Losing weight in late 30s is hard


Master Don Juan
Sep 3, 2020
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My wife does keto 5/7 a week...., basically meat, vegetable and a brick of butter a day, its disgusting.

Empires were built on carbs..... and do you know how gladiators were fed?

"The bones revealed that the typical food eaten by gladiators was wheat, barley and beans - and this echoed the contemporary term for gladiators as the "barley men". There was little sign of meat or dairy products in the diet of almost all of these professional fighters, who performed in front of Roman audiences."


Don Juan
Feb 1, 2023
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My wife does keto 5/7 a week...., basically meat, vegetable and a brick of butter a day, its disgusting.

Empires were built on carbs..... and do you know how gladiators were fed?

"The bones revealed that the typical food eaten by gladiators was wheat, barley and beans - and this echoed the contemporary term for gladiators as the "barley men". There was little sign of meat or dairy products in the diet of almost all of these professional fighters, who performed in front of Roman audiences."
the quote there about gladiator diets is cherry picked. Not by you but by vegan activists. Barley eaters ( hordearii) is a term tossed about with great gusto.

This stems from studies done from bones at Ephesus in what is now modern day Turkey. The issue with those studies is the way the data was interpreted. Those Gladiators ate plenty of meat. They did no doubt consume massive quantities of Barley and legumes too.

studies from other sites such as Thebes show high oily fish consumption.

Nitrogen levels were the basis for the low or no meat idea and it’s a very flawed one. It does however serve it’s purpose as a propaganda tool.

gladiators would have eaten a varied diet that included whatever meat was locally available.

I can dig out the comprehensive list of studies later at home if it helps clarify.


Master Don Juan
Oct 18, 2015
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Either way, carbs are not the enemy. Keto is popular because it is difficult in the west to tell people to stop eating so much damn sugar and refined carbohydrates. Easier to just tell folks not to eat any carbs. Better adherence…

I try to keep only whole grains in my house. My wife still manages to sneak refined carbs in. It is a constant battle.


Sep 10, 2014
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In general, following this template will help you shed pounds relatively quickly:

Diet(HC is high carb, MC medium, LC low)

Example paired with workout:

Combines carb cycling with fasting. High Carb days are used to reset Leptin(your body's fat burning thermometer) and boost thyroid with fast days that follow to optimally burn fat when your body is primed to do it most efficiently.

Both fast days are off or cardio days and 1 of the LC days is as well.

High carb days are 50-60% carbs, 30-40% protein, 10% fat

Medium carb days are 40% carbs, 40% protein, 20% fat

Low carb days are 15% carbs, 50% protein, 35% fat
In my mid 40s and have used this template over the last slightly under 2 months to drop 20lbs officially as of today.

Definitely way slower than it used to be tho...I used to drop 5-6 lbs a week doing this like clockwork for the first 4 weeks, now about half that. Going to experiment to see how I can revise this to speed it back up for old fogies like myself hahaha.

Diet hasn't been perfectly aligned to that, but about 90% good(I track all foods in MyFitnessPal for the day) and at one point I was stuck for about 3 weeks within a 3 lbs range...figured out I needed to up my calories by about 300-500 a day and then started losing weight again. This is a big thing too...if your weight is stuck and you are doing everything right, your body may simply need you to eat more before it feels safe dropping more weight...you gotta convince it there is ample food around and it won't starve. Likely your leptin levels have dropped too low.
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