Looking Back At Things...


Don Juan
Aug 9, 2006
Reaction score
First thing first, I joined this site about a year and a half ago, which was about the time i decided to do a complete "life makeover." Just looking back at some of my first posts on this site, I can see how much of a different person I truly was, and in retrospect, how much of an AFC I was, and what could have been done to change things quicker. I figured since the guys on this forum were so nice to me back then, that I could do the same and hopefully help out someone on the board and change their life. Anyways, here they go.

1) Experience things. Good, bad, whatever. You NEED to experience life. I used to do nothing on weekends, met no one, which is why I didn't "get any." And not just for getting girls, but experiencing things are crucial for growing up and maturing. You can read and read and read all you want, but when it comes down to things, you NEED to LIVE life.... Your experiences will shape you as a person, and will give you plentyyyyy of stories to tell later on in life.

2) Don't over-analyze everything. This was probably my biggest problem. "How should i go in for a kiss?", "When should I end it ?" GEEZ was I bad haha. Not to brag, but being fairly intelligent, it was my natural tendency to analyze everything that I did, or that happened to me. "If this girl looked in my direction and giggled, it MUST have been because she saw the huge zit on my face." "But what if they laugh at me?" In retrospect, PEOPLE DON'T CARE AS MUCH AS YOU THINK THEY DO. Honestly. People are too concerned with their own lives to pester you about yours forever. I've done some REALLY embarrassing things in this past year and a half... and you know what ? No one even remembers, and if they do, its in a playful way, no biggie. So next time you find yourself weighing the "pros and cons" of a situation, tell the little voice in your head to shut up, and just DO IT.

3) You need to believe in yourself completely. I can't say it any simpler that this. If your don't like yourself, no one will. All the posts and people are right, it all DOES begin with "inner game." You can't build a house without a foundation. I suggest going home, and making a list of all the things your good at, all the people you've helped / that like you, and all of the reasons you have to better your life. Don't just "act" confident... BE confident. I now KNOW that I'm a prize... and if a girl disses me, well it's her loss. You can set moral standards for yourself(ex: no drunk girls / girls with boyfriends & if a girl insults you, NEXT her). That will help boost your inner confidence tremendously.

4) Focus on your life, and the women will come. Do well in school, start working out, get a few GOOD reliable friends. Once you have your life settled down, and you have something to fall back onto, you will naturally be less "desperate" and "clingy", and will subconsciously attract women without even knowing it !

5) High school is not real life. The people you deal with there... the crap people give you... its only temporary.. and college is sooo much better. Its really unbelievable how much less stress and tension there is in college than in high school.

And I think that about sums up my rant :D
1) Live life
2) Don't overthink
3) Believe in yourself
4) Straighten up your life
5) High school isn't the real world ;]

As simple as it all sounds.... looking back, if someone would have told me these things earlier, it would helped. Hopefully someone will benefit from this, good luck :rock:
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Senior Don Juan
Jul 26, 2007
Reaction score
Thanks for that! I'll make a list of all my good qualities which is a good tip!


Don Juan
Aug 9, 2006
Reaction score
No problem man, just hopin to help someoneee out.

don piccolo

Don Juan
Jun 29, 2007
Reaction score

hey man

nice advice,

i particularly agree with the bit about not over-analyzing -- by so-doing, you just get in your own way -- you just gotta keep goin' and not look back (cliches I know, but true).
