making sense of all the info/techniques


Don Juan
Oct 3, 2004
Reaction score
dating and women has become a very big and profitable enterprise. there are so many books and websites avalible out there and its just confusing reading everything and making sense of it all. this is my take on it so far -- everyone has a different style and differnet techniques that they use to succede with women. the only reoccuring theme i see is the general attitude all of these people posess, which can basically be described as the personality the people on this board are helping you to train.

ive briefly read/listened to some of the other works out there:
Double Your Dating
Ross Jeffery and his work with seduction
ive even stumbled upon the pimphop/pimpology fourms that seem to hate this board so much for the excess of guy problems.

theres so much more out there that i havent even touched yet but from what i understand so far, theres 2 ways to succede.
1- through conventional approaching/humor/c&f/#closing and so on method that is taught here and by David De Angelo.
the other is the path through seduction using words, which ross jeffery is famous for.
oh and i dont even want to talk about the pimphop/pimpology methods. you have to have one messed up life to go around beating/taking money from women.

this is where i get confused. im trying to learn both because they both seem very interesting and at times, the success stories seem to good to be true. for those of you who have gone down both paths. what has your experience been like?

the most logical approach i can think of is to mix both styles and do what comes naturally for me. use DJ/DYD methods of approaching and getting women interested then using the seduction methods during the first few dates. but then again, logical people are too smart to succede(an interesting lesson i learned from DYD)

if any of you respond with, you just wasted 2 mins of my life; well i just wasted 10 mins of my life writing this so atleast appreciate my effort :cheer:


Senior Don Juan
Dec 21, 2004
Reaction score
birmingham, uk
HEY ICY, to be honest just keep to one thats easy for you..

i prefer de angelo becuse the method is short and sweet and it works, it realy order for it to work though you have to apply what he says instead of just reading it and getting excited about it...
if i would simplify his method it would be,

introduce, break ice,

short chat, gain interest

close, only when shes gained just the right amount of interest you close.... so you have to look out for signs of interest then, bam! close her

de angilos techniques of doing this are simple and dead effective..
i know, i do it nearly every day now.

I'm Joe Dirt

Master Don Juan
Jan 7, 2005
Reaction score
Chicago, IL
You also have to be open minded about this stuff. Don't ever dismiss a proven tip someone has used just because it sounds like it couldn't work to you.

Of course there is a big difference between the tips that keyboard jockies give and tips that people who have experience like David DeAngelo give, and I am of course referring to the latter. When DeAngelo says that something is a certain way, he has done his homework, and I have no reason not to trust him.

One of the most important things though is self-improvement, not just learning tips. A lot of people here and everywhere just look for the techniques or specific scripts to use on women thinking that will get them somewhere, but the problem with that is as soon as you're in a situation that deviates even slightly from what you rehearsed for you're screwed.

So what you should be getting out of this the most is an attitude change, basically change the way you not only interact with women but the way you think about relationship dynamics.