Make me SEXUAL once and for all!


Master Don Juan
Sep 24, 2006
Reaction score
This is going to be my last thread for a LONG time if you guys explain this to me completely.

I sat down today and instead of lying to myself, I looked back and took how things really were for me in the past. I analyzed my strengths and weaknesses.

I analyzed what I did right and wrong.

I know the way, but I do need help.

In the past, all the damn girls I were with took the lead in creating sexual tension. Even if I was the one approaching them, they were the one who started flirting. They initiated sexual conversations. Not sex, but they were the ones who created the vibe that we are not friends but people who want each other.

All of the below is about initiating sexual tension from the BEGINNING. I can do it once I know the girl already. I need to know how to let her know from the first approach that I am up for a f*ck and not Koombaya songs!!!!

I'm NOT a nice guy at all. I'm more of a bad-boy jerk in a funny manner.

However, jerk and bad boy and ****yness is sometimes seen by girls as a fun guy. Many often have NO CLUE that I want them!!!

I know I do these things.

1. I look them straight in the eyes and IF they look and stare back - I get horny. I know she knows I want her.

Problem: Not many girls look back the same way. Some get VERY uncomfortable when I do that. They cross arms and legs. That often happens when we are on a first date. Its like they are not saying "I don't want you" but rather "Lets wait with that, I am not comfy with you"

Problem 2: I often get lost in girl's eyes and even though we both look at each this way, I am not even listening to her.

So, I need to know how to be sexual and how to make a girl comfy.

2. I always stick my chest out because I have a beautiful chest (pecs!).

3. I tell girls what to do rather than asking them for something "Come to our party!" instead of "Would you like to come to our party?"

4. I already stated in my other thread that I can ask a girl out on a date in a smooth bald manner.

5. Sleep deep voice. I try to talk slow and

Still, there is something MISSING there! Its very difficult for me from the very beginning, even with the above things, state my intent!

I just don't know how let it out and in which direction. Sometimes I just want to come to her and say "I have a **** and I want you to do things to it!"

Some guys use cheesy lines, but its not me. Saying "There is a party in my pants and you are invited" is too cheesy.

I do kino only in night club and bars. Its very very unusual to see any guy doing kino in your classroom when you JUST met a girl! Its just wrong environemnt.

Classrooms and libraries do carry that sexual vibe thing. They are not really made for sexual stuff. In bars and clubs girls know they will be hit on so I can kino easily.

So, please, guys! Tell me how to initiate the sexual thing from the beginning! Its like its there inside me and I'm not afraid to let it out, but I don't know how!

The last thing is that I am sometimes not doing things because I don't see others do it.

Like, a girl sitting lonely at a lunch table. I know I can come up and ask if I can join her and strike a conversation. I, however, never seen a guy do that. I never seen girls being picked up almost anywhere besides damn clubs and bars!

So, I feel that what I am doing is breaking social norms and girls will find that odd and abnormal and will reject me.

b's nuts

Master Don Juan
Jul 31, 2003
Reaction score
If I was up your ass you'd know
okay so if you break socail norms and it works - you get what you want. If you break social norms and it doesn't work - it's not like you would have got what you want if you didn't try though right? don't be a wuss bro. If you really want something you have to go get it.

The easiest way to be sexual with a girl is the same way they do it to you. tease. Try to make sexual jokes in the moment by saying something witty, sexual, and funny. then increae it all from there depending on their reaction.

Example - Sometimes when im playing pool at the bar with a girl (try asking a girl to play pool with you, most drunk people like pool) and when its her shot on like a corner pocket ill stand real close - so basically your junks right there (no don't rest it on the table) and if she makes her shot i say nothing - but if she misses ill say something like "you wouldn't miss your shot if you weren't staring at my crotch". now obviously you have to be joking around and teasing like that a lot, from the begining, and let it gain momentum (don't say something completely sexual in nature blatantly out of nowhere, your not a sex crazy retard are you?) - if you just bust that out of no where it might not go over so well.

The thing is your ish can't all be canned, you actually need a sense of humor, intelect, and a sexual vibe (your a pervert, the good kind, not a molester or anything) to be able to tease and be sexual like that (basically you need to be a smooth mutha phucker).

and don't forget everything else you've learned (that ish needs to actually be your nature, if it's not you and your fake about it, hot girls will know - they have guys trying to get at them all the time).


Master Don Juan
Sep 24, 2006
Reaction score
b's nuts said:
okay so if you break socail norms and it works - you get what you want. If you break social norms and it doesn't work - it's not like you would have got what you want if you didn't try though right? don't be a wuss bro. If you really want something you have to go get it.

The easiest way to be sexual with a girl is the same way they do it to you. tease. Try to make sexual jokes in the moment by saying something witty, sexual, and funny. then increae it all from there depending on their reaction.

Example - Sometimes when im playing pool at the bar with a girl (try asking a girl to play pool with you, most drunk people like pool) and when its her shot on like a corner pocket ill stand real close - so basically your junks right there (no don't rest it on the table) and if she makes her shot i say nothing - but if she misses ill say something like "you wouldn't miss your shot if you weren't staring at my crotch". now obviously you have to be joking around and teasing like that a lot, from the begining, and let it gain momentum (don't say something completely sexual in nature blatantly out of nowhere, your not a sex crazy retard are you?) - if you just bust that out of no where it might not go over so well.

The thing is your ish can't all be canned, you actually need a sense of humor, intelect, and a sexual vibe (your a pervert, the good kind, not a molester or anything) to be able to tease and be sexual like that (basically you need to be a smooth mutha phucker).

and don't forget everything else you've learned (that ish needs to actually be your nature, if it's not you and your fake about it, hot girls will know - they have guys trying to get at them all the time).
Yeah, I can do that, but its hard to sexualize the conversation sometimes. Like, it would just out of whack!

Jay Jay

Master Don Juan
Dec 3, 2006
Reaction score
How I generate attraction.

Personally I don't try to generate attraction from the very very beginning.

Okay thats not true; I take care of the basics, body language, strong voice tone, smile etc... but thats it.

What I like to do is break the ice in a neutral kind of way, and act like I would with anyone. Just fluff basically.

Next step is getting a laugh or making a bit of a connection. I am now a fun/interesting person to talk to.

Then I get her talking. I try to find something she is interested in and when she seems excited by what she is saying I make strong eye contact.

At first she will not notice. Then she will realise and I see it on her face. She'll try to hold eye contact for a second. I do not change at all. She'll look away. She'll look back. I am still looking. Then finally I do this look away like I only just realised I was looking at her so. (dunno really how to explain that last bit. It kinda says to her I was looking like that coz I was interested, it wasn't deliberate...)

I have attraction.

After that I do multiple take aways. I always eject at a high point and come back to her when she doesn't seem to be having the best time.

Usually she is kinoing me after the second takeaway.

It works for me...



Master Don Juan
Sep 24, 2006
Reaction score
Jay Jay said:
Personally I don't try to generate attraction from the very very beginning.

Okay thats not true; I take care of the basics, body language, strong voice tone, smile etc... but thats it.

What I like to do is break the ice in a neutral kind of way, and act like I would with anyone. Just fluff basically.

Next step is getting a laugh or making a bit of a connection. I am now a fun/interesting person to talk to.

Then I get her talking. I try to find something she is interested in and when she seems excited by what she is saying I make strong eye contact.

At first she will not notice. Then she will realise and I see it on her face. She'll try to hold eye contact for a second. I do not change at all. She'll look away. She'll look back. I am still looking. Then finally I do this look away like I only just realised I was looking at her so. (dunno really how to explain that last bit. It kinda says to her I was looking like that coz I was interested, it wasn't deliberate...)

I have attraction.

After that I do multiple take aways. I always eject at a high point and come back to her when she doesn't seem to be having the best time.

Usually she is kinoing me after the second takeaway.

It works for me...


Takeaway from looking or the whole conversation? Takeaway meaning LEAVE her and do your think or change topic conversation.

I hate all these terms...

Jay Jay

Master Don Juan
Dec 3, 2006
Reaction score
Sorry about the terms.

I'll give you an example of the most recent time.

At a pub. Girl and guy at the table next to me but I've been vibing them and know they are just friends. Guy goes to the bar.

I wait for a second then get up to "go to the toilet."

ME: Hey, nice tatt.

HER: Blah blah blah.

ME: Blah blah... does it mean something?

HER: Well actually.....

Now I do my eye contact thing. Then I eject and go to the loo.

I lean over bit later when their conversation is lagging and start convo up again. She begins to kino me. I make her leave, I say, "hey I better let you get back to your friend. He looks bored."

A bit later I lean over when she's away and make friends with her male friend. When she comes back she snatched my attention from her friend. I give her some attention then eject.

Later when they are talking I interupt and point out another girls tats and tell her it looks hot. She's jealous but agrees. She kinos. I kino back. Then tell her I am ignoring my friends and eject. etc etc.

Every time I come back she works harder for my attention. The kino and flirtation goes up a notch with every takeaway. Every time I leave it is when she is having fun. Every time I pop up is when she wants a distraction.

Oh, I never look at her or pay her any attention except when I am in the set (talking to them...)

Hope that helps.



Master Don Juan
Sep 24, 2006
Reaction score
Jay Jay said:
Sorry about the terms.

I'll give you an example of the most recent time.

At a pub. Girl and guy at the table next to me but I've been vibing them and know they are just friends. Guy goes to the bar.

I wait for a second then get up to "go to the toilet."

ME: Hey, nice tatt.

HER: Blah blah blah.

ME: Blah blah... does it mean something?

HER: Well actually.....

Now I do my eye contact thing. Then I eject and go to the loo.

I lean over bit later when their conversation is lagging and start convo up again. She begins to kino me. I make her leave, I say, "hey I better let you get back to your friend. He looks bored."

A bit later I lean over when she's away and make friends with her male friend. When she comes back she snatched my attention from her friend. I give her some attention then eject.

Later when they are talking I interupt and point out another girls tats and tell her it looks hot. She's jealous but agrees. She kinos. I kino back. Then tell her I am ignoring my friends and eject. etc etc.

Every time I come back she works harder for my attention. The kino and flirtation goes up a notch with every takeaway. Every time I leave it is when she is having fun. Every time I pop up is when she wants a distraction.

Oh, I never look at her or pay her any attention except when I am in the set (talking to them...)

Hope that helps.


Yeah, but thats if she catches the fact that your staring is sexual. She may think you are interested in her just as a friend. I had this happen to me.

And what if the situation involves just the two of you? No other people?


Master Don Juan
May 30, 2006
Reaction score
Jay Jay said:
Then I get her talking. I try to find something she is interested in and when she seems excited by what she is saying I make strong eye contact.

At first she will not notice. Then she will realise and I see it on her face. She'll try to hold eye contact for a second. I do not change at all. She'll look away. She'll look back. I am still looking. Then finally I do this look away like I only just realised I was looking at her so. (dunno really how to explain that last bit. It kinda says to her I was looking like that coz I was interested, it wasn't deliberate...)
Is she still talking during all this? Or are you guys in some kind of silence?

Are you smiling?

I'm a little confused. I mean, it sounds like it works... like you're letting it slip that you're interested, but you didn't "plan" it.

Jay Jay

Master Don Juan
Dec 3, 2006
Reaction score
Realsmoothie: I'll try to break it down for you.

Yep she is talking.

Be aware of how hot she is (check some gunwitch stuff on being in a sexual state for more on this... you need to be feeling sexual)

You are totally entranced by her and what she is saying. When she notices you looking she might cut off (this is rare as girls love talking) but more likely she will try to stare you down while still talking.

You will see it on her face when she becomes aware that you two have strong eye contact. You must keep your own face relaxed so she does not know you are aware that she is aware...

(but you are aware that she is aware that you are not aware even though you are aware... confused?)

Now I imagine what happens in this girls mind is "oh my god, he is so into me and what I am saying. We have a connection." (But thats just a guess, maybe its really "Satan will be pleased when I crush this one's soul." Who knows what happens in a chicks head...)

She looks away. She cannot handle you masculine power.

She looks back. She cannot resist.

BTW this only takes about thirty seconds to play out.

She is still talking. Then (and this is the bit I cannot expalin, I just do it) I change my expression and the focus of my gaze to make it seem that I have only just become aware of the eye contact.

I break eye contact.

I believe that last bit says to her, "he was so into me he didn''t even realise that he was staring at me. OH MY GOD! CONNECTION!!!"

Thats it. Smile? Optional, depending on what she is saying I guess. I dunno exactly what goes on their heads. This works for me. Thats all I can say.


It makes no difference if you are alone or in a group. You do need her undivided attention for at least a minute.

Be in a sexual state. Go check out Gunwitch in the tips section (even though I think he is repugnant he has some awesome concepts).



Master Don Juan
Sep 24, 2006
Reaction score
Jay Jay said:
Realsmoothie: I'll try to break it down for you.

Yep she is talking.

Be aware of how hot she is (check some gunwitch stuff on being in a sexual state for more on this... you need to be feeling sexual)

You are totally entranced by her and what she is saying. When she notices you looking she might cut off (this is rare as girls love talking) but more likely she will try to stare you down while still talking.

You will see it on her face when she becomes aware that you two have strong eye contact. You must keep your own face relaxed so she does not know you are aware that she is aware...

(but you are aware that she is aware that you are not aware even though you are aware... confused?)

Now I imagine what happens in this girls mind is "oh my god, he is so into me and what I am saying. We have a connection." (But thats just a guess, maybe its really "Satan will be pleased when I crush this one's soul." Who knows what happens in a chicks head...)

She looks away. She cannot handle you masculine power.

She looks back. She cannot resist.

BTW this only takes about thirty seconds to play out.

She is still talking. Then (and this is the bit I cannot expalin, I just do it) I change my expression and the focus of my gaze to make it seem that I have only just become aware of the eye contact.

I break eye contact.

I believe that last bit says to her, "he was so into me he didn''t even realise that he was staring at me. OH MY GOD! CONNECTION!!!"

Thats it. Smile? Optional, depending on what she is saying I guess. I dunno exactly what goes on their heads. This works for me. Thats all I can say.


It makes no difference if you are alone or in a group. You do need her undivided attention for at least a minute.

Be in a sexual state. Go check out Gunwitch in the tips section (even though I think he is repugnant he has some awesome concepts).


Minute... I usually give them 30 seconds of conversation and withdraw for like 10 minutes. By then its all lost.


Master Don Juan
May 30, 2006
Reaction score
Jay Jay said:
Realsmoothie: I'll try to break it down for you.

Yep she is talking.

Be aware of how hot she is (check some gunwitch stuff on being in a sexual state for more on this... you need to be feeling sexual)

You are totally entranced by her and what she is saying. When she notices you looking she might cut off (this is rare as girls love talking) but more likely she will try to stare you down while still talking.

You will see it on her face when she becomes aware that you two have strong eye contact. You must keep your own face relaxed so she does not know you are aware that she is aware...

(but you are aware that she is aware that you are not aware even though you are aware... confused?)

Now I imagine what happens in this girls mind is "oh my god, he is so into me and what I am saying. We have a connection." (But thats just a guess, maybe its really "Satan will be pleased when I crush this one's soul." Who knows what happens in a chicks head...)

She looks away. She cannot handle you masculine power.

She looks back. She cannot resist.

BTW this only takes about thirty seconds to play out.

She is still talking. Then (and this is the bit I cannot expalin, I just do it) I change my expression and the focus of my gaze to make it seem that I have only just become aware of the eye contact.

I break eye contact.

I believe that last bit says to her, "he was so into me he didn''t even realise that he was staring at me. OH MY GOD! CONNECTION!!!"

Thats it. Smile? Optional, depending on what she is saying I guess. I dunno exactly what goes on their heads. This works for me. Thats all I can say.


It makes no difference if you are alone or in a group. You do need her undivided attention for at least a minute.

Be in a sexual state. Go check out Gunwitch in the tips section (even though I think he is repugnant he has some awesome concepts).

Sounds pretty fakey to me... but I'll bet it works!

I love Hyori Lee

Senior Don Juan
Mar 23, 2006
Reaction score
From reading your countless threads and the content within them, I can immediately sense that your weakness lies in two areas.

1. Your constant desire for attention.

2. Your lack of maturity.

I don't write this to put you down. Rather, I place this because you asked for our advice. You asked what you lack.

And you lack maturity. Seriously take a read at every thread you've made here. It's immature.

Take a look at this thread right here:

Rather than posting what you will do, it's better to just shut up and do it. Nobody wants to hear it.
This one right here is a stupid thread.
This one is a stupid thread. Read the DJ Bible and stop posting obvious questions.
This one is a stupid thread. How old are you?
Nobody cares about what you think. Either ask a question of relevance. Stop your ranting.
Another post lacking maturity. It's this aura that you emanate to women and it annoys them.
This is a question showing that you lack intelligence or are lazy. Go read the DJ Bible. Apply it. Learn it. And do it. And stop asking obvious questions.
Have you read the DJ Bible!!!!? Read it and you will find the answer to this post.
Another stupid post. Nobody gives a **** about your mom! Stop your attention ranting.
This post is the epitomy and mentality of the mind of an AFC. An AFC tells himself that he can't get what he wants and he mopes. A king takes what he wants.
Another attention thread.
Do a search, you newb.
Without a doubt, the stupidest post I've read. You want to know where you **** up with women? It's these stupid questions. It's your lack of maturity.
Nobody cares! Nobody cares that you were brought up as a pvssy. Stop acting like one.
The answer is in the DJ Bible.


Master Don Juan
Dec 10, 2006
Reaction score
Just to help you out in future posts, there is no such thing as a "bald" manner or anything. It's called bold. Bald is when there is no hair. You're welcome.


Master Don Juan
Sep 24, 2006
Reaction score
I love Hyori Lee said:
From reading your countless threads and the content within them, I can immediately sense that your weakness lies in two areas.

1. Your constant desire for attention.

2. Your lack of maturity.

I don't write this to put you down. Rather, I place this because you asked for our advice. You asked what you lack.

And you lack maturity. Seriously take a read at every thread you've made here. It's immature.

Take a look at this thread right here:

Rather than posting what you will do, it's better to just shut up and do it. Nobody wants to hear it.
This one right here is a stupid thread.
This one is a stupid thread. Read the DJ Bible and stop posting obvious questions.
This one is a stupid thread. How old are you?
Nobody cares about what you think. Either ask a question of relevance. Stop your ranting.
Another post lacking maturity. It's this aura that you emanate to women and it annoys them.
This is a question showing that you lack intelligence or are lazy. Go read the DJ Bible. Apply it. Learn it. And do it. And stop asking obvious questions.
Have you read the DJ Bible!!!!? Read it and you will find the answer to this post.
Another stupid post. Nobody gives a **** about your mom! Stop your attention ranting.
This post is the epitomy and mentality of the mind of an AFC. An AFC tells himself that he can't get what he wants and he mopes. A king takes what he wants.
Another attention thread.
Do a search, you newb.
Without a doubt, the stupidest post I've read. You want to know where you **** up with women? It's these stupid questions. It's your lack of maturity.
Nobody cares! Nobody cares that you were brought up as a pvssy. Stop acting like one.
The answer is in the DJ Bible.

There is no desire for attention for me... you could help instead of pointing out my stupid threads.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 15, 2006
Reaction score
i agree with I Love Hyoree Lee,

its the aura you generate that screams "im immature" and in turn screams "i suck in the sack". I understand you are trying to improve your game, as are all of us here.

and back to your question and in a way it has already been answered, act more relaxed, dont go through all the formula's and theories you see here as soon as you meet a girl.. dont think "how much should i kino her right now?" or "she did this, what does that mean?" just go with the flow and see where it takes you. Give off the proper vibe and the rest will follow.

believe it or not, its visible when something isnt done naturally and in turn will ruin your chances... its all about the way you carry yourself which you have to FIND on ur own, there's no "RIGHT" way, every person has a unique style which various kinds of women find attractive.. what one finds attractive wont neccessarily be found attractive by another girl. There's no "one glove fits all" theory infact its quite the opposite.


kak dela? ;)

hope i helped.:woo:


Master Don Juan
Sep 24, 2006
Reaction score
sav said:
i agree with I Love Hyoree Lee,

its the aura you generate that screams "im immature" and in turn screams "i suck in the sack". I understand you are trying to improve your game, as are all of us here.

and back to your question and in a way it has already been answered, act more relaxed, dont go through all the formula's and theories you see here as soon as you meet a girl.. dont think "how much should i kino her right now?" or "she did this, what does that mean?" just go with the flow and see where it takes you. Give off the proper vibe and the rest will follow.

believe it or not, its visible when something isnt done naturally and in turn will ruin your chances... its all about the way you carry yourself which you have to FIND on ur own, there's no "RIGHT" way, every person has a unique style which various kinds of women find attractive.. what one finds attractive wont neccessarily be found attractive by another girl. There's no "one glove fits all" theory infact its quite the opposite.


kak dela? ;)

hope i helped.:woo:

No, there are guys who get laid by nearly all girls they know and all girls want them. So, there IS this one way that gets them all or most of them.


Master Don Juan
Sep 24, 2006
Reaction score
Maybe the problem is that being sexually interested isn't enough. You have to HOOK the girl and be an interesting person.
Mar 18, 2006
Reaction score
Babnik said:
Maybe the problem is that being sexually interested isn't enough. You have to HOOK the girl and be an interesting person.
Actually you are wrong!!! The girl has to HOOK MY attention and make herself interesting to ME!!! Otherwise why would a man even approach a woman!!!