, I tell ya. Like I really give a flying f*ck if you posted new pics. I had such a strong urge to tell them to shut the f*ck up and how they're not all that AT ALL(hence what 2 ugly b*tches I really think they are), but held my tongue. How much more pathetic can a woman get that she has to ask someone to leave them comments? That is downright lame as in lame. That's probably worse than more than 3/4 of all AFC acts. And women think what men do is pathetic, hah.:rolleyes:


Master Don Juan
Oct 13, 2006
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A state in America that'll unmercifully leave you
I even know a chic who updates her MySpace pics once every 4-5 days for attention.


Master Don Juan
Nov 18, 2006
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Gold Coast. Aust.
Nefty - I acknowledge that you ,at the age of 34, think that you know how life is to be lived.
I am also aware that at my age I "should" be settled down in family life, according to YOUR vision of life .
My choices and circumstances did not take me down that path - the path of "settled family life" . I also wonder how many men at age fifty are really fulfiled in their "settled family life" ?
I really like that part of my life which gives me a connection with women now. I am not locked into a legal contract (marriage) or obligated to tolerate low quality women's bad behavior. I have several enjoyable women now to be with and they treat me well. I could convert any of these to a LTR in a heartbeat. I guess that you know better than me what and how I "should" be doing with my personal life. Maybe I am missing something here (but I do not think so )
Maybe you you need to take care of YOUR life and not give unsolicited advice.


Master Don Juan
Oct 13, 2006
Reaction score
A state in America that'll unmercifully leave you
Nefty said:
To still be "chasing tail" and using PUA techniques at age 50 is a sure-fire way of eventually being alone at 70. Sorry, but that's just sad.

In one's 50s, one should be settled down and enjoying family life.
Now that's an ignorant statement. Say's who? Quit letting the world around you dictate what needs to be done and what doesn't. Any guy who is still pulling tail in his 50's deserves a thumbs up. It is sad to see when a guy in his 50's ISN'T pulling tail.


Master Don Juan
Jun 10, 2006
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Some people just don't get it.

A 50 year old single man should be dating, just like he should be eating and exercising.

Anybody who thinks otherwise has a sad view on life.

Leave the guy alone. Sheesh.


Master Don Juan
Jun 10, 2006
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My dad is 54 and wouldn't know half the sh1t on this site. Most American males are AFCs and marriage retards their development. I know a few 40-60 something year-olds who recently got outplayed by their wives in a marriage. Let's face it. Life is short, and many guys (especially married ones) don't experience enough to have aquired the same amount of knowledge that so easily accumulates on this site. Many married guys (in regard to this topic) buy into the mainstream Holywood version of love and wouldn't dare treat their wives indifferently.


Master Don Juan
Nov 18, 2006
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Gold Coast. Aust.
I feel honored to have found this forum. I take out a ton of good advice from all you guys. I get something useful out of EVERY visit to MM. There are 25-30 year old guys on this site who have given me so much wisdom and insight into women . You fellows are awesome. And your wisdom is timeless.
I grew up in the era of dinners and chocolates and flowers ...when men courted women and women liked being treated well. Then the feminazis screwed things up and women changed into self centered Bytches. I have seen the change since the mid eighties - it ain't a good thing !!
If I had not changed the way that I treated them, I would be middle-aged road kill by now.
I like being a 50 year old Leroy Brown - it is so much bleeping fun I can hardly stand it !

Rollo Tomassi

Master Don Juan
Oct 4, 2004
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Nefty said:
To still be "chasing tail" and using PUA techniques at age 50 is a sure-fire way of eventually being alone at 70. Sorry, but that's just sad.
Ahh, the lonley old man myth rears it's ugly head again. Yet another feminine social convention.

This notion is one of the biggest AFC rationale ever perpetrated on men. Is lonelines a disease that necessitates a cure? If men could be made to believe so, think of the potential profit to be made from, and the potential for manipulation of, men. The real test for a man is how he lives with himself, alone. Precious few men ever truly allow themselves to be alone and learn real independence and self-reliance. The vast majority of guys (particularly in western culture) tend to transition from mother to wife with little or no intermission between, going from LTR to LTR until they 'settle' without ever having learned how to interact as an adult.

The fear of loneliness is entirely too exaggerated in modern western romaticism. The popularized fear-mythology of becoming the "lonely old man who never loved" is the new 'old maid' myth made popular in an era when a woman's worth was dependent upon her marital status and equally as false a premise. But in our brave new generation AFC, men (who've become women) are repackaged and shamed into believing this horsesh!t as part & parcel of this feminized gender role reversal. And thus we get Speed Dating and eHarmony and a host of other "conveniences" to pacify the insecurities that this reversal makes poor fatherless boys believe we 'should' have as part of ourselves by no other virtue than that we were born male.

Don't buy into the powder-puff idea that if you don't find your ONE by the time you're 30 and ASAP you'll tempt fate and risk a life of quiet desperation. This contrivance only serves the interests of women who's imperative it is to enjoy their party years in their 20's with as many Jerks as they can attract and have a stable Nice Guy who's petrified he'll live a life of loneliness and desperation waiting for them at 28-30 to marry and ensure their long term security.

Don't buy this lie. The man who is comfortable with himself and confident in his true independence is the one that women will want to be associated with and to share in it. How you handle being alone and what you do with that freedom is the real measure of a man.

If you're single and 50 you STILL have options if you're only brave enough to explore them. I know divorced men in their 50s who're dating mid to late 30s women now and I know men in their 60s who've been trapped and emotionally blackmailed by their wives for 20 years.


Master Don Juan
Oct 13, 2006
Reaction score
A state in America that'll unmercifully leave you
Nefty said:
it's like these older men you see having a mid-life crisis, buying Harleys and sports cars and trying to dress like college kids......they're trying to turn back the clock, but it just doesn't 'fit'.
And another ignorant statement. Where is it written that a guy(or woman)in his 50's can't dress a certain way, or buy sports cars or Harleys? You might as well say the same about women too according to your argument then. There's pleeeenty of older women in their 40's and 50's doing the same. Don't be influenced by societal expectations. If there's anything "pathetic", being influenced by a bunch of mindless societal expectations, is pathetic. Use your own friggin' head, and do what YOU want. Get out of the f*cking matrix already.


Don Juan
Aug 8, 2007
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nefty, take your bad attitude and shove it. its an inspiration to have men to look up to like jophil. after all, the ladies always love a silverfox. actually older bachelors will get more and more play as older women far outnumber older men. its older women who are desperate. potent older bachelors are in high demand becuase of all the widows, divorcees and young women looking for a mature partner. keep challenging yourself and taking action jophil.


Master Don Juan
Nov 18, 2006
Reaction score
Gold Coast. Aust.


Master Don Juan
Nov 18, 2006
Reaction score
Gold Coast. Aust.
Two points here -
Firstly, as a "silverfox" (not quite but close) I can occcasionally offer you younger guys some 'snapshots' of what you are likely to encounter with the ladies in a decade or two. I am in the game, on the field and swinging.
I have seen your future right NOW. I have had to adapt to (or resist) the feminist infection,the sensitive man imperative and all the other socially engineered faddish crapola that the west has inflicted on us men since the 70's. It is a changed world, my sons.

SEcondly, the more we live and conduct our lives as men were meant to live (DJ principles ?) the more choosey we will become when it comes to women and their unacceptable behavior. It is therefore likely that a good number of you guys will not find a 'great woman' by the time you are 50 because circumstances and your skills disqualified all the F/buddies and the unsuitable women from an LTR with you. A DJ would never 'settle ' would he ?
Some of you might still be playing the game when you are my age.( BTW I am having the best time so don't sweat it -it is fun being a PRIZE when you are over 50 ).

THe advice from you guys on this forum has given me the mindset of 'having PERMISSION ' to take my life back. I mean this - I now am willing to walk away from a bratty woman rather than try to sooth her and placate her.
I no longer try to 'make them approve of me' . NOW it is THEIR job to AUDITION for me and pass my yests.. I get to decide and make the choice -not her. Some baitches hate me and badmouth me now because I will no longer be the wuss that we men were raised to be.

Recently i said this to a 42 year old feminista who was playing power games with me -she was prattling on about "woman power .."

" If we get together, I intend to assert my rightful leadership,and I will drop you if you do not like it. Perhaps with firmness and guidance you can be saved. "
I walked away with a smirk when her jaw dropped wide open - her face is probably still set in stoney disbelief - priceless.

Damn , I love this stuff !


Master Don Juan
Feb 13, 2007
Reaction score
jophil28 said:
" If we get together, I intend to assert my rightful leadership,and I will drop you if you do not like it. Perhaps with firmness and guidance you can be saved. "!
:crackup: Yes!! Rightful leadership!

I'm laughing so hard I'll have to remember this one. a great answer to trump any sh1t test a woman could dish out.

Great job Jophil!!