Love at first sight?


New Member
Jun 12, 2008
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Hi I am new to this forums, but been a long time reader...I just finally decided to join today to ask questions haha


I am not sure, but it seems like I fell in love with a girl I don't even know...I don't know...I am just really attracted to her. She is not like the other girls I see in college (skirts, booty shorts, dresses, etc). She dresses different and she has really nice eyes. The weird thing is that I started to notice a week or so ago that I think I like her...

it is weird because when I first saw her she caught my attention. The only time I see her is when I walk to class from my apartment to the trolley. I would see her only sometimes and it is very random too...I see her when I least expect it. For example, I was talking to my friends about her how she was really pretty, and suddenly she passes me by.

I was like woahh and it happened again couple days later. At that point I started to feel more attracted to her. Just couple of days ago I was just thinkin of her and I sat down to wait for the trolley and she magically walks by again...I was shocked again...Now, today my friend and I wanted to go eat close by and he wanted to take a different route, but I said no lets take the usual...guess what? I saw her from a far..but this time I glanced at her and she put her head down the whole entire time she was walkin towards me (shy?)...coincidence ehh?

I really want to get to know her. The thing is that school is technically over and I have until Friday (thats if she didn't go home already) to do something...It is just weird stoppin her when is walking cuz that seems creepy..I want to know how to approach her.

so guys & girls...can you help me out? tips...


btw she lives in the same apt complex. same school. same walkway.


sorry for long post...just wanted to get it out of my chest...


Don Juan
Feb 19, 2005
Reaction score
Well, go and talk to her. Then you will know if there is anything going on on her side. I would steer clear from telling her you are in love with her without ever actually meeting her though lol.

I'm Charming

Don Juan
Apr 24, 2008
Reaction score
Love at first sight? Rubbish, sounds like a spontaneous onset of oneitis.

You say that approaching her whilst she is walking would be creepy? Thats a bit of an excuse, I'd say staring from afar is bound to be much more sinister/creepy than approaching her.


Don Juan
Jun 7, 2008
Reaction score
baware of oneitis, its one hell of a cruel thing. Remember: she does not know you, you are a stranger to her. Dont be sad if she tells u to f*** off.

but go for it before she occupies ur mind for 100%


Master Don Juan
Apr 1, 2008
Reaction score
Don't mistake your infatuation and neediness for a beautiful woman as love. Don't let the nonsensical bullsh!t called "falling in love" fool you. What you are feeling are just a self delusion and self hypnosis causing you to believe you love this woman. Love takes time.

For all you know this woman could be covered in warts underneath those clothes. She may have a personality disorder. How could you possibly fall for a woman you don't know, and even better, why would you want to?

Don't fool yourself or become blinded by this mindset. It's a foolish man's mantra, and full of failure.

The Bat

Master Don Juan
Dec 12, 2007
Reaction score
Just go and talk to her. The longer you spend fantasizing about her, the more un-real and "out of reach" she will seem to you. You'll be putting her on a pedestal (if you haven't already).

Plus, if she likes you too, then you're just killing your chances by not talking to her soon. You got to make a move. She will not make a move on you. You are a man. Lead, damn it. Go and talk to her.

Don't worry about what you're going to say. Just say hello and introduce yourself.

And yeah, there is no such thing as love at first sight. It's called "Lust at first sight". That magical moment when you can picture yourself just banging her silly against that headboard.