LR: Connection & Frame Control


Senior Don Juan
Jan 12, 2004
Reaction score
Midwest USA
My biggest issue has been connecting with girls while maintaining sexual tension and frame control. I think this part of the game is least explained in seduction circles even though it’s somewhat discussed in the direct game threads. I recently had success in this area and I focus on it in this LR. Hopefully my report can help someone out.

This experience happened at a festival I organized and the girl was the sister of one of my friends. So if you’re interested in cold approach attract game, this LR isn’t for you. On the other hand, I almost lost the interaction and encountered resistance despite my massive value and attractiveness. Just goes to show that attraction and social value aren’t everything.

I had some brief friendly conversation with this girl a couple times throughout the festival but I was too busy to really kick it with her. The last night I relaxed and saw her dancing by herself like no other girl I’ve experienced. I grinned at her and started dancing too. We maintained eye contact and danced closer and closer. I teased and drew back. I used salsa and swing moves as well as freestyle. It was a fvcking blast! I love dancing with a woman who can keep up with me on the dance floor. I drew real close to her face several times before kissing her.

Then I hung out with her brother and one of my female friends. We never got into any real lengthy deep rapport convos. Later on in the night, I led/danced/made out with her back to my camp. She laughed and said that I was “taking her somewhere.” I said, “Your powers of deduction are astounding!” When we got to my tent, she wanted to go see an art project so we checked it out. Made out more at the project and then I led her back into my tent.

We got naked. I could’ve fvcked her then but I wanted oral first. So I told her I wanted to feel her hot little mouth on my c0ck. She refused. But then she got on top of me and tried to mount me. I pulled away because I wanted oral first and I told her this. She said stuff like, “you’re used to getting your way and you’re pissed that I won’t do what you want.”

Then my c0ck started to get soft and she said I wasn’t feeling it. The energy was broken. The waver in the energy killed the mood and she started having second thoughts about the whole thing.

I started talking about how we shouldn’t be ruled by fear. I said that I was disappointed because I thought she was different. She told me she didn’t have to prove herself by sucking my dyck. Heh. This thread didn’t work AT ALL and seemed to turn her off even more. She said that I’m used to girls who play games and it’s a shame we wouldn’t work out.

At one point, she started in on an LMR thread about how sex is too easy and she wants it to be something more. I summed it up for her by saying that she’s afraid of being a conquest. Then I flipped it by reminding her that she had told me that she was impressed that I organized all of these people to have this festival. I said that I should be the one worried about being a conquest. She laughed and then said she was attracted by how I take care of people. So I used that to ask her why she would even give in to fear about being a conquest if she knew that I take care of folks. More excuses ensued.

I asked, “You’re not feeling connected to me are you?” Of course she didn’t answer directly but instead asked me how I felt connected to her. I told her exactly how I felt, that she is a beautiful amazing woman who can groove with me like no other. Then I reminded her that she didn’t answer my question. She said that she liked me because I was really cute. Bingo. I shook my head and looked away. I told her that she was attracted to my looks, not connected to me.

THEN I started agreeing with her that it was a bad idea to have sex since SHE didn’t feel the connection when I thought that we had one. She tried to regain the frame by asking me again how I felt connected to her. I expressed my dissatisfaction that she wasn’t listening to me (fed back into the frame of HER being out of touch). She tried to say, “don’t make this about me.” I pointed out again that she couldn’t tell me how we are connected.

She said she likes me because I am a powerful person. I said that was another attractive trait and lots of girls are attracted to looks and power. I asked her what made her any different than them. This subtly underlined that I am attractive to lots of different girls but that I was looking for something more. She asked me to explain the difference between connection and attraction. My convo was that connection is personalized. “Let’s talk about US. What connects YOU to ME?” She still struggled to answer me.

I told her it was a shame because I dug her but that I was glad we didn’t have sex since she wasn’t feeling what I was feeling. It was a fine line between totally disqualifying her and presenting her with a relationship challenge to overcome (by doing what I wanted). I toed that line by telling her it was a bad idea to have sex WHILE I stimulated her and was physically affectionate. It almost fvcked up because she asked me if I really wanted her to leave and I joked around saying, “get the **** out of here.” She said, “that’s it, I’m leaving” and started putting her clothes on. I laughed, hugged her, and told her she was being too serious. She kept looking at me quizzically and saying, “what a pair we are!” and “you’re speaking two different languages here!”

She said some BS about connecting without sex but I pointed out that she couldn’t tell me how she felt connected to me. Throughout the convo, she kept trying to express how she felt connected and finally I slightly validated that. I also made it clear that whether or not we had sex was irrelevant in the face of whether we connected.

She mentioned her sun sign in her LMR threads. I pushed a little on this saying, “Daaamn, you’re a Gemini? They’re bad news!” She giggled but had the frame of, “well that’s just who I am.” However, I quickly stole her frame of using astrology as a way to talk about oneself. It really helped positively reframe things around my needs and my worldview. “I am Capricorn so I usually error on the side of caution. Since I’ve realized that, I push my boundaries in order to grow past my cautious ways. I can’t be with someone who is ruled by fear because fear is something I’m trying to overcome. I don’t want to have to overcome someone else’s fear too. I want someone who can complement the life I’m trying to lead.” When I talked about my self-improvement, I wasn’t overly negative like, “listen to all of my problems or I’m soooo afraid.” I talked about growth in the vague general sense that people talk about religion, ideals, and relationships.

I took over the frame by talking about getting to know and improving my inner self. I framed it positively so that the desired action is a product or sign of the way of being that I am trying to attain. The convo topics flowed like this: Describing myself->what I’m trying to overcome/achieve within myself–>how the desired action (BJ) is only important in the context of my desired or actual way of being–>the type of relationship I want to be in and how it relates to my inner development. It was just like how girls talk about relationships and themselves. After I talked about my journey, and myself she said that she liked this openness and honesty.

We also talked more about her sun sign and how she deals with her growth. But I was careful to bring it back to my issue so I didn’t lose the frame. I did this by asking her how she addressed the issues I was trying to address. Like not being ruled by fear.

Interspersed though the astrology convo, I would stroke her and kiss her a few times. I would also do slight freeze-outs. It was nothing hardcore or angry. We were lying facing each other and I would laugh at silly things she said, turn away from her with a smile, and rub my eyes disapprovingly. All while she would intensely stare at me trying to figure me out. I would then turn back all serious and stare into her eyes too.

Another important thing was that I explored when and why she stopped feeling the energy. She basically told me that I wasn’t being as sensual as she needed. I was being too directly and coarsely sexual, which wasn’t her mood. She needed to flow into that rather than abruptly jump into it. I asked her what clued her into me “feeling it in my c0ck rather than my heart,” as she put it. She explained that she was looking for lots of eye contact (I would focus in on her body), breathing together, and light sensual body strokes. The funny thing is that she didn’t give me sensual body strokes. I asked her how she communicated this need to me, which pointed out her low participation. So I again related it back to MY journey and explained how as a Capricorn, I love affection. I also said that I’m more direct with my communication and appreciate her just coming out and telling me what type of sexual vibe she needs. She agreed that she needs to work on that.

At various points toward the end of the convo, she would start rubbing her body against me. Finally we started kissing softly. I focused on being sensual and giving intense eye contact. Feeling the energy build. I realized that I hadn’t flowed and built a sensual vibe before. I was progressing too mechanically. She had sensed this. Concentrating on being sensual really helped me FEEL and connect with her sexually.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 12, 2004
Reaction score
Midwest USA
She became very sexually aggressive and got on top of me. When she was off on the LMR threads, she would cover herself with the sleeping bag. Now, she rode me buck naked, even though it was 8 AM, my tent windows were open, and people were walking by. I stroked her but I didn’t get aggressive and get on top of her because I wanted to see if she would go down on me. To my delight she did! It was so cute when she came back up and asked me if I would still kiss her.

She exclaimed that she wanted to feel me inside of her “soooo bad!” There was big ol puddle on my mattress from her wetness (I’ve never made a girl THAT wet before). It seems our convo made her crazy hot. Unfortunately, we had been up all night. I lose my erections easily when I’m super tired. I put it in her while half erect and tried to rejuvenate it but no luck

Then I put her in the 69 position and she sucked me again. She even asked what I liked. It wasn’t happening though. I told her that my dyck wanted to go to bed. She stroked it and said, “wake uuuuup!” We lay there and talked for a bit about a social scene.

Even though I didn’t come and the actual intercourse wasn’t that great, I feel just as satisfied as if I shot all over her back. I’m most interested in gaining power in seduction. I got her so hot with rapport and frame control that she became aggressive and sucked my dyck, something she had refused to do.

So to sum up, I flipped the script on her. I talked to her about her fears and issues BUT NEVER GAVE UP THE FRAME. I never let the conversation be all about her needs. I never let the issues be on her terms, with her judging whether I’m good enough for her. Why should it be this way? I went straight to the root, no connection, but framed it as HER problem. I framed her reluctance to give me a BJ as a symptom of her problem. The first time I was unsuccessful because I was still pulling and it wasn’t genuine. The second time it worked because I made connection the issue and started pushing her away. And I really believe the astrology/self improvement stuff, so I was being honest. It totally turned her on so she got aggressive and ended up doing what I wanted without me having to ask again. After so many rapport failures and LMR struggles, I am super stoked that I could be successful in this area with a girl I really dig.


Don Juan
Oct 30, 2003
Reaction score
Masterful seduction and great post.

This all demonstrates how dificult the skills really are in becoming a pickup artist.This has to be one of the most important post ever made on this site.

But , my friend, while admiring your style and the power it has over women, I am wondering about the essence of you. I do hope you have some strong guy friends who know you.

I am wondering 'bout your integrity? What about "you."
Is there any there, there? Where are you actually, and why don't you show yourself?


Senior Don Juan
Jan 12, 2004
Reaction score
Midwest USA
Re: Masterful seduction and great post.

Originally posted by gmm567
This all demonstrates how dificult the skills really are in becoming a pickup artist.This has to be one of the most important post ever made on this site.

But , my friend, while admiring your style and the power it has over women, I am wondering about the essence of you. I do hope you have some strong guy friends who know you.

I am wondering 'bout your integrity? What about "you."
Is there any there, there? Where are you actually, and why don't you show yourself?
Wow! What a flattering reponse! Thank you!

Could you elaborate on this "essence of me" stuff? I'm not sure I understand what you're getting at. What made you think that I'm not showing myself? I'm not trying to argue by any means. If I'm coming off fake or whatever, I'd like to hear it since it impacts my rapport game.

My issue is that I'm ultra logical. I may get off on being that way but most people can't relate to me like that. When I've tried to develop my emotional side, I've gotten really empathetic and was sucked into people's frames. I think I come off WAAAY too interested in a person and that seems unnatural and unattractive.


Dec 15, 2004
Reaction score
I wonder how her brother (ur friend) felt about you macking on his sister?


Senior Don Juan
Jan 12, 2004
Reaction score
Midwest USA
Originally posted by themanwithnoname
this long winded post sounds like a manual for a machine. women aren't machines.
Ah, the obligatory gripe about the length of my post. Dude, Post-Envy is low value behavior. Treat the small size of your posts like it's no big deal and everyone will treat it the same way. ;p

You have a point though. Women aren't machines. However, we logical types get frustrated when people say stuff like "ride the vibe" or "just connect." If we could do this in the first place, we wouldn't have so many problems. So we start asking girls a bunch of boring logical questions or we get a clue and start trying to express emotions but still get sucked in the girl's frame because we're trying to connect with her .

I think those "ride the vibe" statements are useful in describing the frame but we need examples too so we can FEEL this foreign frame. I strive to do this in my post. It would be really nice if the rapport-direct game gurus could give more detailed examples. Juggler is pretty good at it though. The paradox is that when you really start vibing, you get lost in the convo and forget what you talked about. I think that's why rapport game is harder to convey.


Don Juan
Oct 30, 2003
Reaction score
the there, there...

I've got to read this whole post again before I reply in much detail. But let me just say this:

You're crafting a persona, and you're getting very good at it. That's all well and good. But keep in mind that this is only a persona--a small portion of who you are. It's chameleon like . It's like MRSEXFORYOUNYC. It is a game.

Don't forget that appearance is only appearance. It's substance that matters in the long haul. I've known several managers who we've hired who are very good at this projection of an image, but we figure them out quite readily--within a month or two we've got them pegged for who they really are. Substance in the long haul is what really matters--so don't put all your emphasis on how you appear (quick lays and other unimportant people notwith standing)

Don't sacrifice your integrity especially with people who could be valuable for the long term quality of your life. Develope your persona but develope yourself too. Become a real person too.
Don't make appearance everything.

Excellant post though. It's as good as Senior Fingers and belongs in the bible.


here's one example (but not all )of the chameleon like persona you showed her:

You bull****t her about your new age metaphysical change. She '"liked the openness and honesty." Pure crap and you know it.

You should ask yourself: if she read this whole post would she percieve you as being completely forthright and candid about yourself? I think not.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 12, 2004
Reaction score
Midwest USA
Thanks for hitting me back! I sense you're getting the vibe that somehow I was telling her stuff I don't believe. Did you get that vibe because I'm on here talking about it all so objectively as tools I use for success? Or are you getting that vibe from something else?

The double edged sword of being a logical fvcker is that we can detach ourselves from a situation in order to analyze and clearly describe it. However, being detached like that isn't good while interacting with people. So don't be put off by my analysis on here. Like I said in my last paragraph, I truly believe the astrology/self-improvement stuff. I think seduction is ALL about knowing oneself and defeating fear. And I think part of my problem with being so logical is because I'm a capricorn. Logic is my natural power. I'm digging this recent experience because I've had sucess actually conveying my beliefs and feelings about myself in a way that 1) isn't all boring logical and 2) leads the interaction. It's about learning to communicate powerfully.