@ looks do matter on men


Master Don Juan
Apr 23, 2005
Reaction score
Oklahoma where the wind comes sweeping down the pl
This again?


Seriously? Look at all of the butthurt here over what? Buncha goddamn slackjawed faggots here.

Look if you are ****ing ugly do something about it, you can do something about this. Looks are not as big of a deal to women as they are to men, plain and simple.

Here's a checklist for you, this will help you get women guaranteed, I am 100% confident that if you follow this guide you WILL get more women's attention.

Are you clean?

Do you smell good?

Did you brush your teeth?

Have you styled your hair? (you can even half ass this, but why would you?)

Clothes Clean?

Are said clothes stylish?

Do you have style? Get some if you do not.

I'm kinda ****ing hot, but I have not always been. Used to be a 400 pound guy tromping around in nasty clothes I had not washed in a week. I was gross and lacked confidence because I was ****ing gross. A vicious circle.

So you know what I did? I started boxing again and lost 120 pounds in a year. Then I started taking care of myself, then I gained some confidence so I started paying some attention to fashion. Then I went to Goodwill and bought all of the old man 70's patterened jackets and a couple scarves, went and got a couple nice watches and some ****in diesel colonge. Put all that **** together and viola attention from women with minimal effort. Because I put the effort in prior to going out.

I get dressed to go to the grocery store, even if I am running out to get one thing can come back to my dungeon.

It shows intent. Intent makes you exude confidence and masculine energy. If you live with intent it is easier to get in state, if you are in state you are more likely to pull. I am usually not one to spout pua garbage but I think Tyler is spot on about this.

NOT A SINGLE SOUL looks as good as me when I leave the house in my town. I am more well dressed than everyone I encounter in my town. This leaves an impression with those who see you, even those you do not notice noticing you. Which impression would you rather leave? Look at this ugly mother, or who is that well dressed man?

It's up to you, find what works for you and run with it. Even if you are ugly you can still be ugly hot.....


Stop being *****es and figure it out. If you are an ugly bucktooh Indian ****er, short hairy leprechaun, fat greasy white *******, or any other ugly ass stereotype you can muster... stop *****ing and fix it.

But the kicker is here, all of this has nothing to do with trying to get a woman, I do it because I like to look good, the attention is simply a side effect of being awesome. Once you figure this out you will be golden.
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Senior Don Juan
Mar 27, 2011
Reaction score
Los Angeles CA
From now please and I mean PLEASE DO NOT FEED THE TROLL

What I mean by this is, the dude that has been starting these threads is purposely trying to troll. By not feeding him, simply dont reply to the thread.


Master Don Juan
Sep 8, 2009
Reaction score
amen to this guy, I had to rep him. Looks can't be helped, but appearances CAN. girls appreciate guys that take time to appear nice and have good style. i recently bought a armani cologne. it's external thing yes, but still helps to know that you smell fine and don't have nothing to worry about smelling bad.


Master Don Juan
Apr 23, 2005
Reaction score
Oklahoma where the wind comes sweeping down the pl
Quite frankly I could care less if it is a troll or not, there are still lots of fellows here clearly in debate of this. I feel that this discussion needs to be over, ok so you made a fake profile and saw that an attractive man can get numbers on the internet. Big floppin deal. If you are a punk it does not matter how you look, you are still a ****ing punk. If you have some game it does not matter how you look because you have other values.

If you are an ugly punk then change it. I wash my hands of this trite discussion and hopefully the rest of SS can until the world ends.

And damn saturnalia just saw your posts at puahate, you gotta get a new hobby.