Making progress but I hit a brick wall.


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Jul 3, 2012
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I have a local bookstore next a university so 8-10's are always there with their female friends or on their phones, laptops... Head phones in. Etcetera.

I been knowing of this site for awhile, I saw gun witch, I saw Pook, I even read Neil Strauss "The Game" but something about the concepts of "negs" "openers" etc just seemed a bit... Artificial to keep tract of. I'm not a magician or am I one of those routine guys, I wanna... Be a bit more congruent throughout the relationship, since I would eventually run out of tricks and gimmicks, right? There are good things in the books, but that "canned" material just seemed not like myself.

The real point of this thread has to do with approaching, I read lots of stuff and watched lots of videos on pickup arts since I was halfway through 17(I'm freshly 18 now) and I know I'm at an advantage learning this stuff early so I started being more active and being less of a *ussy.

The reason why I'm talking about approaches is because I'm following the 3 second rule, it burns initially since I'm still scared, but like a shot -- the pain goes away after a while. It's just initially before I approach, I forget everything I ever seen. If you asked me my name I would the name of the book of I just read.

What happened yesterday at the book store was this:

I saw a girl sitting on her laptop(At the laptop at a small table). She was a 7. I got scared like always, I recently thought of Pook's literature and I just jumped in. I sat at a table adjacent from her's but kinda far away. Maybe five feet inbetween? Anyhow, I said. "Hey, what's up?" And she took out one of her head phones saying a sheepish. "Hi." With a slight smile.

I immediately thought. "Am I bothering her?" But I changed that thought to "I wanna talk to her, so I will until she tells me not too! I'm going for what I want! David X, Pook, all the others! They all took time out of their lives to help miserable guys like me! I'm going for it!"

Apparently I thought for too long so I asked. "TCU student?" And she said "Yeah." Than quickly put her head phone back in her ear.

As you can see, I made some small progress by actually approaching. Even if it burns, I tell myself. "I can handle it, I'll live another day." So say what you will, in proud of myself.

What does the "Man, Pickup Artist, Don Juan, Master DJ, etc." What do they do whenever a girl seems disinterested? Like on her computer with headphones, I didn't know she had headphones but I kept talking anyway. Was that rude? I thought it was, but she honestly didn't seem upset or angry at all,

At this bookstore next to college(my age girls and smoking hot), these girls are always talking in groups or on devices. Do you guys interrupt? I did and I'm planning to interrupt again tomorrow.

When you see a girl you wanna talk to, but she's listening to music and/or on her computer/phone. Do you approach the same way? Is that even an obstacle?

A weird thing I noticed about myself is that I actually fear the approach more than the rejection. I don't understand why though.

Here's the questions I want answered in case you read this whole thing and thought. "This guy is still talking?!"

1. Do you interrupt their friendly chat?

2. Do most women care if you interrupt them while they are using their devices?

3. Should I be a bit more bold? As in, do I sit in an empty sit across from her if it's empty? I mean, I was kinda far away. So I guess it seemed like I was talking to be nice and friendly. I'm pretty sure she didn't know I wanted to do her doggy style right then and there.


Master Don Juan
Dec 24, 2013
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Don't look for ioi's... approach because you feel like approaching. Make your intent clear. I would have gone right up to her table and said.... "Hi... who are you... what are you doing... how is your day... what is your name..." .etc

Don't be a creeper sitting 5 feet from her and hoping to start a conversation... go up to her and say something... anything!

And yeah she knew you wanted it doggy style.. hence the reason why she is sooo turned off.

If you were talking to your bro on the phone and Salma Hayak came up to you ... would you be pissed?


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Jul 3, 2012
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MillionBillionaire said:
Don't look for ioi's... approach because you feel like approaching. Make your intent clear. I would have gone right up to her table and said.... "Hi... who are you... what are you doing... how is your day... what is your name..." .etc

Don't be a creeper sitting 5 feet from her and hoping to start a conversation... go up to her and say something... anything!

And yeah she knew you wanted it doggy style.. hence the reason why she is sooo turned off.

If you were talking to your bro on the phone and Salma Hayak came up to you ... would you be pissed?
Gosh, no I wouldn't, but I'm not exactly the hottest guy in the world, I think I'm a solid 7 on the guy scale. Thanks for the tips man, going back for another round today, it makes me kinda more nervous if people are around her, but I missed that golden opportunity. Lol

EDIT: Clear intent.

I wanna get to know her, I wanna fvck her, I wanna fvck her friends as well.

As long as I don't telegraph the last one, I'll be fine as far as I'm approaching I hope.


Master Don Juan
Dec 24, 2013
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You won't be fine... your mentality is all wrong.. you may also have the "wussy" lable on you so don't expect much from your next attempt... Your already a creeper in her eyes.

You need to read the bible. You are the prize. She is lucky to be talking to you. The best way to fvck her is to attract her friend....

No clue man... read up and get practice.