Long distance: All you can do is talk on phone?


Senior Don Juan
Dec 26, 2003
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Anyone here ever been in a long distance relationship wehre the only time u got to see her was on the weekends... and in between that time all u could do is talk on the phone? What did you do to keep things entertaining so that it didnt get all dull... i feel as though we talk about the same **** all the time on the phone, about how we want to see each other, what we want to do, what we did during the day, etc etc. Anyway to keep her interested using stuff from the DJ bible in this kind of situation? I already make sure not to be so accesible and make her talk to me on my times.. which normally is like 2am and she has to wake up from her sleep lol. She says though she doesnt mind waking up at any time from her sleep as long as she gets to talk to me.


Don Juan
Apr 20, 2004
Reaction score
i had a long distance relationship too where that was ALL we could do was talk on the phone because we only got to see each other once every month or so. I think I saw her 4 or 5 times total in 6 months, because of a 700 mile gap.

Anyway, we tried phone sex once. As weird/uninteresting/screwed up as it might sound, she liked it a lot. I didn't whack off or anything, but she went all the way with it. It was kind of an exciting experience.

I sent her flowers once, talked to her over the internet. Emailed her at random times just to say I love her and miss her and what not. They eat that stuff up. Sent love letters. You can get a lot more personal with a girl through letters/emails than talking on the phone because you get time to think about what you're going to say.

Some suggestions for ya...



Don Juan
Apr 5, 2003
Reaction score
Brisbane Australia
I can help i'm in a similar situation

Ok I'm currently in a similar situation except i see her 2 times a week max <------ I'm busy and so is she. This is an opportunity to drive her interest level sky high because u are forced to see her so infrequently.

Tip 1
Control yourself man
This is probably the hardest thing to do because you are forced to only see her once a week rather than choosing to do so. you have no choice in the matter meaning the same thing is happening to you as we all do to girls at the beginning. I have found it difficult to control my AFCness (wanting to skip things just to see her, high priority things) this is especially hard if you skip a week or something like that.

Tip 2
Long and frequent phone conversations are for girl friends
You will probably find this harder than me because you seem to have already developed a trend of talking a long time on the phone
i feel as though we talk about the same **** all the time on the phone
This is evidence of that. Talk for 20 mins max fluff 2 times a week

Now if your girl gets cranky because your not talking as long, state that you would rather hear about her life to her face (throw in some C+F here)......... u want her to be bursting with things to tell you when you do see her....... while she is thinking about these things she is thinking about you ;) <--- this is a good thing. This also filters un important cra p well some anyway :rolleyes:

Tip 3
Be unpredictable on the weekends
Now the weekend has arrived you want her giddy with anticipation :D
Your dates must vary from climbing up a mountain to hanging out doing nothing. I always send a message stating what type of attire is suitable, but over time she should be message/ringing you wondering what is happening. If you can hold out try and give hints to what the date is going to be through the brief conversations on the phone during the week.

Tip 4
Do "Sh it" with your mates on weekends as well
You have a life and that includes doing stuff with your mates on the weekend; some things she is welcome to attend... if she wants ie. house warming party and others not welcome ie. beer drinking fishing trips/strip bars

Having said all this, it is difficult to progress in the relationship because there is a barrier to you taking it to the next level without some sort of sacrifices

Oh and I almost forgot

Have fun
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Master Don Juan
Apr 15, 2003
Reaction score
A universe...where heartbreak and sadness have bee
What's "normal" to be calling a girl?

I was on-and-off with this girl who lives like an hour away from me...she mentioned a few times that I never call her, but it's because I talk to her on AIM a lot and I'm not one to call if I don't have anything specific to say. I figure if I want to call just to talk, we should try to see each other in person. Phone is weak.

I can't see calling a girl "just to talk." I have no land-line, just a cellphone.